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Current File : /home/webtaragh/public_html/whmcs/vendor/container-interop/../brick/../../../whmcs/lang/danish.php
 * WHMCS Language File
 * Danish (da)
 * Please Note: These language files are overwritten during software updates
 * and therefore editing of these files directly is not advised. Instead we
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 * For instructions on overrides, please visit:
 * @package    WHMCS
 * @author     WHMCS Limited <>
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) WHMCS Limited 2005-2018
 * @license WHMCS Eula
 * @version    $Id$
 * @link

if (!defined("WHMCS")) die("This file cannot be accessed directly");

$_LANG['locale'] = "da_DK";

$_LANG['accountinfo'] = "Konto information";
$_LANG['accountstats'] = "Konto statistik";
$_LANG['addfunds'] = "Tank op";
$_LANG['addfundsamount'] = "Beløb til optankning";
$_LANG['addfundsmaximum'] = "Maximum optankning";
$_LANG['addfundsmaximumbalance'] = "Maximum balance";
$_LANG['addfundsmaximumbalanceerror'] = "Maximum balance er";
$_LANG['addfundsmaximumerror'] = "Maximum beløb til optankning er";
$_LANG['addfundsminimum'] = "Minimum optankning";
$_LANG['addfundsminimumerror'] = "Minimum beløb til optankning er";
$_LANG['addmore'] = "Tilføj mere";
$_LANG['addtocart'] = "Tilføj til bestillingskurv";
$_LANG['affiliatesactivate'] = "Aktiver partner konto";
$_LANG['affiliatesamount'] = "Beløb";
$_LANG['affiliatesbalance'] = "Nuværende balance";
$_LANG['affiliatesbullet1'] = "Modtage en bonus på din partner konto på";
$_LANG['affiliatesbullet2'] = "for alle bestillinger kunde foretager, som er henvist af dig";
$_LANG['affiliatescommission'] = "Provision";
$_LANG['affiliatesdescription'] = "Klik her for at blive partner eller se dine indtjeninger";
$_LANG['affiliatesdisabled'] = "Vi tilbyder i øjeblikket ikke et partner system til vores kunder.";
$_LANG['affiliatesearn'] = "Tjen";
$_LANG['affiliatesearningstodate'] = "Total indtjening til dato";
$_LANG['affiliatesfootertext'] = "Når du henviser nogen til vores hjemmeside med dit unikke henvisnings ID, vil en cookie blive gemt med dit ID, så hvis de bestiller senere vil du stadig modtage din henvisningsprovision.";
$_LANG['affiliateshostingpackage'] = "Hosting pakke";
$_LANG['affiliatesintrotext'] = "Aktiver din partner konto idag for at:";
$_LANG['affiliateslinktous'] = "Link til os";
$_LANG['affiliatesnosignups'] = "Du har ikke henvist til nogle bestillinger";
$_LANG['affiliatesrealtime'] = "Disse statistikker er i real time og altid opdateret";
$_LANG['affiliatesreferallink'] = "Dit unikke henvisningslink";
$_LANG['affiliatesreferals'] = "Dine henvisninger";
$_LANG['affiliatesregdate'] = "Registreringsdato";
$_LANG['affiliatesrequestwithdrawal'] = "Bed om udbetaling";
$_LANG['affiliatessignupdate'] = "Bestillingsdato";
$_LANG['affiliatesstatus'] = "Status";
$_LANG['affiliatestitle'] = "Partnere";
$_LANG['affiliatesvisitorsreferred'] = "Antal henviste besøgende";
$_LANG['affiliateswithdrawalrequestsuccessful'] = "Din forespørgsel om udbetaling er blevet sendt. Du vil blive kontaktet snarest muligt.";
$_LANG['affiliatesWithdrawalRequestUnsuccessful'] = "Your request for a withdrawal was not successful. Please try again later.";
$_LANG['affiliateswithdrawn'] = "Total beløb";
$_LANG['all'] = "Alle";
$_LANG['alreadyregistered'] = "Allerede registreret?";
$_LANG['announcementsdescription'] = "Se nyheder og annonceringer";
$_LANG['announcementsnone'] = "Ingen annonceringer";
$_LANG['announcementsrss'] = "Vis RSS Feed";
$_LANG['announcementstitle'] = "Annonceringer";
$_LANG['announcementscontinue'] = "Continue reading";
$_LANG['bannedbanexpires'] = "Spærring ophører";
$_LANG['bannedbanreason'] = "Grund til spærring:";
$_LANG['bannedhasbeenbanned'] = "er spærret for tilgang til denne side";
$_LANG['bannedtitle'] = "IP spærret";
$_LANG['bannedyourip'] = "Din IP";
$_LANG['cartaddons'] = "Tilføjelser";
$_LANG['cartbrowse'] = "Gennemse produkter &amp; services";
$_LANG['cartconfigdomainextras'] = "Konfigurer domæne tilføjelser";
$_LANG['cartconfigoptionsdesc'] = "Dette produkt/service har nogle muligheder, som du kan vælge imellem.";
$_LANG['cartconfigserver'] = "Konfigurer server";
$_LANG['cartcustomfieldsdesc'] = "Dette produkt/service kræver ekstra information.";
$_LANG['cartdomainsconfig'] = "Domæne konfiguration";
$_LANG['cartdomainsconfigdesc'] = "Nedenfor kan du konfigurere domæner i din bestillingskurv.";
$_LANG['cartdomainshashosting'] = "Har hosting";
$_LANG['cartdomainsnohosting'] = "Ingen hosting! Klik her for at tilføje hosting";
$_LANG['carteditproductconfig'] = "Rediger tilpasning";
$_LANG['cartempty'] = "Din kurv er tom";
$_LANG['cartemptyconfirm'] = "Er du sikker på, at du vil tømme din bestillingskurv?";
$_LANG['cartexistingclientlogin'] = "Eksisterende kunde login";
$_LANG['cartexistingclientlogindesc'] = "For at tilføje denne bestilling til din eksisterende konto, skal du logge ind nedenfor.";
$_LANG['cartnameserversdesc'] = "Hvis du ønsker at tilføje brugerdefinerede navneserverer, skal du indtaste dem nedenfor. Som standard vil domæner benytte vores navneservere.";
$_LANG['cartproductaddons'] = "Produkt tilføjelser";
$_LANG['cartproductaddonschoosepackage'] = "Vælg pakke";
$_LANG['cartproductaddonsnone'] = "Ingen tilføjelser tilgængelige for dine produkter &amp; services";
$_LANG['cartproductconfig'] = "Produkt konfiguration";
$_LANG['cartproductdesc'] = "Dette produkt/service har følgende mulighed for tilpasning.";
$_LANG['cartproductdomain'] = "Domæner";
$_LANG['cartproductdomainchoose'] = "Vælg domæne";
$_LANG['cartproductdomaindesc'] = "Dette produkt/service kræver et domæne. Indtast domæne nedenfor.";
$_LANG['cartproductdomainuseincart'] = "Brug et domæne, som allerede er i din bestillingskurv";
$_LANG['cartremove'] = "Slet";
$_LANG['cartremoveitemconfirm'] = "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette produkt fra din bestillingskurv?";
$_LANG['carttaxupdateselections'] = "Moms vil blive opkrævet afhængigt af det land du bor i. Klik her for at genberegne moms";
$_LANG['carttaxupdateselectionsupdate'] = "Opdater";
$_LANG['carttitle'] = "Bestillingskurv";
$_LANG['changessavedsuccessfully'] = "Ændringer gemt!";
$_LANG['checkavailability'] = "Tjek om domæne er ledigt";
$_LANG['checkout'] = "Betaling";
$_LANG['choosecurrency'] = "Vælg valuta";
$_LANG['choosedomains'] = "Vælg domæne";
$_LANG['clickheretologin'] = "Klik her for at logge ind";
$_LANG['clientareaaccountaddons'] = "Konto tilføjelser";
$_LANG['clientareaactive'] = "Aktive";
$_LANG['clientareaaddfundsdisabled'] = "Vi tillader ikke at indsætte penge på forhånd på nuværende tidspunkt.";
$_LANG['clientareaaddfundsnotallowed'] = "Du skal have mindst en aktiv ordre for at kunne tanke penge på din konto. Du kan ikke fortsætte på nuværende tidspunkt.";
$_LANG['clientareaaddon'] = "Tilføjelse";
$_LANG['clientareaaddonorderconfirmation'] = "Tak for din ordre. Vi har modtaget en bestilling på nedenstående, vælg venligst betalingsmetoden nedenfor.";
$_LANG['clientareaaddonpricing'] = "Pris";
$_LANG['clientareaaddonsfor'] = "Tilføjelse for";
$_LANG['clientareaaddress1'] = "Adresse 1";
$_LANG['clientareaaddress2'] = "Adresse 2";
$_LANG['clientareabwlimit'] = "Trafik til rådighed";
$_LANG['clientareabwusage'] = "Trafik forbrug";
$_LANG['clientareacancel'] = "Fortryd ændringer";
$_LANG['clientareacancelconfirmation'] = "Vi har modtaget dit ønske om opsigelse. Hvis det er en fejl skal du kontakte supporten.";
$_LANG['clientareacancelinvalid'] = "Dette produkt er enten opsagt eller afventer godkendelse af opsigelse.";
$_LANG['clientareacancellationendofbillingperiod'] = "Ved udløbsperioden";
$_LANG['clientareacancellationimmediate'] = "Øjeblikkeligt";
$_LANG['clientareacancellationtype'] = "Opsigelses type";
$_LANG['clientareacancelled'] = "Opsagt";
$_LANG['clientareacancelproduct'] = "Jeg ønsker at opsige";
$_LANG['clientareacancelreason'] = "Jeg ønsker at opsige fordi";
$_LANG['clientareacancelrequest'] = "Opsigelse";
$_LANG['clientareacancelrequestbutton'] = "Opsigelse";
$_LANG['clientareachangepassword'] = "Skift din adgangskode";
$_LANG['clientareachangesuccessful'] = "Dine kundeinformationer blev ændret";
$_LANG['clientareachoosecontact'] = "Vælg kontakt";
$_LANG['clientareacity'] = "By";
$_LANG['clientareacompanyname'] = "Firma";
$_LANG['clientareaconfirmpassword'] = "Bekræft adgangskode";
$_LANG['clientareacontactsemails'] = "E-mail Præferencer";
$_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsdomain'] = "Domæne e-mails - Fornyelses påmindelser, registrerings bekræftelser osv.";
$_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsgeneral'] = "Generelle e-mails - Generel annoncering & adgangskode reminders";
$_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsinvoice'] = "Faktura e-mails - Faktura & rykkerskrivelser";
$_LANG['clientareacontactsemailsproduct'] = "Produkt e-mails - Ordre detaljer, Velkomst e-mail osv.";
$_LANG['clientareacontactsemailssupport'] = "Support Emails - Receive a copy of all support ticket communications created by the parent account holder";
$_LANG['clientareacountry'] = "Land";
$_LANG['clientareacurrentsecurityanswer'] = "Indtast venligst dit sikkerhedssvar";
$_LANG['clientareacurrentsecurityquestion'] = "Vælg venligst dit sikkerhedsspørgsmål";
$_LANG['clientareadeletecontact'] = "Slet kontakt";
$_LANG['clientareadeletecontactareyousure'] = "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne kontakt?";
$_LANG['clientareadescription'] = "klik her for at redigere dine informationer, se faktura og bestille ekstra produkter og services";
$_LANG['clientareadisklimit'] = "Diskplads til rådighed";
$_LANG['clientareadiskusage'] = "Diskplads forbrug";
$_LANG['clientareadomainexpirydate'] = "Udløbsdato";
$_LANG['clientareadomainnone'] = "Du har ingen registrerede domæner hos os";
$_LANG['clientareaemail'] = "E-mail adresse";
$_LANG['clientareaemails'] = "Mine e-mails";
$_LANG['clientareaemailsdate'] = "Sendt den";
$_LANG['clientareaemailsintrotext'] = "Nedenfor er en historik af alle beskeder vi har sendt til dig. Dette giver dig adgang til altid at se hvad vi har skrevet til dig.";
$_LANG['clientareaemailssubject'] = "Besked emne";
$_LANG['clientareaerroraddress1'] = "Du indtastede ikke din adresse (linie 1)";
$_LANG['clientareaerroraddress12'] = "Din adresse kan kun indeholde bogstaver, tal og mellemrum";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorbannedemail'] = "Vi tillader ikke brugere med den e-mail udbyder du indtastede. Prøv venligst en anden e-mail adresse.";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorcity'] = "Du indtastede ikke din by";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorcity2'] = "Din by kan kun indeholde bogstaver, tal og mellemrum";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorcountry'] = "vælg venligst land fra drop down menuen";
$_LANG['clientareaerroremail'] = "Du indtastede ikke din e-mail adresse";
$_LANG['clientareaerroremailinvalid'] = "Den indtastede e-mail adresse er ikke gyldig";
$_LANG['clientareaerroremailexists'] = "The email address entered is not available for use.";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorusernotassoc'] = "The email address entered is not available for use.";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorfirstname'] = "Du indtastede ikke dit fornavn";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorfirstname2'] = "Dit fornavn kan kun indeholde bogstaver";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorisrequired'] = "er påkrævet";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorlastname'] = "Du indtastede ikke dit efternavn";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorlastname2'] = "Dit efternavn kan kun indeholde bogstaver";
$_LANG['clientareaerroroccured'] = "En fejl er opstået, prøv venligst igen senere.";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorpasswordconfirm'] = "Du bekræftede ikke din adgangskode";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorpasswordnotmatch'] = "De indtastede adgngskoder er ikke ens";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorphonenumber'] = "Du indtastede ikke dit telefonnummer";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorphonenumber2'] = "Dit telefonnummer er ikke gyldigt";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorpostcode'] = "Du indtastede ikke dit postnummer";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorpostcode2'] = "Dit postnummer kan kun indeholde tal";
$_LANG['clientareaerrors'] = "Følgende fejl er sket:";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorstate'] = "Du indtastede ikke din region";
$_LANG['clientareaerrorlanguage'] = "A valid language was not provided";
$_LANG['clientareaexpired'] = "Udløbet";
$_LANG['clientareafirstname'] = "Fornavn";
$_LANG['clientareafraud'] = "Svindel";
$_LANG['clientareafullname'] = "Kunde";
$_LANG['clientareaheader'] = "Velkommen til vores kundeside. Kundesiden giver dig adgang til at se &amp; redigere dine kunde-informationer. Du kan se dine hosting pakker og domæner, oprette support sager og bestille ekstra produkter &amp; services.";
$_LANG['clientareahostingaddons'] = "Tilføjelser";
$_LANG['clientareahostingaddonsintro'] = "Du har de følgende tilføjelser til dette produkt.";
$_LANG['clientareahostingaddonsview'] = "Vis";
$_LANG['clientareahostingamount'] = "Beløb";
$_LANG['clientareahostingdomain'] = "Domæne";
$_LANG['clientareahostingnextduedate'] = "Næste faktureringsdato";
$_LANG['clientareahostingpackage'] = "Pakke";
$_LANG['clientareahostingregdate'] = "Registrerings Dato";
$_LANG['clientarealastname'] = "Efternavn";
$_LANG['clientarealastupdated'] = "sidst opdateret";
$_LANG['clientarealeaveblank'] = "Efterlad blank, hvis du ikke vil ændre din adgangskode.";
$_LANG['clientareamodifydomaincontactinfo'] = "Rediger domæne kontakt information";
$_LANG['clientareamodifynameservers'] = "Regider navneservere";
$_LANG['clientareamodifywhoisinfo'] = "Rediger WHOIS kontakt information";
$_LANG['clientareanameserver'] = "Navneserver";
$_LANG['clientareanavaddcontact'] = "Tilføj ny kontakt";
$_LANG['clientareanavchangecc'] = "Skift kreditkort detaljer";
$_LANG['clientareanavchangepw'] = "Skift adgangskode";
$_LANG['clientareanavdetails'] = "Mine informationer";
$_LANG['clientareanavdomains'] = "Mine domæner";
$_LANG['clientareanavhome'] = "Kundeside";
$_LANG['clientareanavlogout'] = "Log ud";
$_LANG['clientareanavorder'] = "Bestil ekstra produkter";
$_LANG['clientareanavsecurityquestions'] = "Skift sikkerhedsspørgsmål";
$_LANG['clientareanavservices'] = "Mine services";
$_LANG['clientareanavsupporttickets'] = "Mine support sager";
$_LANG['clientareanocontacts'] = "Ingen kontakter fundet";
$_LANG['clientareapassword'] = "Adgangskode";
$_LANG['clientareapending'] = "Afventende";
$_LANG['clientareapendingregistration'] = "Pending Registration";
$_LANG['clientareapendingtransfer'] = "Afventer overførsel";
$_LANG['clientareaphonenumber'] = "Telefonnummer";
$_LANG['clientareapostcode'] = "Postnummer";
$_LANG['clientareaproductdetails'] = "Produkt detaljer";
$_LANG['clientareaproducts'] = "Mine produkter &amp; services";
$_LANG['clientareaproductsnone'] = "Ingen produkter/services bestilt";
$_LANG['clientarearegistrationperiod'] = "Registreringsperiode";
$_LANG['clientareasavechanges'] = "Gem ændringer";
$_LANG['clientareasecurityanswer'] = "Indtast venligst et svar";
$_LANG['clientareasecurityconfanswer'] = "Bekræft venligst dit svar";
$_LANG['clientareasecurityquestion'] = "Vælg venligst et sikkerhedsspørgsmål";
$_LANG['clientareaselectcountry'] = "Vælg land";
$_LANG['clientareasetlocking'] = "Lås domæner";
$_LANG['clientareastate'] = "Region";
$_LANG['clientareastatus'] = "Status";
$_LANG['clientareasuspended'] = "Suspenderet";
$_LANG['clientareaterminated'] = "Opsagt";
$_LANG['clientareaticktoenable'] = "Klik for at aktivere";
$_LANG['clientareatitle'] = "Kundeside";
$_LANG['clientareaunlimited'] = "Ubegrænset";
$_LANG['clientareaupdatebutton'] = "Opdater";
$_LANG['clientareaupdateyourdetails'] = "Opdater dine informationer";
$_LANG['clientareaused'] = "Brugt";
$_LANG['clientareaviewaddons'] = "Vis tilgængelige tilføjelser";
$_LANG['clientareaviewdetails'] = "Vis detaljer";
$_LANG['clientarealanguage'] = "Language";
$_LANG['clientlogin'] = "Kunde login";
$_LANG['clientregisterheadertext'] = "Udfyld venligst felterne nedenfor for at oprette en konto. Felter markeret med * er påkrævet.";
$_LANG['clientregistertitle'] = "Registrer";
$_LANG['clientregisterverify'] = "Verificer registrering";
$_LANG['clientregisterverifydescription'] = "Indtast venligst teksten du ser i billedet nedefor i boksen. Dette er påkrævet for at undgå spam.";
$_LANG['clientregisterverifyinvalid'] = "Verificeringskoden du indtastede er ikke korrekt";
$_LANG['closewindow'] = "Luk vindue";
$_LANG['completeorder'] = "Gennemfør bestilling";
$_LANG['confirmnewpassword'] = "Bekræft ny adgangskode";
$_LANG['contactemail'] = "E-mail";
$_LANG['contacterrormessage'] = "Du indtastede ikke en besked";
$_LANG['contacterrorname'] = "Du indtastede ikke dit navn";
$_LANG['contacterrorsubject'] = "Du indtastede ikke et emne";
$_LANG['contactheader'] = "Hvis du har spørgsmål før du bestiller eller ønsker at kontakte os, kan du benytte formularen nedenfor.";
$_LANG['contactmessage'] = "Besked";
$_LANG['contactname'] = "Navn";
$_LANG['contactsend'] = "Send besked";
$_LANG['contactUs'] = "Contact Us";
$_LANG['contactsent'] = "Din besked er sendt";
$_LANG['contactsubject'] = "Emne";
$_LANG['contacttitle'] = "Kontakt os";
$_LANG['continueshopping'] = "Fortsæt med indkøb";
$_LANG['creditcard'] = "Betal med kreditkort";
$_LANG['creditcard3dsecure'] = "Som del af vores anti-svindel foranstaltninger, vil du nu blive bedt om at udføre Verified by Visa eller Mastercard SecureCode, hvis dit kreditkort har denne service aktiveret.";
$_LANG['creditcardcardexpires'] = "Udløbsdato";
$_LANG['creditcardcardissuenum'] = "Issue nummer";
$_LANG['creditcardcardnumber'] = "Kortnummer";
$_LANG['creditcardcardstart'] = "Start dato";
$_LANG['creditcardcardtype'] = "Kort type";
$_LANG['creditcardccvinvalid'] = "Kort koden du indtastede er ikke gyldig";
$_LANG['creditcardconfirmation'] = "De indtastede kort detaljer blev accepteret og den første betaling er foretaget. Der er sendt en bekræftelse på e-mail.";
$_LANG['creditcardcvvnumber'] = "CVV/CVC2 nummer";
$_LANG['creditcardcvvnumbershort'] = "CVV/CVC2";
$_LANG['creditcardcvvwhere'] = "Hvor finder jeg det?";
$_LANG['creditcarddeclined'] = "De indtastede kreditkort informationer blev afvist. Prøv venligst igen eller kontakt supporten.";
$_LANG['creditcarddetails'] = "Kredit kort detaljer";
$_LANG['creditcardenterexpirydate'] = "Du indtastede ikke udløbsdato";
$_LANG['creditcardenternewcard'] = "Indtast nyt kort nedenfor";
$_LANG['creditcardenternumber'] = "Du skal indtaste dit kortnummer";
$_LANG['creditcardinvalid'] = "De indtastede kreditkort informationer er ikke gyldige. Prøv venligst igen eller kontakt supporten.";
$_LANG['creditcardnumberinvalid'] = "Det indtastede kortnummer er ikke gyldigt";
$_LANG['creditcardsecuritynotice'] = "Data du indtaster her blevet sendt sikkert via en krypteret SSL forbindelse";
$_LANG['creditcarduseexisting'] = "Brug eksisterende kreditkort";
$_LANG['customfieldvalidationerror'] = "Det indtastede er ikke gyldigt";
$_LANG['days'] = "Dage";
$_LANG['hours'] = "Hours";
$_LANG['minutes'] = "Minutes";
$_LANG['seconds'] = "Seconds";
$_LANG['defaultbillingcontact'] = "Standard faktura kontakt";
$_LANG['domainalternatives'] = "Du kan prøve et af disse alternativer:";
$_LANG['domainavailable'] = "Ledigt! Bestil nu";
$_LANG['domainavailablemessage'] = "<strong>:domain</strong> is available.";
$_LANG['domainavailableexplanation'] = "For at registrere domænet, klik på linket nedenfor";
$_LANG['domainbulksearch'] = "Masse domæne søgning";
$_LANG['domainbulksearchintro'] = "Masse domæne søgningen giver dig adgang til at søge op til 20 domæner på én gang. Indtast domænerne i feltet nedenfor - en per linie. Du skal ikke taste www. eller http:// foran.";
$_LANG['domainbulktransferdescription'] = "Du kan flytte dit nuværende domæne til os i dag.  Det er nemt, du skal bare indtaste dit domæne nedenfor - et domæne per linje og du skal ikke engang taste www. eller http:// foran";
$_LANG['domainbulktransfersearch'] = "Masse domæne flytning";
$_LANG['domaincontactinfo'] = "Kontakt information";
$_LANG['domaincurrentrenewaldate'] = "Nuværende fornyelsesdato";
$_LANG['domaindnsaddress'] = "Adresse";
$_LANG['domaindnshostname'] = "Hostnavn";
$_LANG['domaindnsmanagement'] = "DNS administration";
$_LANG['domaindnsmanagementdesc'] = "Peg dit domæne til en hjemmeside ved at pege det til en IP adresse eller videresend dit domæne til en anden hjemmeside (parkering).";
$_LANG['domaindnsrecordtype'] = "Record type";
$_LANG['domainemailforwarding'] = "E-mail videresendelse";
$_LANG['domainemailforwardingdesc'] = "Hvis vores e-mail videresendelses server registrerer en fejl i modtager adressen, vil systemet automatisk deaktivere videresendelsen. Hvis du ændrer i adressen skal du være opmærksom på, at der kan gå op til en time før ændringerne træder i kraft.";
$_LANG['domainemailforwardingforwardto'] = "Videresend til";
$_LANG['domainemailforwardingprefix'] = "Prefix";
$_LANG['domaineppcode'] = "EPP kode";
$_LANG['domaineppcodedesc'] = "Denne kan du få ved din nuværende domæne registrator";
$_LANG['domaineppcoderequired'] = "Du skal indtaste EPP kode for";
$_LANG['domainerror'] = "Der skete en fejl i din forespørgsel";
$_LANG['domainerrornodomain'] = "Indtast venligst et gyldigt domænenavn";
$_LANG['domainerrortoolong'] = "Domænet du indtastede er for langt. Domæner kan kun være op 67 karakterer.";
$_LANG['domaingeteppcode'] = "Hent EPP kode";
$_LANG['domaingeteppcodeemailconfirmation'] = "Din forespørgsel på EPP koden blev registreret. Koden er sendt til ejeren af domænets e-mail adresse.";
$_LANG['domaingeteppcodeexplanation'] = "EPP koden er en adgangskode for et domæne. Det er en ekstra sikkerhed, der sikrer, at det kun er ejeren af domænet, der kan flytte domænet. Du skal bruge koden, hvis du vil flytte domænet på et senere tidspunkt.";
$_LANG['domaingeteppcodefailure'] = "Der skete en fejl:";
$_LANG['domaingeteppcodeis'] = "EPP koden for domænet er:";
$_LANG['domainidprotection'] = "ID beskyttelse";
$_LANG['domainintrotext'] = "Indtast domæne i boksen og klik tjek domæne for at se om domænet er ledigt.";
$_LANG['domainlookupbutton'] = "Tjek domæne";
$_LANG['domainmanagementtools'] = "Administrations værktøj";
$_LANG['domainminyears'] = "Min. år";
$_LANG['domainmoreinfo'] = "Mere info";
$_LANG['domainname'] = "Domæne navn";
$_LANG['domainnameserver1'] = "Navneserver 1";
$_LANG['domainnameserver2'] = "Navneserver 2";
$_LANG['domainnameserver3'] = "Navneserver 3";
$_LANG['domainnameserver4'] = "Navneserver 4";
$_LANG['domainnameserver5'] = "Navneserver 5";
$_LANG['domainnameservers'] = "Navneservere";
$_LANG['domainordernow'] = "Bestil nu!";
$_LANG['domainorderrenew'] = "Forny domæne";
$_LANG['domainprice'] = "Pris";
$_LANG['domainregisterns'] = "Registrer navneservere";
$_LANG['domainregisternscurrentip'] = "Nuværende IP adresse";
$_LANG['domainregisternsdel'] = "Slet en navneserver";
$_LANG['domainregisternsdelsuccess'] = "Navneserveren blev slettet korrekt.";
$_LANG['domainregisternsexplanation'] = "Her kan du oprette og administrere navneservere for dine domæner (f.eks.,";
$_LANG['domainregisternsip'] = "IP adresse";
$_LANG['domainregisternsmod'] = "Rediger en navneserver IP";
$_LANG['domainregisternsmodsuccess'] = "Navneserveren blev redigeret korrekt.";
$_LANG['domainregisternsnewip'] = "Ny IP adresse";
$_LANG['domainregisternsns'] = "Navneserver";
$_LANG['domainregisternsreg'] = "Registrer et navneserver navn";
$_LANG['domainregisternsregsuccess'] = "Navneserveren blev registreret korrekt.";
$_LANG['domainregistrantchoose'] = "Vælg kontakt du ønsker at benytte her";
$_LANG['domainregistrantinfo'] = "Domæne registrant information";
$_LANG['domainregistrarlock'] = "Overførselskode";
$_LANG['domainregistrarlockdesc'] = "Aktiver overførselskode (anbefales). Uautoriserede flytninger af domænet vil blive afvist hvis overførselskode er aktiveret.";
$_LANG['domainregistration'] = "Domæne registrering";
$_LANG['domainregistryinfo'] = "Domæne registrerings information";
$_LANG['domainregnotavailable'] = "N/A";
$_LANG['domainrenew'] = "Forny domæne";
$_LANG['domainrenewal'] = "Domæne fornyelse";
$_LANG['domainrenewalprice'] = "Fornyelse";
$_LANG['domainrenewdesc'] = "Du kan sikre dig dit domæne ved at tilføje flere års betaling på det. Vælg hvor mange år du ønsker at forny det for og klik forny domæne.";
$_LANG['domainsautorenew'] = "Auto fornyelse";
$_LANG['domainsautorenewdisable'] = "Deaktiver auto fornyelse";
$_LANG['domainsautorenewdisabled'] = "Deaktiveret";
$_LANG['domainsautorenewdisabledwarning'] = "ADVARSEL! På dette domæne er auto fornyelse deaktiveret.<br />Det vil derfor blive inaktivt, når registreringsperioden på domænet udløber, medmindre du manuelt fornyer det.";
$_LANG['domainsautorenewenable'] = "Aktiver auto fornyelse";
$_LANG['domainsautorenewenabled'] = "Aktiveret";
$_LANG['domainsautorenewstatus'] = "Nuværende status";
$_LANG['domainsimplesearch'] = "Simpel domæne søgning";
$_LANG['domainspricing'] = "Domæne pris";
$_LANG['domainsregister'] = "Registrer";
$_LANG['domainsrenew'] = "Forny";
$_LANG['domainsrenewnow'] = "Forny nu";
$_LANG['domainstatus'] = "Status";
$_LANG['domainstransfer'] = "Overfør";
$_LANG['domaintitle'] = "Domæne tjekker";
$_LANG['domaintld'] = "Domæne type";
$_LANG['domaintransfer'] = "Domæne flytning";
$_LANG['domainunavailable'] = "Optaget";
$_LANG['domainunavailable1'] = "Beklager!";
$_LANG['domainunavailable2'] = "er allerede registreret!";
$_LANG['domainreserved'] = "Reserved";
$_LANG['domainreserved1'] = "Domain";
$_LANG['domainreserved2'] = "is available, but reserved.";
$_LANG['domainviewwhois'] = "se whois rapport";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['management'] = "DNSSEC Management";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['dsRecords'] = "DS Records";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['keyTag'] = "Key Tag";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['algorithm'] = "Algorithm";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['digestType'] = "Digest Type";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['digest'] = "Digest";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['keyRecords'] = "KEY Records";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['flags'] = "Flags";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['protocol'] = "Protocol";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['publicKey'] = "Public Key";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['publicKeyNoSpace'] = "Public Key should not have any whitespace.";
$_LANG['domainDnsSec']['warning'] = "Caution: Incorrect DNSSEC settings might render your domain unreachable.";
$_LANG['downloaddescription'] = "Beskrivelse";
$_LANG['downloadloginrequired'] = "Adgang nægtet! Du skal være logget ind før du kan downloade filen";
$_LANG['downloadname'] = "Download";
$_LANG['downloadpurchaserequired'] = "Adgang nægtet! Du skal bestille produktet før du kan downloade det";
$_LANG['downloadscategories'] = "Kategorier";
$_LANG['downloadsdescription'] = "Gennemse vores downloads bibliotek";
$_LANG['downloadsfiles'] = "Filer";
$_LANG['downloadsfilesize'] = "Fil størrelse";
$_LANG['downloadsintrotext'] = "I download biblioteket kan du finde manualer, programmer og andre filer, som kan være nyttige.";
$_LANG['downloadspopular'] = "Mest Populære Downloads";
$_LANG['downloadsnone'] = "Ingen downloads";
$_LANG['downloadstitle'] = "Downloads";
$_LANG['email'] = "E-mail";
$_LANG['emptycart'] = "Tøm bestillingskurv";
$_LANG['existingpassword'] = "Eksisterende adgangskode";
$_LANG['existingpasswordincorrect'] = "Din eksisterende adgangskode var ikke korrekt";
$_LANG['firstpaymentamount'] = "At betale idag";
$_LANG['flashtutorials'] = "Flash Tutorials";
$_LANG['flashtutorialsdescription'] = "Klik her for at se tutorials om hvordan du bruger dit hosting kontrolpanel";
$_LANG['flashtutorialsheadertext'] = "Vores flash tutorials er her for at hjælpe dig bruge dit webhosting kontrolpanel. Vælg tutorial nedenfor, for at se trin for trin guide.";
$_LANG['forwardingtogateway'] = "Please wait while the system redirects you to complete payment using the selected payment method.";
$_LANG['globalsystemname'] = "Support";
$_LANG['globalyouarehere'] = "Du er her";
$_LANG['go'] = "Udfør";
$_LANG['headertext'] = "Velkommen til vores support.";
$_LANG['hometitle'] = "Forside";
$_LANG['imagecheck'] = "Indtast sikkerhedskoden vist på billedet - dette er påkrævet for at undgå spamming";
$_LANG['invoiceaddcreditamount'] = "Indtast beløb";
$_LANG['invoiceaddcreditapply'] = "Tilføj kredit";
$_LANG['invoiceaddcreditdesc1'] = "Din kreditbalance er";
$_LANG['invoiceaddcreditdesc2'] = "Kreditten kan blive tilføjet din faktura med nedenstående formular.";
$_LANG['invoiceaddcreditoverbalance'] = "Du kan ikke tilføje mere kredit end der er udestående";
$_LANG['invoiceaddcreditovercredit'] = "Du kan ikke tilføje mere kredit end du har til rådighed på din konto";
$_LANG['invoicenumber'] = "faktura #";
$_LANG['invoiceofflinepaid'] = "Offline kredit kort betalinger bliver gennemført manuelt. Du vil modtage en bekræftelse når din betaling er gennemført.";
$_LANG['invoicerefnum'] = "Reference nr.";
$_LANG['invoices'] = "Mine fakturaer";
$_LANG['invoicesamount'] = "Beløb";
$_LANG['invoicesattn'] = "Att.";
$_LANG['invoicesbacktoclientarea'] = "&laquo; Tilbage til kundeside";
$_LANG['invoicesbalance'] = "Balance";
$_LANG['invoicesbefore'] = "Før";
$_LANG['invoicescancelled'] = "Krediteret";
$_LANG['invoicescollections'] = "Samlinger";
$_LANG['invoicescredit'] = "kredit";
$_LANG['invoicesdatecreated'] = "Fakturadato";
$_LANG['invoicesdatedue'] = "Sidste betalingsdato";
$_LANG['invoicesdescription'] = "Beskrivelse";
$_LANG['invoicesdownload'] = "Download";
$_LANG['invoiceserror'] = "Der skete en fejl. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['invoicesinvoicedto'] = "Faktura til";
$_LANG['invoicesinvoicenotes'] = "Faktura bemærkning";
$_LANG['invoicesnoinvoices'] = "Ingen faktura";
$_LANG['invoicesnotes'] = "Bemærkninger";
$_LANG['invoicesoutstandinginvoices'] = "Udestående faktura";
$_LANG['invoicespaid'] = "Betalt";
$_LANG['invoicespaynow'] = "Betal nu";
$_LANG['invoicespayto'] = "Betaling til";
$_LANG['invoicesrefunded'] = "Refunderet";
$_LANG['invoicesstatus'] = "Status";
$_LANG['invoicessubtotal'] = "Sub Total";
$_LANG['invoicestax'] = "Moms 25%";
$_LANG['invoicestaxindicator'] = "Momspligtigt produkt.";
$_LANG['invoicestitle'] = "Faktura #";
$_LANG['invoicestotal'] = "Total";
$_LANG['invoicestransactions'] = "Transaktioner";
$_LANG['invoicestransamount'] = "Beløb";
$_LANG['invoicestransdate'] = "Transaktionsdato";
$_LANG['invoicestransgateway'] = "Betalingsmetode";
$_LANG['invoicestransid'] = "Transaktions ID";
$_LANG['invoicestransnonefound'] = "Ingen relaterede transaktioner fundet";
$_LANG['invoicesunpaid'] = "Ubetalt";
$_LANG['invoicesdraft'] = "Draft";
$_LANG['invoicesview'] = "Vis faktura";
$_LANG['jobtitle'] = "Job titel";
$_LANG['kbsuggestions'] = "Forslag fra vidensdatabasen";
$_LANG['kbsuggestionsexplanation'] = "Følgende artikler fra vidensdatabasen kan måske besvare dine spørgsmål. Venligst læs de viste forslag før kontakt.";
$_LANG['knowledgebasearticles'] = "Artikler";
$_LANG['knowledgebasecategories'] = "Kategorier";
$_LANG['nokbcategories'] = "No categories exist";
$_LANG['knowledgebasedescription'] = "Gemmense vidensdatabasen for de oftest stillede spørgsmål";
$_LANG['knowledgebasefavorites'] = "Føj til favoritter";
$_LANG['knowledgebasehelpful'] = "Hjalp dette svar dig?";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseintrotext'] = "Vidensdatabasen er opdelt i kategorier. Du kan enten vælge en kategori nedenfor eller søge i vidensdatabasen efter dit spørgsmål.";
$_LANG['knowledgebasemore'] = "Mere";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseno'] = "Nej";
$_LANG['knowledgebasenoarticles'] = "Ingen artikler";
$_LANG['knowledgebasenorelated'] = "Der er ingen relaterede artikler";
$_LANG['knowledgebasepopular'] = "Mest populære";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseprint'] = "Print denne artikel";
$_LANG['knowledgebaserating'] = "Rating:";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseratingtext'] = "Kunder som kunne bruge dette svar";
$_LANG['knowledgebaserelated'] = "Relaterede artikler";
$_LANG['knowledgebasesearch'] = "Søg";
$_LANG['knowledgebasetitle'] = "Vidensdatabase";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseviews'] = "Visninger";
$_LANG['knowledgebasevote'] = "Stem";
$_LANG['knowledgebasevotes'] = "Stem";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseyes'] = "Ja";
$_LANG['knowledgebaseArticleRatingThanks'] = "Tak for din stemme.";
$_LANG['language'] = "Sprog";
$_LANG['latefee'] = "Rykkergebyr";
$_LANG['latefeeadded'] = "Tilføjet";
$_LANG['latestannouncements'] = "Seneste nyheder";
$_LANG['loginbutton'] = "Login";
$_LANG['loginemail'] = "E-mail adresse";
$_LANG['loginforgotten'] = "Glemt din adgangskode?";
$_LANG['loginforgotteninstructions'] = "Har du glemt din adgangskode, kan du klikke her for at få tilsendt en ny";
$_LANG['loginincorrect'] = "Login fejl. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['loginintrotext'] = "Du skal være logget ind for at se denne side.";
$_LANG['loginpassword'] = "Adgangskode";
$_LANG['loginrememberme'] = "Husk mig";
$_LANG['logoutcontinuetext'] = "Klik her for at fortsætte.";
$_LANG['logoutsuccessful'] = "Du er nu logget ud.";
$_LANG['logouttitle'] = "Log ud";
$_LANG['maxmind_anonproxy'] = "Vi tillader ikke bestillinger foretaget ved brug af anonym proxy";
$_LANG['maxmind_callingnow'] = "Vores system foretager automatisk et opkald til din telefon nu. Dette er en del af vores anti-svnidel tjek. Du vil få oplæst en 4 cifret kode, som du skal indtaste nedenfor, for at gennemføre din ordre. Opkaldet er gratis.";
$_LANG['maxmind_countrymismatch'] = "Landet som din IP adresse hører til stemmer ikke overens med den indtastede adresse, så vi kan ikke gennemføre din bestilling";
$_LANG['maxmind_error'] = "Fejl";
$_LANG['maxmind_faileddescription'] = "Koden du indtastede er forkert. Hvis du mener dette er en fejl, kontakt venligst vores support hurtigst muligt.";
$_LANG['maxmind_highfraudriskscore'] = "Vores system har opfanget en stor risiko for bedrageri på din bestilling og har derfor blokeret den";
$_LANG['maxmind_highriskcountry'] = "Vi tillader ikke bestillinger fra dit land";
$_LANG['maxmind_incorrectcode'] = "Forkert pinkode";
$_LANG['maxmind_pincode'] = "Pinkode";
$_LANG['maxmind_rejectemail'] = "Vi accepterer ikke ordre fra gratis e-maill adresser, prøv venligst igen med en anden e-mail adresse";
$_LANG['maxmind_title'] = "MaxMind";
$_LANG['more'] = "Mere";
$_LANG['morechoices'] = "Flere muligheder";
$_LANG['networkissuesaffecting'] = "Påvirker";
$_LANG['networkissuesaffectingyourservers'] = "Bemærk: Problemer som vedrører den server som din konto er tilknyttet vil være markeret med en gylden baggrund";
$_LANG['networkissuesdate'] = "Dato";
$_LANG['networkissuesdescription'] = "Læs mere om nuværende og planlagte netværkshændelser";
$_LANG['networkissueslastupdated'] = "Senest opdateret";
$_LANG['networkissuesnonefound'] = "Der er ingen kendte driftproblemer";
$_LANG['networkissuespriority'] = "Prioritet";
$_LANG['networkissuesprioritycritical'] = "Kritisk";
$_LANG['networkissuespriorityhigh'] = "Høj";
$_LANG['networkissuesprioritylow'] = "Lav";
$_LANG['networkissuesprioritymedium'] = "Medium";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusinprogress'] = "I gang";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusinvestigating'] = "Vi undersøger";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusopen'] = "Åben";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusoutage'] = "Ude af drift";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusreported'] = "Rapporteret";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusresolved'] = "Løst";
$_LANG['networkissuesstatusscheduled'] = "Planlagt";
$_LANG['networkissuestitle'] = "Netværks problemer";
$_LANG['networkissuestypeother'] = "Andre";
$_LANG['networkissuestypeserver'] = "Server";
$_LANG['networkissuestypesystem'] = "System";
$_LANG['networkIssuesAware'] = "We are aware of a potentially service impacting issue.";
$_LANG['networkIssuesScheduled'] = "There are upcoming maintenance events which may impact our services.";
$_LANG['newpassword'] = "Ny adgangskode";
$_LANG['nextpage'] = "Næste side";
$_LANG['no'] = "Nej";
$_LANG['nocarddetails'] = "Du har ingen eksisterende kort informationer gemt";
$_LANG['none'] = "Ingen";
$_LANG['norecordsfound'] = "Ingen poster fundet";
$_LANG['or'] = "eller";
$_LANG['orderadditionalrequiredinfo'] = "Yderligere information";
$_LANG['orderaddon'] = "Tilføjelse";
$_LANG['orderaddondescription'] = "De følgende tilføjelser er tilgængelige for dette produkt. Vælg venligst de tilføjelser du ønsker at bestille.";
$_LANG['orderavailable'] = "Tilgængelig";
$_LANG['orderavailableaddons'] = "Klik her for at se tilgængelige tilføjelser";
$_LANG['orderbillingcycle'] = "Betalingsperiode";
$_LANG['ordercategories'] = "Kategorier";
$_LANG['orderchangeaddons'] = "Skift tilføjelser";
$_LANG['orderchangeconfig'] = "Skift mulige tilvalg";
$_LANG['orderchangedomain'] = "Skift domæne";
$_LANG['orderchangenameservers'] = "Skift kun navneservere";
$_LANG['orderchangeproduct'] = "Skift produkt";
$_LANG['ordercheckout'] = "Betaling";
$_LANG['orderchooseaddons'] = "Vælg produkt tilføjelser";
$_LANG['orderchooseapackage'] = "Produkt";
$_LANG['ordercodenotfound'] = "Rabat koden du indtastede findes ikke";
$_LANG['ordercompletebutnotpaid'] = "Bemærk! Din bestilling er fuldført, men du har ikke betalt endnu. Din bestilling vil blive udført når betalingen er modtaget.<br />Klik på linket nedenfor, for at gå til din faktura for at betale.";
$_LANG['orderconfigpackage'] = "Valgmuligheder";
$_LANG['orderconfigure'] = "Konfigurer";
$_LANG['orderconfirmation'] = "Ordre bekræftelse";
$_LANG['orderconfirmorder'] = "Bekræft bestilling";
$_LANG['ordercontinuebutton'] = "Klik for at fortsætte >>";
$_LANG['orderdesc'] = "Beskrivelse";
$_LANG['orderdescription'] = "Placer en ny ordre hos os";
$_LANG['orderdiscount'] = "Rabat";
$_LANG['orderdomain'] = "Domæne";
$_LANG['orderdomainoption1part1'] = "Jeg ønsker at";
$_LANG['orderdomainoption1part2'] = "registerer et nyt domæne for mig.";
$_LANG['orderdomainoption2'] = "Jeg vil selv opdatere mine navneservere på et eksisterende domæne.";
$_LANG['orderdomainoption3'] = "Jeg vil flytte mit domæne til";
$_LANG['orderdomainoption4'] = "Jeg vil bruge et gratis under-domæne.";
$_LANG['orderdomainoptions'] = "Domæne";
$_LANG['orderdomainregistration'] = "Domæne registrering";
$_LANG['orderdomainregonly'] = "Bestil kun domæne registrering";
$_LANG['orderdomaintransfer'] = "Domæne flytning";
$_LANG['orderdontusepromo'] = "Brug ikke rabat kode";
$_LANG['ordererroraccepttos'] = "Du skal acceptere vores betingelser";
$_LANG['ordererrordomainalreadyexists'] = "Domænet du indtastede er allerede registreret hos os - du skal annullere det før du kan placere en ny ordre.";
$_LANG['ordererrordomaininvalid'] = "Domænet du indtastede er ikke gyldigt";
$_LANG['ordererrordomainnotld'] = "Du skal vælge en gyldig domæne type";
$_LANG['ordererrordomainnotregistered'] = "Du kan ikke flytte et domæne, som ikke er registreret";
$_LANG['ordererrordomainregistered'] = "Domænet du indtastede er allerede registreret";
$_LANG['ordererrornameserver1'] = "Du skal indtaste navneserver 1";
$_LANG['ordererrornameserver2'] = "Du skal indtaste navneserver 2";
$_LANG['ordererrornodomain'] = "Du skal indtaste et domænenavn";
$_LANG['ordererrorpassword'] = "Du skal indtaste en adgangskode";
$_LANG['ordererrorserverhostnameinuse'] = "Hostnavnet du indtastede er allerede i brug. Vælg venligst et andet.";
$_LANG['ordererrorservernohostname'] = "Du skal indtaste et hostnavn for din server.";
$_LANG['ordererrorservernonameservers'] = "Du skal indtaste et prefix for begge navneservere.";
$_LANG['ordererrorservernorootpw'] = "Du skal indtaste en root adgangskode";
$_LANG['ordererrorsubdomaintaken'] = "Under-domænet du indtastede er allerede i brug. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['ordererrortransfersecret'] = "Du skal indtaste en overflytningskode";
$_LANG['ordererroruserexists'] = "Den indtastede e-mail adresse er allerede registreret";
$_LANG['orderexistinguser'] = "Jeg er allerede kunde og ønsker at tilføje denne ordre til min konto";
$_LANG['orderfailed'] = "Din ordre blev ikke gemmenført";
$_LANG['orderfinalinstructions'] = "Hvis du har spørgsmål vedrørende din ordre, kan du oprette en support sag direkte fra din kundeside. Husk at påføre dit ordrenummer.";
$_LANG['orderfree'] = "Gratis";
$_LANG['orderfreedomainappliesto'] = "kan benyttes på de følgende domæne typer";
$_LANG['orderfreedomaindescription'] = "på den valgte betalingsperiode";
$_LANG['orderfreedomainonly'] = "Gratis domæne";
$_LANG['orderfreedomainregistration'] = "Gratis domæne registrering";
$_LANG['ordergotoclientarea'] = "Klik her for at gå til din kundeside";
$_LANG['orderinvalidcodeforbillingcycle'] = "Denne kode kan ikke bruges sammen med den valgte betalingsperiode";
$_LANG['orderlogininfo'] = "Login information";
$_LANG['orderlogininfopart1'] = "Indtast den adgangskode du ønsker at bruge til at logge ind på din";
$_LANG['orderlogininfopart2'] = "kundeside. Dette vil ikke være det samme som brugernavn &amp; adgangskoden til dit webhosting kontrolpanel.";
$_LANG['ordernewuser'] = "Jeg er ny kunde og ønsker at oprette en konto";
$_LANG['ordernoproducts'] = "Ingen produkter fundet";
$_LANG['ordernotes'] = "Bemærkninger / yderligere information";
$_LANG['ordernotesdescription'] = "Du kan indtaste yderligere informationer til din bestilling her&hellip;";
$_LANG['ordernowbutton'] = "Bestil nu";
$_LANG['ordernumberis'] = "Dit ordrenummer er:";
$_LANG['orderpaymentmethod'] = "Betalingsmetode";
$_LANG['orderpaymentterm12month'] = "12 måneders pris";
$_LANG['orderpaymentterm1month'] = "1 måneds pris";
$_LANG['orderpaymentterm24month'] = "24 måneders pris";
$_LANG['orderpaymentterm3month'] = "3 måneders pris";
$_LANG['orderpaymentterm6month'] = "6 måneders pris";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermannually'] = "Årlig";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermbiennially'] = "2-årlig";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermfreeaccount'] = "Gratis konto";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermmonthly'] = "Månedlig";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermonetime'] = "En gang";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermquarterly'] = "Kvartalsvis";
$_LANG['orderpaymenttermsemiannually'] = "Halvårlig";
$_LANG['orderprice'] = "Pris";
$_LANG['orderproduct'] = "Produkt/service";
$_LANG['orderprogress'] = "Fremad";
$_LANG['orderpromoexpired'] = "Rabatkoden du indtastede er udløbet";
$_LANG['orderpromoinvalid'] = "Rabatkoden du indtastede kan ikke benyttes sammen med de produkter du ønsker at bestille";
$_LANG['orderpromomaxusesreached'] = "Rabatkoden du indtastede er allerede brugt";
$_LANG['orderpromotioncode'] = "Rabatkode";
$_LANG['orderpromovalidatebutton'] = "Valider kode >>";
$_LANG['orderPromoCodePlaceholder'] = "Indtast rabatkode, hvis du har en";
$_LANG['orderprorata'] = "Pro Rata";
$_LANG['orderreceived'] = "Tak for din ordre. Du vil om et kort øjeblik modtage en e-mail.";
$_LANG['orderregisterdomain'] = "Registrer et nyt domæne";
$_LANG['orderregperiod'] = "Registreringsperiode";
$_LANG['ordersecure'] = "Denne bestilling er sendt via sikker krypteret SSL forbindelse. Din IP adresse:";
$_LANG['ordersecure2'] = "er blevet logget.";
$_LANG['orderserverhostname'] = "Server hostnavn";
$_LANG['orderservernameservers'] = "Navneservere";
$_LANG['orderservernameserversdescription'] = "De prefix du indtaster her vil blive primær navneserver for serveren. F.eks. and";
$_LANG['orderservernameserversprefix1'] = "Prefix 1";
$_LANG['orderservernameserversprefix2'] = "Prefix 2";
$_LANG['orderserverrootpassword'] = "Root adgangskode";
$_LANG['ordersetupfee'] = "Oprettelse";
$_LANG['orderstartover'] = "Start forfra";
$_LANG['ordersubdomaininuse'] = "Under-domænet er allerede i brug";
$_LANG['ordersubtotal'] = "Subtotal";
$_LANG['ordersummary'] = "Ordre Opsummering";
$_LANG['ordertaxcalculations'] = "Moms beregning";
$_LANG['ordertaxstaterequired'] = "Du skal indtaste dit land for at beregne moms";
$_LANG['ordertitle'] = "Bestilling";
$_LANG['ordertos'] = "betingelserne";
$_LANG['ordertosagreement'] = "Jeg har læst og accepterer";
$_LANG['ordertotalduetoday'] = "Til betaling idag";
$_LANG['ordertotalrecurring'] = "Fremtidig betaling";
$_LANG['ordertransferdomain'] = "Flyt et eksisterende domæne";
$_LANG['ordertransfersecret'] = "Overførselskode";
$_LANG['ordertransfersecretexplanation'] = "Indtast venligst overførselskoden. Koden kan oplyses af den nuværende registrator af domænet. ";
$_LANG['orderusesubdomain'] = "Brug under-domæne";
$_LANG['orderyears'] = "år";
$_LANG['orderyourinformation'] = "Dine informationer";
$_LANG['orderyourorder'] = "Din ordre";
$_LANG['organizationname'] = "Organisations navn";
$_LANG['outofstock'] = "Ikke på lager";
$_LANG['outofstockdescription'] = "Vi har desværre ikke dette produkt på lager i øjeblikket. For mere information, kontakt os.";
$_LANG['page'] = "Side";
$_LANG['pageof'] = "af";
$_LANG['please'] = "Venligst";
$_LANG['pleasewait'] = "Vent venligst&hellip;";
$_LANG['presalescontactdescription'] = "Har du spørgsmål før du bestiller kan du stille dem her";
$_LANG['previouspage'] = "Forrige side";
$_LANG['proformainvoicenumber'] = "Proforma faktura #";
$_LANG['promoexistingclient'] = "For at benytte denne kode skal du have aktive produkter/services";
$_LANG['promoonceperclient'] = "Denne kode kan kun benyttes een gang per kunde";
$_LANG['pwstrengthfail'] = "Den indtastede adgangskode er ikke sikkert nok, indtast venligst en nyt og stærkere adgangskode";
$_LANG['pwdoesnotmatch'] = "The passwords entered do not match";
$_LANG['quicknav'] = "Kvik navigation";
$_LANG['recordsfound'] = "poster  fundet";
$_LANG['recurring'] = "Løbende";
$_LANG['recurringamount'] = "Abonnement";
$_LANG['every'] = "Hver";
$_LANG['registerdomain'] = "Registrer domæne";
$_LANG['registerdomaindesc'] = "Indtast domæne for at tjekke om domænet er ledigt.";
$_LANG['registerdomainname'] = "Registrer et nyt domæne";
$_LANG['relatedservice'] = "Relaterede Services";
$_LANG['rssfeed'] = "Feed";
$_LANG['securityanswerrequired'] = "Du skal indtaste svaret på sikkerheds spørgsmålet";
$_LANG['securityquestionrequired'] = "You must select a security question";
$_LANG['securitybothnotmatch'] = "De indtastede svar er ikke ens, prøv igen";
$_LANG['securitycurrentincorrect'] = "Dit spørgsmål og svar er ikke korrekte";
$_LANG['serverchangepassword'] = "Skift adgangskode";
$_LANG['serverchangepasswordintro'] = "Her kan du skifte adgangskode for produktet/servicen (bemærk: dette ændrer ikke din adgangskode til vores kundecenter)";
$_LANG['serverchangepasswordconfirm'] = "Bekræft adgangskode";
$_LANG['serverchangepasswordenter'] = "Indtast ny adgangskode";
$_LANG['serverchangepasswordfailed'] = "Adgangskoden blev ikke skiftet!";
$_LANG['serverchangepasswordsuccessful'] = "Adgangskode skiftet!";
$_LANG['serverchangepasswordupdate'] = "Opdater";
$_LANG['serverhostname'] = "Hostnavn";
$_LANG['serverlogindetails'] = "Login detaljer";
$_LANG['serverns1prefix'] = "NS1 prefix";
$_LANG['serverns2prefix'] = "NS2 prefix";
$_LANG['serverpassword'] = "Adgangskode";
$_LANG['serverrootpw'] = "Root adgangskode";
$_LANG['serverstatusdescription'] = "Se status på vores servere";
$_LANG['serverstatusnoservers'] = "Der er ingen servere under overvågning";
$_LANG['serverstatusnotavailable'] = "Ikke tilgængelig";
$_LANG['serverstatusoffline'] = "Offline";
$_LANG['serverstatusonline'] = "Online";
$_LANG['serverstatusphpinfo'] = "PHP Info";
$_LANG['serverstatusserverload'] = "Server Belastning";
$_LANG['serverstatustitle'] = "Server status";
$_LANG['serverstatusuptime'] = "Oppetid";
$_LANG['serverusername'] = "Brugernavn";
$_LANG['show'] = "Vis";
$_LANG['ssladmininfo'] = "Administrativ kontakt information";
$_LANG['ssladmininfodetails'] = "Kontaktinformationen nedenfor vil ikke blive vist på certifikatet. Det vil kun blive brugt til at kontakte dig vedr. din ordre. SSL certifikatets fremtidige fornyelses påmindelser vil blive sendt til e-mail adressen nedenfor.";
$_LANG['sslcertinfo'] = "SSL certifikat information";
$_LANG['pleasechooseone'] = "Vælg venligst en&hellip;";
$_LANG['sslcerttype'] = "Certifikat type";
$_LANG['sslconfigcomplete'] = "Konfiguration fuldført";
$_LANG['sslconfsslcertificate'] = "Konfigurer SSL certifikat";
$_LANG['sslcsr'] = "CSR";
$_LANG['sslerrorapproveremail'] = "Du skal vælge en validerings e-mail adresse";
$_LANG['sslerrorentercsr'] = "Du skal indtaste dit certificate signing request (CSR)";
$_LANG['sslerrorselectserver'] = "Du skal vælge din server type";
$_LANG['sslinvalidlink'] = "Ugyldigt link.";
$_LANG['sslorderdate'] = "Ordre dato";
$_LANG['sslserverinfo'] = "Server information";
$_LANG['sslserverinfodetails'] = "Du skal have et gyldigt \"CSR\" (Certificate Signing Request) for at konfigurere dit SSL certifikat. CSR er en krypteret text, som er genereret af webserveren hvor SSL certifikat skal installeres. Hvis du ikke har et CSR, skal du generere et eller spørge din webhosting udbyder om dette. Det er vigtigt, at du instaster al information korrekt, da det ikke kan ændres efter SSL certifikatet er blevet godkendt.";
$_LANG['sslservertype'] = "Webserver type";
$_LANG['ssl']['selectWebserver'] = "Select a :serverType";
$_LANG['sslstatus'] = "Konfigurations status";
$_LANG['sslawaitingconfig'] = "Awaiting Configuration";
$_LANG['sslconfigure'] = "Configure";
$_LANG['ssldomain'] = "Domain";
$_LANG['sslproduct'] = "SSL Product";
$_LANG['sslrenewaldate'] = "Renewal Date";
$_LANG['sslresendmail'] = "Resend Email";
$_LANG['sslinstantissuancebenefit'] = "Your order benefitted from Immediate Issuance";
$_LANG['statscreditbalance'] = "Konto kredit balance";
$_LANG['statsdueinvoicesbalance'] = "Overskredet faktura balance";
$_LANG['statsnumdomains'] = "Antal domæner";
$_LANG['statsnumproducts'] = "Antal produkter/services";
$_LANG['statsnumreferredsignups'] = "Antal henviste bestillinger";
$_LANG['statsnumtickets'] = "Antal support sager";
$_LANG['submitticketdescription'] = "Opret en support sager";
$_LANG['supportclickheretocontact'] = "klik her for at kontakte os";
$_LANG['supportpresalesquestions'] = "Hvis du har spørgsmål før du bestiller - ";
$_LANG['supportticketinvalid'] = "Der skete en fejl. Den forespurgte sag blev ikke fundet.";
$_LANG['supportticketsallowedextensions'] = "Tilladte filtyper";
$_LANG['supportticketschoosedepartment'] = "vælg afdeling";
$_LANG['supportticketsclient'] = "Kunde";
$_LANG['supportticketsclientemail'] = "E-mail adresse";
$_LANG['supportticketsclientname'] = "Navn";
$_LANG['supportticketsdate'] = "Dato";
$_LANG['supportticketsdepartment'] = "Afdeling";
$_LANG['supportticketsdescription'] = "Vis og besvar eksisterende sager";
$_LANG['supportticketserror'] = "Fejl";
$_LANG['supportticketserrornoemail'] = "Du indtastede ikke din e-mail adresse";
$_LANG['supportticketserrornomessage'] = "Du indtastede ikke en besked";
$_LANG['supportticketserrornoname'] = "Du indtastede ikke dit navn";
$_LANG['supportticketserrornosubject'] = "Du indtastede ikke et emne";
$_LANG['supportticketsfilenotallowed'] = "Filen du prøver på at uploade er ikke tilladt.";
$_LANG['supportticketsheader'] = "Hvis du ikke kan finde et svar på dine spørgsmål i vores vidensdatabase kan du oprette en support sag ved at vælge support afdeling nedenfor.";
$_LANG['supportticketsnotfound'] = "Sag ikke fundet";
$_LANG['supportticketsopentickets'] = "Åbne support sager";
$_LANG['supportticketspagetitle'] = "Support sager";
$_LANG['supportticketsposted'] = "Oprettet den";
$_LANG['supportticketsreply'] = "Besvar";
$_LANG['supportticketsstaff'] = "Supporter";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatus'] = "Status";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusanswered'] = "Besvaret";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusclosed'] = "Lukket";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatuscloseticket'] = "Luk sag";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatuscustomerreply'] = "Kunde-svar";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusinprogress'] = "I gang";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusonhold'] = "På hold";
$_LANG['supportticketsstatusopen'] = "Åben";
$_LANG['supportticketssubject'] = "Emne";
$_LANG['supportticketssubmitticket'] = "Opret sag";
$_LANG['supportticketssystemdescription'] = "Support sag systemet giver os adgang til at besvare dine spørgsmål hurtigt. Når vi besvarer din support sag vil du modtage en e-mail.";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketattachments'] = "Vedhæftninger";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketcreated'] = "Support sag oprettet";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketcreateddesc'] = "Din support sag blev oprettet. Der er sendt en e-mail til din e-mail adresse med sagsinformation.";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketid'] = "Sags ID";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketsubject'] = "Emne";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketsubmit'] = "Opret";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketurgency'] = "vigtighed";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketurgencyhigh'] = "Høj";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketurgencylow'] = "Lav";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketurgencymedium'] = "Medium";
$_LANG['supportticketsuploadfailed'] = "Kunne ikke uploade filen";
$_LANG['supportticketsuploadtoolarge'] = "Uploaded file was too large. Please try uploading a smaller file.";
$_LANG['supportticketsviewticket'] = "Vis support sag";
$_LANG['supportticketclosedmsg'] = "This ticket is closed.  You may reply to this ticket to reopen it.";
$_LANG['telesignincorrectpin'] = "Forkert pin!";
$_LANG['telesigninitiatephone'] = "Vi kan ikke starte telefon validering på dit nummer. Kontakt os venligst.";
$_LANG['telesigninvalidnumber'] = "Ugyldigt telefonnummer";
$_LANG['telesigninvalidpin'] = "Den indtastede PIN er ugyldig!";
$_LANG['telesigninvalidpin2'] = "Den indtastede PIN er ikke gyldig.";
$_LANG['telesigninvalidpinmessage'] = "Pinkode validering fejlede";
$_LANG['telesignmessage'] = "Telefon validering er nu startet på telefonnummer %s . Vent et øjeblik&hellip;";
$_LANG['telesignphonecall'] = "Telefonopkald";
$_LANG['telesignpin'] = "Indtast din pin: ";
$_LANG['telesignsms'] = "Sms";
$_LANG['telesignsmstextmessage'] = "Tak fordi du benyttede dig af vores SMS valideringssystem. Din kode er: %s Indtast koden på din computer nu.!";
$_LANG['telesigntitle'] = "TeleSign telefon validering.";
$_LANG['telesigntype'] = "Vælg validerings type for telefonnummer %s:";
$_LANG['telesignverificationcanceled'] = "Der er opstået et midlertidigt problem med telefon validerings systemet og valideringen er blevet afbrudt.";
$_LANG['telesignverificationproblem'] = "Der opstod et problem med telefon valideringen og din bestilling kunne ikke valideres. Prøv venligst igen senere.";
$_LANG['telesignverify'] = "Det er nødvendigt at validere telefonnummer %s for at gennemføre denne bestilling.";
$_LANG['ticketratingexcellent'] = "Perfekt";
$_LANG['ticketratingpoor'] = "Skidt";
$_LANG['ticketratingquestion'] = "Hvordan synes du dette svar var?";
$_LANG['ticketreatinggiven'] = "Du har vurderet dette svar";
$_LANG['transferdomain'] = "Flyt domæne";
$_LANG['transferdomaindesc'] = "Vil du flytte dit domæne til os skal du indtaste domænet nedenfor.";
$_LANG['transferdomainname'] = "Flyt et domæne";
$_LANG['updatecart'] = "Opdater bestillingskurv";
$_LANG['upgradechooseconfigoptions'] = "Opgrader/nedgrader valgfrie tilpasninger for dette produkt.";
$_LANG['upgradechoosepackage'] = "Vælg pakke du ønsker at opgradere/nedgradere til.";
$_LANG['upgradecurrentconfig'] = "Nuværende tilpasning";
$_LANG['upgradedowngradeconfigoptions'] = "Opgrader/nedgrader tilpasning";
$_LANG['upgradenewconfig'] = "Ny tilpasning";
$_LANG['upgradenochange'] = "Ingen ændringer";
$_LANG['upgradeproductlogic'] = "Opgraderingspris er beregnet udfra en kredit af den ubrugte portion af din nuværende pakke og afregning af den nye plan for den samme periode.";
$_LANG['upgradesummary'] = "Nedenfor er en opsummering af din opgradering.";
$_LANG['usedefaultcontact'] = "Brug standard kontakt (detaljer ovenfor)";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_callnow'] = "Foretag opkald nu!";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_description'] = "Som en del af vores anti-svindel tjek, vil vores system nu automatisk foretage et opkald til det telefonnummer du indtastede. Du skal indtaste pinkoden som er vist ovenfor. Skriv koden ned. Når du er klar til at modtage opkaldet, tryk på knappen nedenfor.";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_error'] = "Der skete en fejl da systemet forsøgte at lave et opkald til dig for at verificere din ordre. Kontakt venligst supporten for at gennemføre din bestilling.";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_fail'] = "Opkaldet for at verificere din ordre fejlede. Dette kan være fordi du har indtastet et forkert telefonnummer. Kontakt venligst supporten for at gennemføre din bestilling.";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_failed'] = "Fejl";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_pincode'] = "Pinkode";
$_LANG['varilogixfraudcall_title'] = "VariLogix FraudCall";
$_LANG['viewcart'] = "Vis bestillingskurv";
$_LANG['welcomeback'] = "Velkommen tilbage";
$_LANG['whoisresults'] = "WHOIS resultater for";
$_LANG['yes'] = "Ja";
$_LANG['yourdetails'] = "Dine detaljer";
$_LANG['user'] = "User";
$_LANG['loggedInAs'] = "Logged in as";
$_LANG['viewAllPricing'] = "View all pricing";
$_LANG['default'] = "Default";
$_LANG['maxFileSize'] = "Max file size: :fileSize";

# Version 4.1

$_LANG['clientareafiles'] = "Vedhæftede Filer";
$_LANG['clientareafilesdate'] = "Tilføjet Dato";
$_LANG['clientareafilesfilename'] = "Filnavn";

$_LANG['pwreset'] = "Adgangskode nulstilling";
$_LANG['pwresetdesc'] = "Hvis du har glemt din adgangskode, kan du nulstille det her. Når du indtaster din registrerede E-mail adresse (og besvarer dit valgte sikkerhedsspørgsmål, hvis valgt), vil du modtage instruktioner om hvordan du nulstiller din adgangskode.";
$_LANG['pwresetemailrequired'] = "Du indtastede ikke din E-mail adresse.";
$_LANG['pwresetemailnotfound'] = "Ingen konto blev fundet med den indtastede E-mail adresse.";
$_LANG['pwresetsecurityquestionrequired'] = "Da du har et sikkerhedsspørgsmål opsat på din konto, skal du indtaste svaret på dette spørgsmål nedenfor.";
$_LANG['pwresetsecurityquestionincorrect'] = "Sikkerhedssvaret du indtastede stemmer ikke overens med svaret angivet i din konto.";
$_LANG['pwresetsubmit'] = "Indsend";
$_LANG['pwresetrequested'] = "Password Reset Requested";
$_LANG['pwresetcheckemail'] = "If the email address you entered matched an existing account, please check your email for instructions on what to do next.";
$_LANG['pwresetkeyinvalid'] = "Nulstillingslinket du har fulgt er ugyldigt. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['pwresetkeyexpired'] = "Nulstillingslinket du har fulget er udløbet. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['pwresetvalidationsuccess'] = "Adgangskode nulstilling gennemført";

$_LANG['overagescharges'] = "Overskud Afgift";
$_LANG['overagestotaldiskusage'] = "Total Disk Forbrug";
$_LANG['overagestotalbwusage'] = "Total båndbredde forbrug";

$_LANG['affiliatescommissionspending'] = "Provisioner Afventer";
$_LANG['affiliatescommissionsavailable'] = "Tilgængelig Provision Saldo";

$_LANG['configoptionqtyminmax'] = "%s har et minimum krav af %s og maximum af %s";

$_LANG['creditcardnostore'] = "Afkryds denne boks, hvis du IKKE ønsker at vi gemmer dine kreditkort oplysninger for gentagende betaling.";
$_LANG['creditcarddelete'] = "Slet Gemte Kort Detaljer";
$_LANG['creditcarddeleteconfirmation'] = "De gemte kreditkort detaljer er nu blevet fjernet fra din konto.";
$_LANG['creditcardupdatenotpossible'] = "Kreditkort detaljer kan ikke opdateres på nuværende tidspunkt. Prøv venligst igen senere.";

$_LANG['invoicepaymentsuccessconfirmation'] = "Mange tak! Din betaling blev gennemført!";
$_LANG['invoicepaymentfailedconfirmation'] = "Desværre mislykkedes din betaling. Prøv venligst igen eller kontakt support.";

# Version 4.2

$_LANG['promoappliedbutnodiscount'] = "Rabatkoden du indtastede er blevet anvendt på din bestillingskurv, men ingen produkter er berørt af rabatten -  tjek venligst detaljerne for rabatten.";

$_LANG['upgradeerroroverdueinvoice'] = "Du kan ikke opgradere/nedgradere dette produkt fordi en faktura allerede er blevet genereret for den næste fornyelse.<br /><br />For at fortsætte, betal først den udestående faktura. Derefter vil du være i stand til at opgradere/nedgradere med det samme og få afregnet differencen.";
$_LANG['upgradeexistingupgradeinvoice'] = "You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an upgrade or downgrade is already in progress.<br /><br />To proceed, please first pay the outstanding invoice and then you will be able to upgrade or downgrade immediately following that and be charged the difference or credited as appropriate.<br/><br/>If you believe you are receiving this message in error, please submit a trouble ticket.";

$_LANG['subaccountactivate'] = "Aktiver underkonto";
$_LANG['subaccountactivatedesc'] = "Afkryds for at konfigurere som underkonto med kundecenter-adgang";
$_LANG['subaccountpermissions'] = "Underkonto tilladelser";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsprofile'] = "Rediger Hoved konto profil";
$_LANG['subaccountpermscontacts'] = "Vis &amp; Håndter kontakter";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsproducts'] = "Vis produkter &amp; tilføjelser";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsmanageproducts'] = "Vis &amp; håndter produkt adgangskoder";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsdomains'] = "Vis domæner";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsmanagedomains'] = "Håndter domæne indstillinger";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsinvoices'] = "Vis &amp; betal fakturaer";
$_LANG['subaccountpermstickets'] = "Vis &amp; åben support sager";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsaffiliates'] = "Vis &amp; håndter partner konto";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsemails'] = "Vis e-mails";
$_LANG['subaccountpermsorders'] = "Placer nye ordrer/opgraderinger/annulleringer";
$_LANG['subaccountpermissiondenied'] = "Du har ikke de nødvendige tilladelser for at få adgang til denne side.";
$_LANG['subaccountallowedperms'] = "Dine tilladelser er:";
$_LANG['subaccountcontactmaster'] = "Kontakt hoved konto ejeren hvis du mener, at dette er en fejl.";
$_LANG['subaccountSsoDenied'] = "You do not have permission to login using Single Sign-On.";

$_LANG['knowledgebasealsoread'] = "Læs også";

$_LANG['orderpaymenttermtriennially'] = "3-årligt";
$_LANG['orderpaymentterm36month'] = "36 måneders pris";

$_LANG['domainrenewals'] = "Domæne fornyelser";
$_LANG['domaindaysuntilexpiry'] = "Dage til udløb";
$_LANG['domainrenewalsnoneavailable'] = "Der er ingen domæner klar til at blive fornyet på din konto.";
$_LANG['domainrenewalspastgraceperiod'] = "Fornyelses-periode forældet";
$_LANG['domainrenewalsingraceperiod'] = "Sidste chance for at fornye!";
$_LANG['domainrenewalsdays'] = "Dage";
$_LANG['domainrenewalsdaysago'] = "Dage siden";

$_LANG['invoicespartialpayments'] = "Delvise betalinger";
$_LANG['invoicestotaldue'] = "Til betaling";

$_LANG['masspaytitle'] = "Masse betaling";
$_LANG['masspaydescription'] = "Nedenfor er et sammendrag af de valgte fakturaer og det samlede beløb at betale for dem alle. For at betale, vælg venligst din ønskede betalingsmåde og indsend.";
$_LANG['masspayselected'] = "Betal valgte";
$_LANG['masspayall'] = "Betal alle";
$_LANG['masspaymakepayment'] = "Udfør betaling";

# Version 4.3

$_LANG['searchenterdomain'] = "Indtast domæne";
$_LANG['searchfilter'] = "Filter";

$_LANG['suspendreason'] = "Suspensions årsag";
$_LANG['suspendreasonoverdue'] = "Forfalden betaling";

$_LANG['vpsnetmanagement'] = "VPS håndtering";
$_LANG['vpsnetpowermanagement'] = "Strøm håndtering";
$_LANG['poweron'] = "Strøm til";
$_LANG['poweroffforced'] = "Strøm fra (Tvunget)";
$_LANG['powerreboot'] = "Genstart";
$_LANG['powershutdown'] = "Luk ned";
$_LANG['vpsnetcpugraphs'] = "CPU grafer";
$_LANG['vpsnetnetworkgraphs'] = "Netværks grafer";
$_LANG['vpsnethourly'] = "Hver time";
$_LANG['vpsnetdaily'] = "Dagligt";
$_LANG['vpsnetweekly'] = "Ugentligt";
$_LANG['vpsnetmonthly'] = "Månedligt";
$_LANG['view'] = "Vis";
$_LANG['vpsnetbackups'] = "Backup muligheder";
$_LANG['vpsnetgenbackup'] = "Generer backup";
$_LANG['vpsnetrestorebackup'] = "Gendan backup";
$_LANG['vpsnetrestorebackupwarning'] = "At gendanne en backup vil overskrive din VPS server.";
$_LANG['vpsnetnobackups'] = "Der er ingen backups.";
$_LANG['vpsnetrunning'] = "Kører";
$_LANG['vpsnetnotrunning'] = "Slukket";
$_LANG['vpsnetpowercycling'] = "Strømmen genstarter";
$_LANG['vpsnetcloud'] = "Cloud";
$_LANG['vpsnettemplate'] = "Skabelon";
$_LANG['vpsnetstatus'] = "System status";
$_LANG['vpsnetbwusage'] = "Båndbredde forbrug";

$_LANG['twitterlatesttweets'] = "Vores seneste Tweets";
$_LANG['twitterfollow'] = "Følg os på Twitter";
$_LANG['twitterfollowus'] = "Følg os";
$_LANG['twitterfollowuswhy'] = "for at holde dig opdateret på vores seneste nyt &amp; tilbud";

$_LANG['chatlivehelp'] = "Live hjælp";

$_LANG['domainrelease'] = "Frigiv domæne";
$_LANG['domainreleasedescription'] = "Indtast et nyt TAG her for at flytte dit domænenavn til en anden registrator.";
$_LANG['domainreleasetag'] = "Nyt registrator tag";

# Ajax Order Form

$_LANG['orderformtitle'] = "Ordre formular";

$_LANG['signup'] = "Registrer";
$_LANG['loading'] = "Indlæser&hellip;";

$_LANG['cartchooseproduct'] = "Vælg produkt";
$_LANG['cartconfigurationoptions'] = "Konfigurationsmuligheder";

$_LANG['ordererrorsoccurred'] = "Følgende fejl opstod og skal rettes før betaling:";
$_LANG['ordererrortermsofservice'] = "Servicevilkår skal accepteres";
$_LANG['ordertostickconfirm'] = "Afkryds venligst for at bekræfte at du accepterer";

$_LANG['cartnewcustomer'] = "Jeg er ny kunde";
$_LANG['cartexistingcustomer'] = "Jeg er allerede kunde";

$_LANG['cartpromo'] = "Rabat";
$_LANG['cartenterpromo'] = "Indtast rabatkode";
$_LANG['cartremovepromo'] = "Fjern rabat";

$_LANG['cartrecurringcharges'] = "Løbende betalinger";

$_LANG['cartenterdomain'] = "Indtast venligst det domæne du ønsker at bruge nedenfor.";

$_LANG['cartdomainavailableoptions'] = "Tillykke, domænet er ledigt!";
$_LANG['cartdomainavailableregister'] = "Registrer venligst dette domæne for";
$_LANG['cartdomainavailablemanual'] = "Jeg ønsker selv at registrere mit domæne";

$_LANG['cartdomainunavailableoptions'] = "Beklager, dette domæne er allerede taget. Hvis du ejer det, så vælg en mulighed nedenfor&hellip;";
$_LANG['cartdomainunavailabletransfer'] = "Overfør mit domæne for";
$_LANG['cartdomainunavailablemanual'] = "Jeg ejer allerede dette domæne og vil opdatere navneserverne";

$_LANG['cartdomaininvalid'] = "Domænet du indtastede er ikke gyldigt. Indtast kun delen efter www. og inkluder TLD'et.";

# Version 4.4

$_LANG['dlinvalidlink'] = "Ugyldigt link fulgt. Kontakt venligst support.";

$_LANG['domaindnsmanagementlaunch'] = "Start DNS Håndtering";
$_LANG['domainemailforwardinglaunch'] = "Start mail vidersendelses håndtering";

# Version 4.5

$_LANG['domaindnspriority'] = "Prioritet";
$_LANG['domaindnsmxonly'] = "Prioritets post kun til MX";

$_LANG['orderpromoprestart'] = "Dette tilbud er ikke begyndt endnu. Prøv venligst igen senere.";

$_LANG['ticketmerge'] = "SAMLET";

$_LANG['quote'] = "Tilbud";
$_LANG['quotestitle'] = "Mine tilbud";
$_LANG['quoteview'] = "Vis";
$_LANG['quotedownload'] = "Vis/Download";
$_LANG['quoteacceptbtn'] = "Accepter tilbud";
$_LANG['quotedlpdfbtn'] = "Download PDF";
$_LANG['quotediscountheading'] = "Rabat (%)";
$_LANG['noquotes'] = "Der er på nuværende tidspunkt ingen tilbud gemt på din konto.<br />For at anmode om et tilbud, start venligst en sag.";
$_LANG['quotenumber'] = "Tilbud #";
$_LANG['quotesubject'] = "Emne";
$_LANG['quotedatecreated'] = "Oprettet dato";
$_LANG['quotevaliduntil'] = "Gyldig Indtil";
$_LANG['quotestage'] = "Status";
$_LANG['quoterecipient'] = "Modtager";
$_LANG['quoteqty'] = "Antal";
$_LANG['quotedesc'] = "Beskrivelse";
$_LANG['quoteunitprice'] = "Enhedspris";
$_LANG['quotediscount'] = "Rabat %";
$_LANG['quotelinetotal'] = "Total";
$_LANG['quotestagedraft'] = "Kladde";
$_LANG['quotestagedelivered'] = "Leveret";
$_LANG['quotestageonhold'] = "På Hold";
$_LANG['quotestageaccepted'] = "Accepteret";
$_LANG['quotestagelost'] = "Mistet";
$_LANG['quotestagedead'] = "Dødt";
$_LANG['quoteref'] = "Re Tilbud #";
$_LANG['quotedeposit'] = "Indskyd";
$_LANG['quotefinalpayment'] = "Saldo fra depositum";

$_LANG['invoiceoneoffpayment'] = "Engangsbetaling";
$_LANG['invoicesubscriptionpayment'] = "Opret automatisk abonnement";

$_LANG['invoicepaymentpendingreview'] = "Mange tak! Din betaling blev modtaget og vil blive anvendt på din faktura så snart 2CheckOuts Gennemgangs-Proces er gennemført.<br /><br />Dette kan godt tage et par timer, så din tålmodighed er værdsat.";

$_LANG['step'] = "Skridt %s";
$_LANG['cartdomainexists'] = "Dette domæne eksisterer allerede i vores database og kan ikke købes igen.";
$_LANG['cartcongratsdomainavailable'] = "Tillykke, %s er ledig!";
$_LANG['cartregisterhowlong'] = "Hvor længe ønsker du at registrere dette for?";
$_LANG['cartdomaintaken'] = "Beklager, %s er optaget";
$_LANG['carttransfernotregistered'] = "%s ser ikke ud til at være registreret endnu";
$_LANG['carttransferpossible'] = "Tillykke, vi kan overføre %s til os for kun %s";
$_LANG['cartotherdomainsuggestions'] = "Andre domæner du måske er interesseret i&hellip;";
$_LANG['cartdomainsconfiginfo'] = "De følgende muligheder og indstillinger er tilgængelige for de domæner, du har valgt. Påkrævede felter er market med en *.";
$_LANG['cartnameserverchoice'] = "Navneserver Valg";
$_LANG['cartnameserverchoicedefault'] = "Brug standard navneservere for vores hosting";
$_LANG['cartnameserverchoicecustom'] = "Brug brugerdefinerede navneservere";
$_LANG['cartfollowingaddonsavailable'] = "De følgende tilføjelser er tilgængelige for dine aktive produkter &amp; services.";
$_LANG['cartregisterdomainchoice'] = "Registrer et nyt domæne";
$_LANG['carttransferdomainchoice'] = "Overfør dit domæne fra en anden registrator";
$_LANG['cartexistingdomainchoice'] = "Jeg vil bruge mit eksisterende domæne og opdatere mine navneservere";
$_LANG['cartsubdomainchoice'] = "Brug et subdomæne fra %s";
$_LANG['carterrordomainconfigskipped'] = "Du skal gå tilbage og færdiggøre de nødvendige domæne konfigurations felter ovenfor.";
$_LANG['cartproductchooseoptions'] = "Vælg muligheder";
$_LANG['cartproductselection'] = "Produkt valg";
$_LANG['cartreviewcheckout'] = "Gennemse &amp; betal";
$_LANG['cartchoosecycle'] = "Vælg betalings cyklus";
$_LANG['cartavailableaddons'] = "Tilgængelige tilføjelser";
$_LANG['cartsetupfees'] = "Opsætningsgebyrer";
$_LANG['cartchooseanotherproduct'] = "Vælg et andet produkt";
$_LANG['cartaddandcheckout'] = "Tilføj til kurv &amp; betal";
$_LANG['cartchooseanothercategory'] = "Vælg en anden kategori";
$_LANG['carttryanotherdomain'] = "Prøv et andet domæne";
$_LANG['cartmakedomainselection'] = "Vælg venligst det domæne, du ønsker at bruge til vores hosting service ved at vælge en mulighed fra valgene nedenfor.";
$_LANG['cartfraudcheck'] = "Svindel kontrol";
$_LANG['cartapifailedtoloadcart'] = "The system could not load the requested cart. <strong><a href=\"cart.php\">Click here</a></strong> to start a new order.";

$_LANG['newcustomer'] = "Ny kunde";
$_LANG['existingcustomer'] = "Eksisterende kunde";
$_LANG['newcustomersignup'] = "Ikke oprettet endnu? %sKlik her for at oprette&hellip;%s";

$_LANG['upgradeonselectedoptions'] = "(På valgte muligheder)";
$_LANG['recurringpromodesc'] = "Denne rabatkode inkluderer også en %s Løbende Rabat<br />(Denne rabat gælder også fremtidige fornyelser af dette produkts totale pris)";

# Version 4.5.2

$_LANG['ajaxcartcheckout'] = "Gå direkte til betaling &raquo;";
$_LANG['ajaxcartconfigreqnotice'] = "Du er på vej til at oprette dig hos os, men du skal vælge et domæne før du kan tilføje de valgte produkter til din kurv&hellip;";

# Version 5.0.0

$_LANG['cancelrequestdomain'] = "Annuller domæne fornyelse?";
$_LANG['cancelrequestdomaindesc'] = "Du har en aktiv domæneregistrering for det domæne der er tilknyttet dette produkt. <br />Dette domæne står til at skulle fornyes den %s til en pris af %s for %s år<br /> <br />Hvis du ønsker at annullere dette domæne, og lade det udløbe ved udgangen af den nuværende registreringsperiode, så afkrydser du bare feltet nedenfor.";
$_LANG['cancelrequestdomainconfirm'] = "Jeg bekræfter, jeg ønsker ikke at forny dette domæne igen";

$_LANG['startingfrom'] = "Start fra";

$_LANG['orderpromopriceoverride'] = "Pris overstyring";
$_LANG['orderpromofreesetup'] = "Gratis opsætning";

$_LANG['thereisaproblem'] = "Ups, der er et problem&hellip;";
$_LANG['problemgoback'] = "Gå tilbage og prøv igen";

$_LANG['quantity'] = "Antal";
$_LANG['cartqtyenterquantity'] = "Ønsker du mere end 1 af denne vare? Vælg antal her:";
$_LANG['cartqtyupdate'] = "Opdater";
$_LANG['invoiceqtyeach'] = "/hver";

$_LANG['nschoicedefault'] = "Brug standard navneservere";
$_LANG['nschoicecustom'] = "Brug brugerdefinerede navneservere (indtast nedenfor)";

$_LANG['jumpto'] = "Gå til";
$_LANG['top'] = "Top";

$_LANG['domaincontactusexisting'] = "Brug eksisterende kontaktperson";
$_LANG['domaincontactusecustom'] = "Angive brugerdefinerede oplysninger nedenfor";
$_LANG['domaincontactchoose'] = "Vælg kontaktperson";
$_LANG['domaincontactprimary'] = "Primær profil data";

$_LANG['invoicepdfgenerated'] = "PDF genereret den";

$_LANG['domainrenewalsbeforerenewlimit'] = "Minimumsperiode for forlængelse er %s dage";

$_LANG['promonewsignupsonly'] = "Denne kampagne kode er kun gyldig for nye kunder";

# Bulk Domain Management

$_LANG['domainbulkmanagement'] = "Vælg handling, der skal udføres på de markerede ";
$_LANG['domainbulkmanagementchangesaffect'] = "De ændringer, der foretages nedenfor vil påvirke følgende domæner:";
$_LANG['domainbulkmanagementchangeaffect'] = "Ændringen vil gælde for følgende domæner:";
$_LANG['domaincannotbemanaged'] = "Kan ikke administreres automatisk - Kontakt venligst support vedrørende eventuelle ændringer, du ønsker at foretage";
$_LANG['domainbulkmanagementnotpossible'] = "Desværre kan disse indstillinger ikke redigeres fra vores kundecenter på det aktuelle tidspunkt. Kontakt venligst support vedrørende eventuelle ændringer, du ønsker at foretage";

$_LANG['domainmanagens'] = "Administrer navneservere";

$_LANG['domainautorenewstatus'] = "Automatisk fornyelse status";
$_LANG['domainautorenewinfo'] = "Automatisk fornyelse hjælper med at beskytte dit domæne. Når den er aktiveret, vil vi automatisk sende dig en fornyelse faktura i god tid før dit domæne udløber, for at vi kan forny domænet skal betalingen være fuldført.";
$_LANG['domainautorenewrecommend'] = "Vi anbefaler at holde automatisk fornyelse aktiveret for at undgå at miste dit domæne.";

$_LANG['domainreglockstatus'] = "Registrator låsestatus";
$_LANG['domainreglockinfo'] = "Registrator lås (også kendt som tyverisikring) sikrer dine domæne fra uautoriserede overførsler.";
$_LANG['domainreglockrecommend'] = "Vi anbefaler, at du holder denne aktiveret, undtagen hvis du vil flytte dit domænenavn.";
$_LANG['domainreglockenable'] = "Aktiver registrator lås";
$_LANG['domainreglockdisable'] = "Deaktiver registrator lås";

$_LANG['domaincontactinfoedit'] = "Rediger kontaktoplysninger";

$_LANG['domainmassrenew'] = "Forny domæner";


$_LANG['captchatitle'] = "Spam robot verifikation";
$_LANG['captchaverify'] = "De tegn du ser på billedet nedenfor, skal indtastes i tekstboksen. Dette er nødvendigt for at forhindre misbrug af registreringerne.";
$_LANG['captchaverifyincorrect'] = "De indtastede tegn matchede ikke billedet, der vises. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['googleRecaptchaIncorrect'] = "Please complete the captcha and try again.";
$_LANG['recaptcha-invalid-site-private-key'] = "Der opstod en fejl, du bedes kontakte support (fejlkode: cap1)";
$_LANG['recaptcha-invalid-request-cookie'] = "Der opstod en fejl, prøv igen (fejlkode: cap2)";
$_LANG['recaptcha-incorrect-captcha-sol'] = "De indtastede tegn matchede ikke ord verifikation. Prøv venligst igen.";

# Product Bundles

$_LANG['bundledeal'] = "Tilbudspakker!";
$_LANG['bundlevaliddateserror'] = "Der er ingen tilbudspakker";
$_LANG['bundlevaliddateserrordesc'] = "Denne tilbudspakke er enten inaktive eller udløbet. Hvis du mener at denne besked er en fejl, bedes du kontakte support.";
$_LANG['bundlemaxusesreached'] = "Tilbudspakkens maksimum er nået";
$_LANG['bundlemaxusesreacheddesc'] = "Denne tilbudspakke har nået det maksimale antal der kan sælges, så den er desværre ikke længere tilgængelig. Venligst kontakt os, hvis du er interesseret i vores serviceydelser.";
$_LANG['bundlereqsnotmet'] = "Tilbudspakkens krav er ikke opfyldt";
$_LANG['bundlewarningpromo'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kan ikke anvendes i forbindelse med andre kampagnetilbud eller tilbud.";
$_LANG['bundlewarningproductcycle'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger en faktureringsperiode '%s' for produkt %s inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopreq'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger '%s' for '%s' inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopyesnoenable'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger valgmuligheden '%s' inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopyesnodisable'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du fravælger valgmuligheden '%s' inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningproductconfopqtyreq'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger et antal af '%s' for '%s' inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningproductaddonreq'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger tilføjelsen '%s' til produktet %s inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningdomainreq'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver at du registrere eller overføre (redelegere) et domæne sammen med produktet %s inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningdomaintld'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger et domæne med endelsen '%s' for domænet %s inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningdomainregperiod'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger registreringsperiode '%s' for domænet %s inden du kan fortsætte";
$_LANG['bundlewarningdomainaddon'] = "Den valgte tilbudspakke kræver, at du vælger tilføjelsen '%s' til domænet %s inden du kan fortsætte";

# New Client Area Template  Lines

$_LANG['navservices'] = "Produkter";
$_LANG['navservicesorder'] = "Køb et produkt";
$_LANG['navservicesplaceorder'] = "Afgiv en ny ordre";
$_LANG['navdomains'] = "Domæner";
$_LANG['navrenewdomains'] = "Forny domæner";
$_LANG['navregisterdomain'] = "Registrer et nyt domæne";
$_LANG['navtransferdomain'] = "Overfør domæne til os";
$_LANG['navdomainsearch'] = "Domain Search";
$_LANG['navbilling'] = "Fakturering";
$_LANG['navinvoices'] = "Fakturaer";
$_LANG['navsupport'] = "Support";
$_LANG['navtickets'] = "Sager";
$_LANG['navopenticket'] = "Ny Sag";
$_LANG['navmanagecc'] = "Administrer kreditkort";
$_LANG['navemailssent'] = "E-mails sendt";

$_LANG['hello'] = "Hej";
$_LANG['helloname'] = "Hej, %s!";
$_LANG['account'] = "Konto";
$_LANG['login'] = "Log ind";
$_LANG['register'] = "Register";
$_LANG['forgotpw'] = "Glemt adgangskode?";

$_LANG['clientareanavccdetails'] = "Kreditkort oplysninger";

$_LANG['manageyouraccount'] = "Håndter din konto";
$_LANG['accountoverview'] = "Kontooversigt";
$_LANG['paymentmethod'] = "Betalingsmetode";
$_LANG['paymentmethoddefault'] = "Brug standard (sæt pr ordre)";
$_LANG['productmanagementactions'] = "Administrative handlinger";
$_LANG['clientareanoaddons'] = "Der er endnu ikke købt nogle tilføjelser";
$_LANG['downloadssearch'] = "Søg i downloads";
$_LANG['emailviewmessage'] = "Vis besked";
$_LANG['resultsperpage'] = "Resultater per side";
$_LANG['accessdenied'] = "Adgang nægtet";
$_LANG['search'] = "Søg";
$_LANG['cancel'] = "Annuller";
$_LANG['clientareabacklink'] = "&laquo; Tilbage";
$_LANG['backtoserviceslist'] = "&laquo; Tilbage til services";
$_LANG['backtodomainslist'] = "&laquo; Tilbage til domæner";
$_LANG['copy'] = "Copy";

$_LANG['clientareahomeorder'] = "Gå til ordreformularen, hvor du kan se de produkter og services vi tilbyder. Eksisterende kunder kan også købe ekstraudstyr og tilføjelser her.";
$_LANG['clientareahomelogin'] = "Er du allerede registreret hos os? Hvis dette er tilfældet, skal du klikke på knappen nedenfor for at logge ind på vores kundecenter, hvorfra du kan administrere din konto.";
$_LANG['clientareahomeorderbtn'] = "Gå til ordreformularen";
$_LANG['clientareahomeloginbtn'] = "Sikker kundelogin";

$_LANG['clientareaproductsintro'] = "Dette er alle de produkter du har registreret på denne konto.";
$_LANG['clientareaproductdetailsintro'] = "Her er en oversigt af dine produkter/services hos os.";
$_LANG['clientareadomainsintro'] = "Dette er alle de domæner du har registreret på denne konto.";
$_LANG['quotesintro'] = "Her er alle de tilbud du har modtaget fra os.";
$_LANG['emailstagline'] = "Her er en kopi af de seneste e-mails vi har sendt dig.";
$_LANG['supportticketsintro'] = "Send og spor alle henvendelser til os her&hellip;";
$_LANG['addfundsintro'] = "Tank din konto op";
$_LANG['registerintro'] = "Opret en konto hos os&hellip;";
$_LANG['networkstatusintro'] = "Services og drift information samt netværks meddelelser";

$_LANG['creditcardyourinfo'] = "Faktureringsoplysninger";
$_LANG['ourlatestnews'] = "Vores seneste nyheder";
$_LANG['ccexpiringsoon'] = "Kreditkortet udløber snart";
$_LANG['ccexpiringsoondesc'] = "Dit kreditkort udløber snart, så skal du sikre dig %s at få opdateret dine kortoplysninger %s til os, når du kan";
$_LANG['availcreditbal'] = "Tilgængelig saldo";
$_LANG['availcreditbaldesc'] = "Du har et indestående på %s og dette vil automatisk blive overført til nye fakturaer";
$_LANG['youhaveoverdueinvoices'] = "Du har %s udestående faktura(er)";
$_LANG['overdueinvoicesdesc'] = "For at undgå afbrydelse af ydelserne, skal du betale dine udestående fakturaer så hurtigt som muligt. %sBetal nu&raquo;%s";
$_LANG['supportticketsnoneopen'] = "Der er i øjeblikket ingen åbne supportsager";
$_LANG['invoicesnoneunpaid'] = "Der er i øjeblikket ingen ubetalte fakturaer";

$_LANG['registerdisablednotice'] = "For at registrere skal du afgive en <strong><a href=\"cart.php\">ordre</a></strong>";
$_LANG['registerCreateAccount'] = "To create an account, please";
$_LANG['registerCreateAccountOrder'] = "place an order with us";

$_LANG['pwstrength'] = "Adgangskodens styrke";
$_LANG['pwstrengthenter'] = "Indtast en adgangskode";
$_LANG['pwstrengthweak'] = "Svag";
$_LANG['pwstrengthmoderate'] = "Moderat";
$_LANG['pwstrengthstrong'] = "Stærk";
$_LANG['pwstrengthrating'] = "New Password Rating";

$_LANG['managing'] = "Administrerer";
$_LANG['information'] = "Information";
$_LANG['withselected'] = "Med valgte";
$_LANG['managedomain'] = "Administrer domæne";
$_LANG['changenameservers'] = "Skift navneservere";
$_LANG['clientareadomainmanagedns'] = "Administrer DNS";
$_LANG['clientareadomainmanageemailfwds'] = "Administrer e-mail viderestillinger";
$_LANG['moduleactionsuccess'] = "Handlingen er gennemført med succes!";
$_LANG['moduleactionfailed'] = "Handlingen mislykkedes";

$_LANG['domaininfoexp'] = "Til højre kan du finde oplysninger om dit domæne. Du kan administrere dit domæne ved hjælp af fanebladene ovenfor.";
$_LANG['domainrenewexp'] = "Aktiver automatisk fornyelse, så sender vi dig automatisk en faktura for fornyelsen, før dit domæne udløber. ";
$_LANG['domainnsexp'] = "Her kan du ændre hvor dit domæne skal peger hen. Vær opmærksom på ændringer kan tage op til 24 timer før alle navneserver er opdateret.";
$_LANG['domainlockingexp'] = "Lås dit domæne for at forhindre det i at blive flyttet væk (redelegeret) uden din tilladelse.";
$_LANG['domaincurrentlyunlocked'] = "Domænet er på nuværende tidspunkt ulåst!";
$_LANG['domaincurrentlyunlockedexp'] = "Du bør aktivere registrator låsen, medmindre du skal overføre (redelegere) domænet.";
$_LANG['searchmultipletlds'] = "Søg flere TLDs";

$_LANG['networkstatustitle'] = "Netværksstatus";
$_LANG['networkstatusnone'] = "Der er ingen %s netværksproblemer i øjeblikket";
$_LANG['serverstatusheadingtext'] = "Nedenfor er et her-og-nu overblik over vores servere, hvor du kan se om der er fundet nogen problemer.";

$_LANG['clientareacancelreasonrequired'] = "Du skal skrive grunden til annulleringen";

$_LANG['addfundsdescription'] = "Tilføj penge til din konto hos os for at undgå masser af små transaktioner og til automatisk betaling af eventuelle nye fakturaer.";
$_LANG['addfundsnonrefundable'] = "*Optankning refundres ikke.";

$_LANG['creditcardexpirydateinvalid'] = "Udløbsdatoen skal skrives i formatet MM/ÅÅ og må ikke være af ældre dato end i dag";

$_LANG['domaincheckerchoosedomain'] = "Vælg et domænenavn&hellip;";
$_LANG['domaincheckerchecknewdomain'] = "Se om domænet er tilgængeligt";
$_LANG['domaincheckerdomainexample'] = " f.eks.";
$_LANG['domaincheckerhostingonly'] = "Bestil kun hosting";
$_LANG['domaincheckerenterdomain'] = "Start din web hosting oplevelse med os ved at skrive det domænenavn, du ønsker at registrere eller overføre (redelegere) eller blot køb hosting til nedenfor&hellip;";

$_LANG['kbquestionsearchere'] = "Har du et spørgsmål? Start din søgning her&hellip;";
$_LANG['contactus'] = "Kontakt os";

$_LANG['opennewticket'] = "Opret en ny sag";
$_LANG['searchtickets'] = "Skriv sagens # eller emne";
$_LANG['supportticketspriority'] = "Prioritet";
$_LANG['supportticketsubmitted'] = "Indsendt";
$_LANG['supportticketscontact'] = "Kontakt";
$_LANG['supportticketsticketlastupdated'] = "Sidst opdateret";

$_LANG['upgradedowngradepackage'] = "Opgradering/Nedgradering";
$_LANG['upgradedowngradechooseproduct'] = "Vælg produkt";

$_LANG['jobtitlereqforcompany'] = "(Påkrævet, hvis firmanavn er angivet)";

$_LANG['downloadproductrequired'] = "For at hente dette element kræves det, at du har et af følgende produkt/service som er aktivt:";

$_LANG['affiliatesignuptitle'] = "Bliv betalt for at henvise kunder til os";
$_LANG['affiliatesignupintro'] = "Aktiver din partner konto og begynd at tjene penge idag&hellip;";
$_LANG['affiliatesignupinfo1'] = "Vi betaler provision for hver registrering der kommer via dit eget link.";
$_LANG['affiliatesignupinfo2'] = "Vi husker de gæster, du henviser til os ved hjælp af cookies, så brugere du henviser behøver ikke handle ved første besøg for at du modtager provision. Cookies varer op til 90 dage efter det første besøg via dit link.";
$_LANG['affiliatesignupinfo3'] = "Vil du vide mere, så kontakt os.";

# Version 5.1

$_LANG['copyright'] = "Copyright";
$_LANG['allrightsreserved'] = "Alle rettigheder forbeholdes";
$_LANG['supportticketsclose'] = "Luk sag";
$_LANG['affiliatesinitialthen'] = "Oprindeligt den";
$_LANG['invoicesoutstandingbalance'] = "Udestående saldo";

$_LANG['cpanellogin'] = "Login på cPanel";
$_LANG['cpanelwhmlogin'] = "Login på WHM";
$_LANG['cpanelwebmaillogin'] = "Login på Webmail";
$_LANG['enkompasslogin'] = "Login på Enkompass";
$_LANG['plesklogin'] = "Login på Plesk Control Panel";
$_LANG['helmlogin'] = "Login på Helm Control Panel";
$_LANG['hypervmrestart'] = "Genstart VPS Server";
$_LANG['siteworxlogin'] = "Login på SiteWorx Control Panel";
$_LANG['nodeworxlogin'] = "Login på NodeWorx Control Panel";
$_LANG['veportallogin'] = "Login på vePortal";
$_LANG['virtualminlogin'] = "Login på Control Panel";
$_LANG['websitepanellogin'] = "Login på Control Panel";
$_LANG['whmsoniclogin'] = "Login på Control Panel";
$_LANG['xpanelmaillogin'] = "Login på Webmail";
$_LANG['xpanellogin'] = "Login på XPanel";
$_LANG['heartinternetlogin'] = "Login på Control Panel";
$_LANG['gamecplogin'] = "Login på GameCP";
$_LANG['fluidvmrestart'] = "Genstart VPS Server";
$_LANG['enomtrustedesc'] = "TRUSTe Control Panel indeholder opsætnings-guiden til at få din Privatlivs Politik op at køre.";
$_LANG['enomtrustelogin'] = "Login på TRUSTe Control Panel";
$_LANG['directadminlogin'] = "Login på DirectAdmin";
$_LANG['centovacastlogin'] = "Login på Centova Cast";
$_LANG['castcontrollogin'] = "Login på Control Panel";

$_LANG['sslconfigurenow'] = "Konfigurer nu";
$_LANG['sslprovisioningdate'] = "SSL tilførsels dato";
$_LANG['globalsignvoucherscode'] = "Din OneClickSSL rabatkode";
$_LANG['globalsignvouchersnotissued'] = "Endnu ikke udstedt";

$_LANG['domaintrffailreasonunavailable'] = "Fejl årsag utilgængelig";

$_LANG['clientareaprojects'] = "Mine projekter";

$_LANG['clientgroupdiscount'] = "Kunde rabat";
$_LANG['billableitemshours'] = "Timer";
$_LANG['billableitemshour'] = "Time";
$_LANG['billableitemsquantity'] = "Qty";
$_LANG['billableitemseach'] = "Each";

$_LANG['invoicefilename'] = "Faktura-";
$_LANG['quotefilename'] = "Tilbud-";

# Domain Addons

$_LANG['domainaddons'] = "Tilføjelser";
$_LANG['domainaddonsinfo'] = "De følgende tilføjelser er tilgængelige for dit domæne(r)&hellip;";
$_LANG['domainaddonsdnsmanagement'] = "DNS værts post opslag";
$_LANG['domainaddonsidprotectioninfo'] = "Beskyt dine personlige informationer og reducer mængden af spam i din indbakke ved at aktivere ID beskyttelse.";
$_LANG['domainaddonsdnsmanagementinfo'] = "Ekstern DNS hosting kan hjælpe med at øge hastigheden på din hjemmeside og øge tilgængelighed med reduceret redundans.";
$_LANG['domainaddonsemailforwardinginfo'] = "Få e-mails vidersendt til alternative E-mail adresser, som du vælger, så du kan overvåge alt fra en enkelt konto.";
$_LANG['domainaddonsbuynow'] = "Køb nu for";
$_LANG['domainaddonsperyear'] = "/År";
$_LANG['domainaddonscancelareyousure'] = "Er du sikker på, at du ønsker at deaktivere &amp; annullere denne domæne addon?";
$_LANG['domainaddonsconfirm'] = "Bekræft annullering";
$_LANG['domainaddonscancelsuccess'] = "Tilføjelse deaktiveret!";
$_LANG['domainaddonscancelfailed'] = "Deaktivering af tilføjelse mislykkedes. Kontakt venligst support.";

# Version 5.2

$_LANG['yourclientareahostingaddons'] = "Du har de følgende tilføjelser til dette produkt.";
$_LANG['loginrequired'] = "Login påkrævet";
$_LANG['unsubscribe'] = "Afmeld";
$_LANG['emailoptout'] = "Frabed nyhedsbrev";
$_LANG['emailoptoutdesc'] = "Afkryds for at afmelde fra vores nyhedsbreve";
$_LANG['alreadyunsubscribed'] = "Du har allerede afmeldt vores nyhedsbreve.";
$_LANG['newsletterresubscribe'] = "Hvis du ønsker at gen-tilmelde, kan du gøre det fra %sMine Informationer%s sektionen af vores kundecenter til enhver tid.";
$_LANG['unsubscribehashinvalid'] = "Afmelding mislykkedes, kontakt venligst support.";
$_LANG['unsubscribesuccess'] = "Afmelding lykkedes";
$_LANG['newsletterremoved'] = "Mange tak, din E-mail adresse er nu blevet fjernet fra vores mailing liste.";
$_LANG['newslettersubscribed'] = "You have been successfully subscribed to our mailing list.";
$_LANG['emailMarketingAlreadyOptedIn'] = "You are already subscribed to our mailing list.";
$_LANG['emailMarketingAlreadyOptedOut'] = "You are already unsubscribed from our mailing list.";
$_LANG['manageSubscription'] = "Manage Subscription";

$_LANG['erroroccured'] = "Der opstod en fejl";
$_LANG['pwresetsuccessdesc'] = "Din adgangskode er nu blevet nulstillet. %sKlik her%s for at fortsætte til kundecenteret&hellip;";
$_LANG['pwresetenternewpw'] = "Indtast venligst din ønskede adgangskode nedenfor.";
$_LANG['ordererrorsbudomainbanned'] = "Subdomæne præfiks du indtastede er ikke tilladt - prøv venligst et andet";

$_LANG['ticketfeedbacktitle'] = "Feedback anmodning for sag";

$_LANG['nosupportdepartments'] = "Ingen support afdelinger fundet. Prøv venligst igen senere.";

$_LANG['feedbackclosed'] = "Feedback kan ikke gives før sagen er lukket.";
$_LANG['feedbackprovided'] = "Du har allerede givet feedback for denne sag.";
$_LANG['feedbackthankyou'] = "Vi værdsætter at du brugte et øjeblik på at give os din feedback.";
$_LANG['feedbackreceived'] = "Indsendelse modtaget";
$_LANG['feedbackdesc'] = "Vi vil meget gerne bede dig om at bruge et øjeblik på at udfylde den nedenstående formular omkring din oplevelse af den hjælp, du modtog fra vores support.";
$_LANG['feedbackclickreview'] = "Klik her for at gennemse sagen";
$_LANG['feedbackopenedat'] = "Åbnet ved";
$_LANG['feedbacklastreplied'] = "Sidst besvaret";
$_LANG['feedbackstaffinvolved'] = "Personale involveret";
$_LANG['feedbacktotalduration'] = "Fulde varighed";
$_LANG['feedbackpleaserate1'] = "Vurder venligst (på en skala fra 1 til 10) hvor godt";
$_LANG['feedbackpleasecomment1'] = "Kommenter venligst på hvor godt";
$_LANG['feedbackhandled'] = "håndterede denne support anmodning";
$_LANG['feedbackworst'] = "Værst";
$_LANG['feedbackbest'] = "Bedst";
$_LANG['feedbackimprove'] = "Hvordan kan vi gøre din oplevelse bedre i fremtiden?";
$_LANG['pleaserate2'] = "håndterede denne support forespørgsel";
$_LANG['feedbacksupplyrating'] = "Please supply at least a rating for :staffname (comments are optional)";

$_LANG['returnclient'] = "Vend tilbage til Kundesiden";

$_LANG['clientareanavsecurity'] = "Sikkerheds indstillinger";
$_LANG['twofactorauth'] = "To-faktor autentificering";
$_LANG['twofaenable'] = "Aktiver To-faktor autentificering";
$_LANG['twofadisable'] = "Deaktiver To-faktor autentificering";
$_LANG['twofaenableclickhere'] = "Klik her for at aktivere";
$_LANG['twofadisableclickhere'] = "Klik her for at deaktivere";
$_LANG['twofaenforced'] = "For din sikkerheds skyld kræver vi, at du skal aktivere To-faktor autentificering før du kan fortsætte. Denne side vil guide dig igennem opsætnings-processen.";

$_LANG['twofasetupgetstarted'] = "Kom godt igang";
$_LANG['twofaactivationintro'] = "To-faktor autentificering tilføjer et ekstra lag af beskyttelse til login. Når det er aktiveret &amp; konfigureret, vil du ved hvert login blive bedt om at indtaste dit brugernavn &amp; adgangskode samt den valgte 2. faktor, fx en sikkerhedskode.";
$_LANG['twofaactivationmultichoice'] = "Vælg venligst din foretrukne To-faktor autentificering metode nedenfor for at fortsætte.";
$_LANG['twofadisableintro'] = "For at deaktivere To-faktor autentificering skal du bekræfte din adgangskode i feltet nedenfor.";
$_LANG['twofaactivationerror'] = "Der skete en fejl under forsøget på at aktivere To-faktor autentificering på din konto. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['twofamoduleerror'] = "Der skete en fejl ved indlæsning af modulet. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['twofadisableconfirmation'] = "To-faktor autentificering er nu blevet slået fra for din konto.";
$_LANG['twofabackupcode'] = "Backup Code";
$_LANG['twofabackupcodeintro'] = "The backup code is needed to access your account in the event you cannot complete two-factor authentication.";
$_LANG['twofabackupcodeis'] = "Din backup kode er";
$_LANG['twofanewbackupcodeis'] = "Din nye backup kode er";
$_LANG['twofabackupcodelogin'] = "Indtast din backup kode ovenfor for at logge ind";
$_LANG['twofabackupcodeexpl'] = "Skriv dette ned på et papir og opbevar det sikkert.<br />Du skal bruge det, hvis du mister din 2. faktor enhed, eller den ikke er tilgængelig.";
$_LANG['twofaconfirmpw'] = "Indtast din adgangskode";
$_LANG['twofa2ndfactorreq'] = "Din 2. faktor er nødvendig for at gennemføre login.";
$_LANG['twofa2ndfactorincorrect'] = "The second factor you supplied was incorrect. Please try again. You have :attempts attempts remaining.";
$_LANG['twofabackupcodereset'] = "Log ind med backup kode lykkedes<br />Backup koder er kun gyldige én gang. Den vil nu blive nulstillet.";
$_LANG['twofacantaccess2ndfactor'] = "Kan ikke få adgang til din 2. faktor enhed?";
$_LANG['twofaloginusingbackupcode'] = "Log ind med backup kode";
$_LANG['twofageneralerror'] = "Der skete en fejl ved indlæsning af modulet. Prøv venligst igen.";

$_LANG['continue'] = "Fortsæt";
$_LANG['disable'] = "Deaktiver";
$_LANG['manage'] = "Administrer";

# Version 5.3
$_LANG['quoteacceptancetitle'] = "Accepter tilbud";
$_LANG['quoteacceptancehowto'] = "For at acceptere tilbud, skal du bekræfte din accept af vores betingelser for service, som kan ses her:";
$_LANG['quoteacceptancewarning'] = "Vær opmærksom på at accept af et tilbud, anses som at indgå en kontrakt, og du vil ikke være i stand til at annullere.";

$_LANG['contactform'] = "Kontakt formular";

$_LANG['twoipconnect'] = "Connect your app";
$_LANG['twoipinstruct'] = "Using an authenticator app like %s or %s, scan the QR code below. Having trouble scanning the code? Enter the code manually:";
$_LANG['twoipverificationstepmsg'] = "Enter the 6-digit code that the application generates to verify and complete setup.";
$_LANG['twoipenterauth'] = "Enter authentication code";
$_LANG['twoipgoogleauth'] = "Google Authenticator";
$_LANG['twoipduo'] = "Duo";
$_LANG['twoipcodemissmatch'] = "Den indtastede kode, er forkert. Prøv venligst igen.";
$_LANG['twoipgdmissing'] = "GD mangler fra det nuværende PHP build på serveren, billeder kan ikke genereres";

$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['First Name'] = "Fornavn";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Last Name'] = "Efternavn";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Full Name'] = "Fulde navn";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Contact Name'] = "Kontaktperson";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Email'] = "Email";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Email Address'] = "Email adresse";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Job Title'] = "Job title";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Company Name'] = "Firma navn";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Organisation Name'] = "Organisation navn";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Address'] = "Adresse";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Street'] = "Gadenavn";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Address 1'] = "Adresse 1";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Address 2'] = "Adresse 2";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Address 3'] = "Adresse 3";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['City'] = "By";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['State'] = "Stat";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['County'] = "Kommune";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Region'] = "Region";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Postcode'] = "Postnummer";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['ZIP Code'] = "ZIP nummer";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['ZIP'] = "ZIP";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Country'] = "Land";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Phone'] = "Telefon";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Phone Number'] = "Telefon nummer";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Fax'] = "Fax";
$_LANG['domaincontactdetails']['Phone Country Code'] = "Phone Country Code";

$_LANG['serverhostnameexample'] = "f.eks. server1(";
$_LANG['serverns1prefixexample'] = "f.eks. ns1(";
$_LANG['serverns2prefixexample'] = "f.eks. ns2(";

$_LANG['hosting'] = "Hosting";

$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['Heading'] = ".fr domæner har forskellige nødvendige værdier afhængigt af din nationalitet og type registrering:";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['French Individuals']['Name'] = "Franskmand";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['French Individuals']['Requirements'] = "Oplys venligst din fødselsdag, fødeby og fødebyens postnummer.";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['EU Non-French Individuals']['Name'] = "Ikke franskmænd (Inden for EU)";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['EU Non-French Individuals']['Requirements'] = "Oplys venligst din fødselsdag.";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['French Companies']['Name'] = "Fransk frima";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['French Companies']['Requirements'] = "Oplys venligst konto ejerens fødselsdag, fødeby og fødebyens postnummer og dit SIRET nummer.";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['EU Non-French Companies']['Name'] = "Ikke franske firmaer (Inden for EU)";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['EU Non-French Companies']['Requirements'] = "Oplys venligst din virksomheds DUNS nummer, og kontoejerens fødseldag.";
$_LANG['enomfrregistration']['Non-EU Warning'] = "Dine kontaktinformationer skal være i EU. Ellers kan du ikke registrere domænet";

$_LANG['confirm'] = "Confirm";

$_LANG['maxmind_checkconfiguration'] = "Der opstod en fejl ved bedrageri kontrol. Kontakt venligst support.";
$_LANG['maxmind_addressinvalid'] = "Din adresse blev ikke genkendt. Tjek efter om du har skrevet den rigtigt.";
$_LANG['maxmind_invalidip'] = "IP adressen er ugyldig eller en lokal IP. Kontakt support";

$_LANG['ssounabletologin'] = "Unable to auto-login. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['ssofatalerror'] = "A fatal error occurred. Please contact support.";

$_LANG['customActionGenericError'] = "Unable to perform action. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['customActionException'] = "An exception has occurred. Please contact support.";

# Version 6.0

$_LANG['announcementschoosemonth'] = "Vælg måned";
$_LANG['announcementsbymonth'] = "Efter måned";
$_LANG['announcementsolder'] = "Ældre annonceringer";
$_LANG['createnewcontact'] = "Ny kontakt...";
$_LANG['due'] = "Forfalden";
$_LANG['affiliatessignups'] = "Antal Oprettelser";
$_LANG['affiliatesconversionrate'] = "Omregningskurs";
$_LANG['affiliatesclicks'] = "Kliks";
$_LANG['contacts'] = "Kontakter";
$_LANG['backtoservicedetails'] = "Tilbage til service detaljer";
$_LANG['invoicesintro'] = "Herunder kan du se alle de fakturaer du har modtaget fra os.";

$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['yourAccount'] = "Din konto";
$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['myDetails'] = "Mine detaljer";
$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['billingInformation'] = "Faktureringsoplysninger";
$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['contacts/subAccounts'] = "Kontakter/Under-konti";
$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['changePassword'] = "Skift adgangskode";
$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['securitySettings'] = "Sikkerhedsindstillinger";
$_LANG['sidebars']['viewAccount']['emailHistory'] = "Email Historik";

$_LANG['aboutsecurityquestions'] = "Hvorfor sikkerhedsspørgsmål?";
$_LANG['registersecurityquestionblurb'] = "Indstilling af et sikkerhedsspørgsmål vil give ekstra sikkerhed, da alle ændringer på din konto kræver at du oplyser svaret på dit spørgsmål.";

$_LANG['update'] = "Opdater";
$_LANG['yourinfo'] = "Din info";
$_LANG['shortcuts'] = "Genveje";

$_LANG['yourservices'] = "Dine Services";
$_LANG['yourdomains'] = "Dine domæner";
$_LANG['yourtickets'] = "Dine supportager";
$_LANG['managecontacts'] = "Administrer kontakter";
$_LANG['billingdetails'] = "Faktureringsoplysninger";
$_LANG['homechooseproductservice'] = "Vælg et produkt/service at administrere:";

$_LANG['invoicesdue'] = "Faktura til betaling";
$_LANG['invoicesduemsg'] = "Du har %s faktura(er) der øjeblikket ubetalt, med en samlet balance på %s";
$_LANG['noinvoicesduemsg'] = "Du har ingen ubetalte fakturaer i øjeblikket.";

$_LANG['expiringsoon'] = "Udløber snart";

$_LANG['notice'] = "Bemærk";
$_LANG['networkstatussubtitle'] = "Status på vores netværk";

$_LANG['myaccount'] = "Min konto";

$_LANG['manageproduct'] = "Administrer produkt";
$_LANG['overview'] = "Overblik";
$_LANG['servername'] = "Server";
$_LANG['visitwebsite'] = "Besøg websitet";
$_LANG['whoisinfo'] = "WHOIS Info";

$_LANG['tableshowing'] = "Viser _START_ til _END_ af _TOTAL_ elementer";
$_LANG['tableempty'] = "Viser 0 til 0 af 0 elementer";
$_LANG['tablefiltered'] = "(filtreret fra _MAX_ elementer)";
$_LANG['tablelength'] = "Vis _MENU_ elementer";
$_LANG['tableloading'] = "Indlæser...";
$_LANG['tableprocessing'] = "Arbejder...";
$_LANG['tablepagesfirst'] = "Første";
$_LANG['tablepageslast'] = "Sidste";
$_LANG['tablepagesnext'] = "Næste";
$_LANG['tablepagesprevious'] = "Forrige";
$_LANG['tableviewall'] = "Alle";
$_LANG['tableentersearchterm'] = "Indtast søgeord...";

$_LANG['actions'] = "Handlinger";

$_LANG['upgradedowngradeshort'] = "Op/Nedgrader";

$_LANG['masspayintro'] = "Betal alle disse fakturaer i ét trin";
$_LANG['masspaymentselectgateway'] = "Vælg betalingsmetode";

$_LANG['ticketfeedbackrequest'] = "Feedback Anmodning";
$_LANG['ticketfeedbackforticket'] = "for Supportsag #";

$_LANG['notifications'] = "Underretninger";
$_LANG['notificationsnone'] = "Du har ingen underretninger på dette tidspunkt.";

$_LANG['creditcardnonestored'] = "Intet kort arkiveret";

$_LANG['kbviewingarticlestagged'] = "Viser artikler tagget";

$_LANG['domainprivatenameservers'] = "Private navneservere";

$_LANG['transferinadomain'] = "Overfør et domæne";

$_LANG['nodomainextensions'] = "Der er ikke konfugureret nogle domænetyper";

$_LANG['homebegin'] = "Begynd søgningen efter dit perfekte domænenavn...";
$_LANG['howcanwehelp'] = "Hvordan kan vi hjælpe idag?";
$_LANG['exampledomain'] = "fx.";
$_LANG['buyadomain'] = "Køb et domæne";
$_LANG['orderhosting'] = "Bestil hosting";
$_LANG['makepayment'] = "Foretag betaling";
$_LANG['getsupport'] = "Få support";

$_LANG['news'] = "Nyheder";
$_LANG['allthelatest'] = "Alt det seneste fra";
$_LANG['readmore'] = "Læs mere";
$_LANG['noannouncements'] = "Ingen annonceringer at vise";

$_LANG['kbsearchexplain'] = "Har du et spørgsmål? Start din søgning her.";
$_LANG['readyforquestions'] = "Vi er klar og venter på dine spørgsmål";

$_LANG['restrictedpage'] = "Denne side er begrænset";
$_LANG['enteremail'] = "Indtast e-mail";
$_LANG['restricted'] = "Restricted";

$_LANG['passwordtips'] = "<strong>Tips til en god adgangskode</strong><br />Brug både store og små bogstaver<br />Inkluder mindst et symbol (# $ ! % &amp; osv...)<br />Brug ikke almindelige ord";

$_LANG['regdate'] = "Reg Date";
$_LANG['nextdue'] = "Next Due";

$_LANG['findyourdomain'] = "FInd dit nye domæne";
$_LANG['searchtermrequired'] = "Du skal skrive et domæne navn eller et søgeord";
$_LANG['unabletolookup'] = "Beklager, vi kunne ikke søge efter dit domæne";
$_LANG['invalidchars'] = "Fjern mellemrum og specialtegn";
$_LANG['bulkoptions'] = "Bulk Options";
$_LANG['checkingdomain'] = "Kontrollere om det domæne, du har anmodet om er tilgængelig...";
$_LANG['domainsgotocheckout'] = "Gå til kassen";
$_LANG['domainssearchresults'] = "Søge resultater";
$_LANG['domainssuggestions'] = "Forslag";
$_LANG['domainsothersuggestions'] = "Du kan også være interesseret i følgende alternative navne";
$_LANG['domainsmoresuggestions'] = "Giv mig flere forslag!";
$_LANG['domainssuggestionswarnings'] = "Domæne navneforslag kan ikke altid være til rådighed. Domæners tilgængelighed tjekks altid ved kassen.";
$_LANG['disclaimers'] = "Forbehold";
$_LANG['tldpricing'] = "TLD priser";
$_LANG['alltldpricing'] = "Alle TLD priser";

$_LANG['quotesdesc'] = "Tilbud vi har lavet til dig";
$_LANG['quotesrejected'] = "Afvist";

$_LANG['ticketsyourhistory'] = "Din sags historik";

$_LANG['clientareaemaildesc'] = "Din email historik med os";

$_LANG['sslconfssl'] = "Konfigurer SSL";
$_LANG['sslnoconfigurationpossible'] = "Konfigurationen er allerede er afsluttet! Kontakt supporten, hvis du oplever problemer.";

$_LANG['adminloggedin'] = "Du er i øjeblikket logget ind som admin.";
$_LANG['returntoadminarea'] = "Log ud og vend tilbage til Admin området";
$_LANG['adminmasqueradingasclient'] = "Du er i øjeblikket logget ind som en klient.";
$_LANG['logoutandreturntoadminarea'] = "Log ud og vend tilbage til Admin området";

$_LANG['supportAndUpdatesExpired'] = "Support & Opdateringer udløbet.";
$_LANG['supportAndUpdatesExpiredLicense'] = "Din Support og opdaterings periode for denne licens er udløbet";
$_LANG['supportAndUpdatesRenewalRequired'] = "Support & Opdateringer skal fornyes, før du kan få adgang til dette download.";
$_LANG['supportAndUpdatesClickHereToRenew'] = "Klik her for at forny";

$_LANG['pwresetemailneeded'] = "Glemt din adgangskode? Indtast din email nedenfor for at starte nulstillingen.";

$_LANG['quotestageexpired'] = "Udløbet";

$_LANG['ticketinfo'] = "Sags Information";
$_LANG['customfield'] = "Brugerdefinerede felter";

$_LANG['domainsActive'] = "Aktiv";
$_LANG['domainsExpired'] = "Udløbet";
$_LANG['domainsCancelled'] = "Opsagt";
$_LANG['domainsFraud'] = "Fup";
$_LANG['domainsPending'] = "Afventer";
$_LANG['domainsPendingRegistration'] = "Pending Registration";
$_LANG['domainsPendingTransfer'] = "Afventer flyting";
$_LANG['domainsTransferredAway'] = "Transferred Away";

$_LANG['kbtagcloud'] = "Tag sky";

$_LANG['cancellationrequestedexplanation'] = "Der er en udestående opsigelse af dette produkt/service";
$_LANG['cancellationrequested'] = "Anmodet om opsigelse";

$_LANG['yourrecenttickets'] = "Dine seneste sager";

$_LANG['domains']['deTermsDescription1'] = "For at registrere et nyt domæne, overføre eller ændre registranten oplysninger tha registrant skal der udtrykkeligt accepterer .de vilkår og betingelser.";
$_LANG['domains']['deTermsDescription2'] = "(Se alle betingelserne her:";
$_LANG['directDebitPageTitle'] = "Direkte debit betaling";
$_LANG['directDebitHeader'] = "Direkte debit betaling";
$_LANG['directDebitErrorNoBankName'] = "Du skal indtaste din banks navn";
$_LANG['directDebitErrorAccountType'] = "Du skal vælge din konto type";
$_LANG['directDebitErrorNoABA'] = "Du skal indtaste din banks ABA kode";
$_LANG['directDebitErrorAccNumber'] = "Du skal indtaste dit kontonummer";
$_LANG['directDebitErrorConfirmAccNumber'] = "Du skal bekræfte dit kontonummer";
$_LANG['directDebitErrorAccNumberMismatch'] = "Dit kontonummer & bekræftelse, er ikke ens";
$_LANG['directDebitThanks'] = "Tak fordi du indtastede dine oplysninger. Vi vil forsøge at gennemføre din  betaling, inden for de næste par dage. Vi kontakter dig, hvis der er problemer.";
$_LANG['directDebitPleaseSubmit'] = "Udfyld venligst nednestående, med dine konto oplysninger, for at kunne betale med direkte debit betaling.";
$_LANG['directDebitBankName'] = "Bank navn";
$_LANG['directDebitAccountType'] = "Konto type";
$_LANG['directDebitABA'] = "ABA kode";
$_LANG['directDebitAccNumber'] = "Kontonummer";
$_LANG['directDebitConfirmAccNumber'] = "Bekræft kontonummer";
$_LANG['directDebitSubmit'] = "Indsend";
$_LANG['directDebitChecking'] = "Kontrol";
$_LANG['directDebitSavings'] = "Opsparing";

$_LANG['outOfStockProductRemoved'] = "An out of stock product was automatically removed from the cart";

$_LANG['subaccountpermsquotes'] = "Se og accepter tilbud";

$_LANG['chooselanguage'] = "Vælg sprog";

$_LANG['success'] = "Succes";
$_LANG['error'] = "Fejl";
$_LANG['print'] = "Print";
$_LANG['invoicelineitems'] = "Faktura emner";

$_LANG['quotelineitems'] = "Tilbud emner";

$_LANG['quoteproposal'] = "Forslag";
$_LANG['quoteacceptagreetos'] = "For at acceptere tilbuddet, skal du bekræfte din accept af vores servicevilkår.";
$_LANG['quoteacceptcontractwarning'] = "Vær opmærksom på at acceptere et tilbud anses at indgå en kontrakt, og du vil ikke være i stand til at annullere når den først er accepteret.";

// Client alerts
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['creditCardExpiring'] = "Dit kreditkort :creditCardType-:creditCardLastFourDigits udløber indenfor :days dage. Du skal opdatere det så hurtigt som muligt.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['domainsExpiringSoon'] = "Du har :numberOfDomains domæne(r) som udløber inden for de næste :days dage.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['invoicesUnpaid'] = "Du har :numberOfInvoices ubetalte faktura(er). Betal dem tidligt for ro i dit sind.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['invoicesOverdue'] = "Du har :numberOfInvoices forfaldne faktura(er) med en samlet balance på :balanceDue. Betal dem nu for at undgå afbrydelser i tjenesten.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['creditBalance'] = "Du har en saldo på :creditBalance.";
$_LANG['clientAlerts']['servicesRenewingSoon'] = "You have :numberOfServices service(s) that are due for renewal soon.";

// Client homepage panels
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['unpaidInvoices'] = "Ubetalt Faktura";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['unpaidInvoicesMsg'] = "Du har :numberOfInvoices ubetalt faktura(er) med en samlet balance på :balanceDue. Betal dem tidligt for ro i dit sind.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['overdueInvoices'] = "Forfalden Faktura";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['overdueInvoicesMsg'] = "Du har :numberOfInvoices forfaldne faktura(er) med en samlet balance på :balanceDue. Betal dem nu for at undgå afbrydelser i tjenesten.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['domainsExpiringSoon'] = "Domæner udløber snart";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['domainsExpiringSoonMsg'] = "Du har :numberOfDomains domæne(r) udløber inden for de næste :days dage. Forny dem i dag for ro i dit sind.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['activeProductsServices'] = "Dine Aktive Produkter/Services";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['activeProductsServicesNone'] = "Det ser ud som om du ikke har nogle produkter hos os endu. <a href=\"cart.php\">Afgiv en order nu</a>.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['recentNews'] = "Seneste nyt";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['affiliateProgram'] = "Affiliate Program";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['recentSupportTickets'] = "Seneste support sager";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['recentSupportTicketsNone'] = "Ingen sager fundet. Hvis du har brug for hjælp, skal du bare <a href=\"submitticket.php\">åbene en sag</a>.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['affiliateSummary'] = "Din aktuelle kommission balance :commissionBalance. Du mangler kun :amountUntilWithdrawalLevel før du kan hæve din indtjening.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['affiliateSummaryWithdrawalReady'] = "Din aktuelle kommission balance :commissionBalance. Du kan hæve din indtjening nu.";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['productsAndServices'] = "Browse our Products/Services";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['serviceRenewingSoon'] = "Services Renewing Soon";
$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['serviceRenewingSoonMsg'] = "You have :numberOfServices service(s) that are due for renewal soon. Renew them today for peace of mind.";

$_LANG['upgradeNotPossible'] = "Opgradering af dette produkt er ikke mulig.  Hvis du mener, du har nået denne side ved en fejl, bedes du underrette vores supportafdeling. Ellers skal du gå tilbage og dobbelttjekke dine valg.";
$_LANG['upgradeSameProductMustExtendCycle'] = "To upgrade your billing cycle, please choose a cycle that is greater than your current billing cycle.";

$_LANG['hostingInfo'] = "Hosting information";
$_LANG['additionalInfo'] = "Yderligere information";
$_LANG['resourceUsage'] = "Ressourceforbrug  ";
$_LANG['primaryIP'] = "Primær IP";
$_LANG['assignedIPs'] = "Tildelte IPer";
$_LANG['diskSpace'] = "Disk plads";
$_LANG['bandwidth'] = "Båndbredde";
$_LANG['registered'] = "Registeret";
$_LANG['upgrade'] = "Opgrader";

$_LANG['downdoadsdesc'] = "Manualer, programmer og andre filer";

$_LANG['doToday'] = "Hvad vil du gerne gøre i dag?";
$_LANG['changeDomainNS'] = "Ændre navneservere som dit domæne peger på";
$_LANG['updateWhoisContact'] = "Opdatere WHOIS kontaktoplysningerne for dit domæne";
$_LANG['changeRegLock'] = "Skift registrator låsestatus for dit domæne";
$_LANG['renewYourDomain'] = "Forny dit domæne";

$_LANG['oops'] = "Ups";
$_LANG['goback'] = "Gå tilbage";
$_LANG['returnhome'] = "Tilbage til hjem";
$_LANG['blankCustomField'] = "(ingen værdi)";

$_LANG['viewAll'] = "Vis alle";
$_LANG['moreDetails'] = "Flere detaljer";

$_LANG['clientHomeSearchKb'] = "Indtast et spørgsmål her, for at søge i vores vidensbase for et svar...";

$_LANG['whoisContactWarning'] = "Det er vigtigt at holde dit domænes WHOIS kontaktoplysninger ajour, for at undgå at miste kontrollen over dit domæne.";

$_LANG['paymentstodate'] = "Betalinger til dato";
$_LANG['balancedue'] = "Forfalden saldo";
$_LANG['submitpayment'] = "Indsend Betaling";

$_LANG['domaincheckeravailable'] = "Tilgængelig";
$_LANG['domaincheckertransferable'] = "Kan overføres";
$_LANG['domaincheckertaken'] = "Taget";
$_LANG['domaincheckeradding'] = "Tilføjer";
$_LANG['domaincheckeradded'] = "Tilføjet";
$_LANG['domaincheckernomoresuggestions'] = "Det er alle de resultater, vi har til dig! Hvis du stadig ikke har fundet det, du leder efter, kan du prøve en anden søgeterm eller søgeord.";
$_LANG['domaincheckerunabletooffertld'] = "Vi kan desværre ikke registrere dette TLD på dette tidspunkt";
$_LANG['domaincheckerbulkplaceholder'] = "Indtast op til 20 domænenavne.\nHvert navn skal være på en separat linje.\n\nEksempler:\\";

$_LANG['domainchecker']['suggestiontakentitle'] = "Domænet er ikke tilgængelig";
$_LANG['domainchecker']['suggestiontakenmsg'] = "Desværre det domæne, du har valgt ikke tilgængelig. Dette kan forekomme, hvis domæne er blevet registreret for nylig. Gå venligst tilbage og vælg et andet domæne.";
$_LANG['domainchecker']['suggestiontakenchooseanother'] = "Vælg et andet domæne";

$_LANG['domainchecker']['alreadyincarttitle'] = "Allerede i kurven";
$_LANG['domainchecker']['alreadyincartmsg'] = "Dette domæne er allerede i din indkøbskurv. Gå til kassen nu at gennemføre dit køb.";
$_LANG['domainchecker']['alreadyincartcheckoutnow'] = "Bestil nu";

$_LANG['genericerror']['title'] = "Ups, noget gik galt!";
$_LANG['genericerror']['msg'] = "Prøv venligst igen, og hvis problemet fortsætter, skal du kontakte vores support team.";

# Licensing Addon

$_LANG['licensingaddon']['mylicenses'] = "Mine licenser";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['latestdownload'] = "Seneste download";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['downloadnow'] = "Download nu";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['licensekey'] = "Licensnøgle";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['validdomains'] = "Gyldige domæner";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['validips'] = "Gyldige IP'er";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['validdirectory'] = "Gyldig mappe";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['status'] = "Licens status";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['reissue'] = "Genudsted licens";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['reissuestatusmsg'] = "Det gyldige Domæne, IP og Mappe vil blive fundet automatisk &amp; gemt næste gang licensen benyttes.";
$_LANG['licensingaddon']['manageLicense'] = "Administrer licens";

$_LANG['affiliateWithdrawalSummary'] = "Du vil kunne hæve din fortjæneste, så snart din saldo når :amountForWithdrawal.";

$_LANG['projectManagement']['activeProjects'] = "Dine aktive projekter";

# cPanel Module

$_LANG['packageDomain'] = "Pakke/domæne";
$_LANG['addonsExtras'] = "Tilføjelser & Extras";
$_LANG['purchaseActivate'] = "Køb & Aktivering";

$_LANG['usageStats'] = "Forbrugsstatistikker";
$_LANG['diskUsage'] = "Diskforbrug";
$_LANG['bandwidthUsage'] = "Trafik";
$_LANG['usageStatsBwLimitNear'] = "Du nærmer din trafik grænse.";
$_LANG['usageStatsDiskLimitNear'] = "Du nærmer din diskplads grænse.";
$_LANG['usageUpgradeNow'] = "Opgrader nu";
$_LANG['usageLastUpdated'] = "Sidst opdateret";

$_LANG['quickShortcuts'] = "Genveje";
$_LANG['cPanel']['emailAccounts'] = "Mailkonti";
$_LANG['cPanel']['forwarders'] = "Videresendere";
$_LANG['cPanel']['autoresponders'] = "Automatisk besvarelse";
$_LANG['fileManager'] = "Filhåndtering";
$_LANG['cPanel']['backup'] = "Backup";
$_LANG['cPanel']['subdomains'] = "Underdomæner";
$_LANG['cPanel']['addonDomains'] = "Tilføjelsesdomæner";
$_LANG['cPanel']['cronJobs'] = "Cron-job";
$_LANG['mysqlDatabases'] = "MySQL® Databases";
$_LANG['cPanel']['phpMyAdmin'] = "phpMyAdmin";
$_LANG['cPanel']['awstats'] = "Awstats";

$_LANG['cPanel']['createEmailAccount'] = "Opret ny e-mail adresse";
$_LANG['cPanel']['usernamePlaceholder'] = "Brugernavn";
$_LANG['cPanel']['passwordPlaceholder'] = "Valgte Adgangskode";
$_LANG['cPanel']['create'] = "Create";
$_LANG['cPanel']['emailAccountCreateSuccess'] = "E-mail kontoen blev oprettet!";
$_LANG['cPanel']['emailAccountCreateFailed'] = "Oprettelse fejlede: ";

$_LANG['cPanel']['packageNotActive'] = "Denne hosting pakke er i øjeblikket";
$_LANG['cPanel']['statusPendingNotice'] = "Du kan ikke begynde med at bruge denne hosting konto, indtil den bliver aktiveret.";
$_LANG['cPanel']['statusSuspendedNotice'] = "Du kan ikke fortsætte med at bruge eller administrere denne pakke, indtil det aktiveres.";

$_LANG['wpsquared']['login'] = "Log in to WP Squared";

$_LANG['wordpress']['invalidPath'] = "The supplied path is invalid.";

$_LANG['billingOverview'] = "Faktureringsoverblik";

$_LANG['liveHelp']['chatNow'] = "Chat Nu";

$_LANG['quotes'] = "Tilbud";

$_LANG['productMustBeActiveForModuleCmds'] = "Produktet skal være aktivt før du kan udføre denne handling.";
$_LANG['domainCannotBeManagedUnlessActive'] = "Dette domæne er ikke aktivt i øjeblikket. Domæner kan ikke adminisreres, medmindre de er aktive.";

$_LANG['actionRequiresAtLeastOneDomainSelected'] = "Vælg mindst ét domæne til at udføre den valgte handling på.";

$_LANG['clientAreaProductDownloadsAvailable'] = "Følgende downloads er tilgængelige for dit produkt/service";
$_LANG['clientAreaProductAddonsAvailable'] = "Tilføjelser er tilgængelige for dit produkt/service. <a href=\"cart.php?gid=addons\">Klik her for at se &amp; bestille &raquo;</a>";
$_LANG['clientAreaSecurityTwoFactorAuthRecommendation'] = "Vi opfordrer dig kraftigt at aktivere To Factor Authentication for ekstra sikkerhed.";
$_LANG['clientAreaSecurityTwoFactorAuthRequired'] = "To ensure your account's security, you must configure two-factor authentication.";
$_LANG['clientAreaSecurityNoSecurityQuestions'] = "Indstilling af en sikkerhedsspørgsmål og -svar hjælper med at beskytte din konto mod uautoriseret password ændring, og giver os mulighed for at bekræfte din identitet, når du anmoder om konto ændringer.";
$_LANG['clientAreaSecuritySecurityQuestionOtherError'] = "Sikkerhedsspørgsmål hjælper med at beskytte din konto mod uautoriseret password ændring, og giver os mulighed for at bekræfte din identitet, når du anmoder om konto ændringer";

$_LANG['billingAddress'] = "Faktureringsadresse";

$_LANG['noPasswordResetWhenLoggedIn'] = "Du kan ikke bede om en adgangskode nulstilling, når du er logget ind. Log ud for at begynde";

$_LANG['unableToLoadShoppingCart'] = "Kan ikke indlæse din indkøbskurv. Kontakt supporten.";

$_LANG['showMenu'] = "Vis Menu";
$_LANG['hideMenu'] = "Skjul Menu";

$_LANG['from'] = "From";
$_LANG['featuredProduct'] = "Mest populær";
$_LANG['shoppingCartProductPerMonth'] = "<span>:price</span>/:countmo";
$_LANG['shoppingCartProductPerYear'] = "<span>:price</span>/:countyr";

$_LANG['orderForm']['findNewDomain'] = "Find dit nye domænenavn. Indtast et domænenavn eller søgeord nedenfor for at tjekke ledighed.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferExistingDomain'] = "Overfør dine eksisterende domænenavne til os.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['www'] = "www.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['returnToClientArea'] = "Returner til kundesiden";
$_LANG['orderForm']['checkout'] = "Bestilling";
$_LANG['orderForm']['alreadyRegistered'] = "Allerede registreret?";
$_LANG['orderForm']['createAccount'] = "Opret en ny konto";
$_LANG['orderForm']['enterPersonalDetails'] = "Indtast dine personlige oplysninger og faktureringsoplysninger for at bestille.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['correctErrors'] = "Ret venligst følgende fejl før du fortsætter";
$_LANG['orderForm']['existingCustomerLogin'] = "Nuværende kundelogin";
$_LANG['orderForm']['emailAddress'] = "Email adresse";
$_LANG['orderForm']['personalInformation'] = "Personlig information";
$_LANG['orderForm']['firstName'] = "Fornavn";
$_LANG['orderForm']['lastName'] = "Efternavn";
$_LANG['orderForm']['phoneNumber'] = "Telefonnummer";
$_LANG['orderForm']['billingAddress'] = "Faktureringsadresse";
$_LANG['orderForm']['companyName'] = "Firmanavn";
$_LANG['orderForm']['optional'] = "Valgfrit";
$_LANG['orderForm']['streetAddress'] = "Adresse";
$_LANG['orderForm']['streetAddress2'] = "Adresse 2";
$_LANG['orderForm']['city'] = "By";
$_LANG['orderForm']['state'] = "Stat";
$_LANG['orderForm']['country'] = "Land";
$_LANG['orderForm']['postcode'] = "Postnummer";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainAlternativeContact'] = "Der kan angives alternative kontaktoplysninger for domæneregistrering(er), hvis du betiller på vegne af en anden person eller enhed. Hvis dette ikke er nødvendigt kan du sprige dette afsnit over";
$_LANG['orderForm']['accountSecurity'] = "Kontosikkerhed";
$_LANG['orderForm']['mediumStrength'] = "Medium styrke";
$_LANG['orderForm']['paymentDetails'] = "Betalingsoplysninger";
$_LANG['orderForm']['preferredPaymentMethod'] = "Vælg din foretrukne betalingsmetode.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['cardNumber'] = "Kort nummer";
$_LANG['orderForm']['cvv'] = "CVV sikkerheds nummer";
$_LANG['orderForm']['additionalNotes'] = "Yderligere bemærkninger";
$_LANG['orderForm']['continueToClientArea'] = "Fortsæt Til kunde området";
$_LANG['orderForm']['reviewDomainAndAddons'] = "Gennemgå dine domæne valg, og eventuelle tilføjelser der er tilgængelige for dem.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['addToCart'] = "Tilføj til kurv";
$_LANG['orderForm']['addedToCartRemove'] = "Tilføjet til kurven (Fjern)";
$_LANG['orderForm']['configureDesiredOptions'] = "Konfigurer dine ønskede indstillinger og fortsæt til kassen.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['haveQuestionsContact'] = "Har du spørgsmål? Kontakt vores salgsteam for hjælp.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['haveQuestionsClickHere'] = "Klik her";
$_LANG['orderForm']['use'] = "Brug";
$_LANG['orderForm']['check'] = "Check";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transfer'] = "Overfør";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainAddedToCart'] = "Dette domæne er blevet tilføjet til din indkøbskurv.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['registerLongerAndSave'] = "Registrer længere og spar!";
$_LANG['orderForm']['tryRegisteringInstead'] = "Prøv at registrere dette domæne i stedet.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainAvailabilityCached'] = "Domain tilgængelighed resultater er cachelagret, dette kan medføre at nylig registrerede domæner bliver vist som tilgængelig.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['submitTicket'] = "Indsend en sag";
$_LANG['orderForm']['promotionAccepted'] = "Rabatkode accepteret! Din ordre er blevet opdateret.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['promoCycles'] = "Expires after :cycles billing period/s";
$_LANG['orderForm']['productOptions'] = "Produkt/Indstillinger";
$_LANG['orderForm']['qty'] = "Antal";
$_LANG['orderForm']['priceCycle'] = "Pris/Cyklus";
$_LANG['orderForm']['edit'] = "Ændre";
$_LANG['orderForm']['update'] = "Opdater";
$_LANG['orderForm']['remove'] = "Fjern";
$_LANG['orderForm']['applyPromoCode'] = "Anvend rabatkode";
$_LANG['orderForm']['estimateTaxes'] = "Beregn moms";
$_LANG['orderForm']['removePromotionCode'] = "Fjern rabatkode";
$_LANG['orderForm']['updateTotals'] = "Opdater total";
$_LANG['orderForm']['continueShopping'] = "Fortsætte med at handle";
$_LANG['orderForm']['removeItem'] = "Fjern element";
$_LANG['orderForm']['yes'] = "Ja";
$_LANG['orderForm']['cancel'] = "Annuller";
$_LANG['orderForm']['close'] = "Luk";
$_LANG['orderForm']['totals'] = "Total";
$_LANG['orderForm']['includedWithPlans'] = "Inkluderet i alle pakker";
$_LANG['orderForm']['whatIsIncluded'] = "Hvad er inkluderet?";
$_LANG['orderForm']['errorNoProductGroup'] = "Kunne ikke indlæse nogle produktgrupper.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['errorNoProducts'] = "Produktgruppen indeholder ingen synlige produkter";
$_LANG['orderForm']['errorNoGateways'] = "No payment gateways available so order cannot proceed";
$_LANG['orderForm']['errorUnavailableGateway'] = "The selected gateway is not available. Please choose an option from the Payment Details section.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['requiredField'] = "(required fields are marked with *)";

$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature01Title'] = "Maximum Server Uptime";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature01Description'] = "Server uptime is critical for all businesses - consider it the heart beat of hosting your business. File and databases servers, email and web servers are an indispensable part of most business processes, and downtimes have direct negative effects on productivity, sales, employee and customer satisfaction. That's why ensuring the maximum server uptime is so important to us - we want to make sure your business processes are running healthy so your customers are happy.";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature01DescriptionTwo'] = "By trusting us with your business needs, we promise you a 99.9% uptime on any services we provide, outside of any standard maintenance we may provide.";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature02Title'] = "World Wide Data Delivery";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature02Description'] = "Our services are powered by hundreds of servers and data centers located all over the world, so you can rest easy knowing that customers can access your website from anywhere. In addition, we provide monitoring tools to provide you with expert analytics - website traffic is an important step in improving your site's efficiency and popularity, as well as keeping track of where your visitors are coming from, what time of day they're visiting you, and how long they're staying. Our dedication to a global marketplace extends to domain registrations, as we offer the most popular TLD's for registration.";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature02DescriptionTwo'] = "Our dedication to customer support reaches across the globe as well. We are here to help you with your hosting in any way possible, and you can reach us via phone, email, or live chat.";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature03Title'] = "Top Tier Security";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature03Description'] = "Rest easy knowing that we provide 24/7 security monitoring and DDoS protection. You take protecting your customer's data seriously, and so do we. Our security team and safeguards are on the job all day, every day to provide the level of security needed in today's digital age.";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['feature03DescriptionTwo'] = "A wide range of security tools are at your disposal, including SSL certificates, firewall configuration, security monitoring services, VPN access, and more.";
$_LANG['cloudSlider']['selectProductLevel'] = "Vælg det perfekte niveau for dig!";

$_LANG['domainChecker.additionalPricingOptions'] = "Yderligere pris valg For :domain";

$_LANG['orderpaymenttermfree'] = "Gratis";

$_LANG['usageStatsBwOverLimit'] = "Du har overskredet din trafik grænse.";
$_LANG['usageStatsDiskOverLimit'] = "Du har overskredet din diskplads grænse.";
$_LANG['insufficientstockmessage'] = "Vi har desværre ikke nok produker på lager i øjeblikket, din kurv er derfor blevet opdateret. For yderligere information, kontakt os";

$_LANG['only'] = "Kun";
$_LANG['startingat'] = "Fra";

$_LANG['yourdomainplaceholder'] = "eksempel";
$_LANG['yourtldplaceholder'] = "dk";

$_LANG['subaccountpermsproductsso'] = "Udfør Enkel Log-På";

$_LANG['sso']['title'] = "Enkel Log-På";
$_LANG['sso']['summary'] = "Tredjeparts applikationer udnytter Enkel Log-På-funktionalitet, for at give dig direkte adgang til din faktureringskonto, uden du behøver at godkende igen.";
$_LANG['sso']['disablenotice'] = "Du kan slå dette fra hvis du deler login med andre brugere, til et af dine tredjepartsprogrammer, som du ikke ønsker at være i stand til at få adgang til din faktureringskonto.";
$_LANG['sso']['enabled'] = "Enkel Log-På er i øjeblikket tilladt for din konto.";
$_LANG['sso']['disabled'] = "Enkel Log-På er i øjeblikket deaktiveret for din konto.";
$_LANG['sso']['redirectafterlogin'] = "Du vil blive omdirigeret efter login";

$_LANG['oauth']['badTwoFactorAuthModule'] = "Fejl i Two Factor Auth modul. Kontakt supporten.";
$_LANG['oauth']['permAccessNameAndEmail'] = "Få adgang til dit navn og e-mail-adresse";

$_LANG['errorButTryAgain'] = "Der opstod en fejl. Prøv igen.";
$_LANG['emailSent'] = "Email sendt";
$_LANG['resendEmail'] = "Gensend bekræftelses mail";

// Markdown Editor Help
$_LANG['markdown']['title'] = "Markdown Guide";
$_LANG['markdown']['emphasis'] = "Emphasis";
$_LANG['markdown']['bold'] = "Fed";
$_LANG['markdown']['italics'] = "Italic";
$_LANG['markdown']['strikeThrough'] = "gennemstregning";
$_LANG['markdown']['headers'] = "Overskrifter";
$_LANG['markdown']['bigHeader'] = "Stor overskrift";
$_LANG['markdown']['mediumHeader'] = "Medium overskrift";
$_LANG['markdown']['smallHeader'] = "Lille overskrift";
$_LANG['markdown']['tinyHeader'] = "lille bitte overskrift";
$_LANG['markdown']['lists'] = "Opstillinger";
$_LANG['markdown']['genericListItem'] = "Punktopstilling";
$_LANG['markdown']['numberedListItem'] = "Opstilling med tal";
$_LANG['markdown']['links'] = "Links";
$_LANG['markdown']['textToDisplay'] = "Vist tekst";
$_LANG['markdown']['exampleLink'] = "";
$_LANG['markdown']['quotes'] = "Citater";
$_LANG['markdown']['thisIsAQuote'] = "Dette er et ciatat.";
$_LANG['markdown']['quoteMultipleLines'] = "Det kan spænde over flere linier!";
$_LANG['markdown']['tables'] = "Tabeller";
$_LANG['markdown']['columnOne'] = "Kolonne 1";
$_LANG['markdown']['columnTwo'] = "Kolonne 2";
$_LANG['markdown']['columnThree'] = "Kolonne 3";
$_LANG['markdown']['withoutAligning'] = "Eller uden at rette kolonner...";
$_LANG['markdown']['john'] = "Peter";
$_LANG['markdown']['doe'] = "Nielsen";
$_LANG['markdown']['male'] = "Mand";
$_LANG['markdown']['mary'] = "Anne";
$_LANG['markdown']['smith'] = "Jensen";
$_LANG['markdown']['female'] = "Kvinde";
$_LANG['markdown']['displayingCode'] = "Visning af kode";
$_LANG['markdown']['spanningMultipleLines'] = "Eller over flere linjer...";
$_LANG['markdown']['saved'] = "Gemt";
$_LANG['markdown']['saving'] = "Gemmer...";

$_LANG['oauth']['authoriseAppToAccess'] = "Må :appName bruge din konto?";
$_LANG['oauth']['willBeAbleTo'] = "Denne applikation kan:";
$_LANG['oauth']['authorise'] = "Tillad";
$_LANG['oauth']['currentlyLoggedInAs'] = "Du er i øjeblikket logget ind som :firstName :lastName";
$_LANG['oauth']['notYou'] = "Ikke dig??";
$_LANG['oauth']['returnToApp'] = "Tilbage til :appName";
$_LANG['oauth']['copyrightFooter'] = "Copyright &copy; :dateYear :companyName.";
$_LANG['oauth']['loginToGrantApp'] = "Login for at give :appName adgang til din konto";
$_LANG['oauth']['redirectDescriptionOne'] = "Du omdirigeres tilbage til applikationen. Dette kan tage et øjeblik.";
$_LANG['oauth']['redirectDescriptionTwo'] = "Hvis din browser ikke omdirigerer dig, skal du";
$_LANG['oauth']['redirectDescriptionThree'] = "klikke her for at fortsætte";
$_LANG['downloadLoginRequiredTagline'] = "Du skal være logget ind for at få adgang til den ønskede fil";

$_LANG['orderForm']['year'] = "År";
$_LANG['orderForm']['years'] = "År";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainOrKeyword'] = "Skriv domæne eller søgeord";
$_LANG['orderForm']['searching'] = "Sørger";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainIsUnavailable'] = "<strong>:domain</strong> er desværre ikke tilgængeligt";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainHasUnavailableTld'] = "<strong>:tld</strong> domains are currently unavailable.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['add'] = "Tilføj";
$_LANG['orderForm']['suggestedDomains'] = "Foreslåede domæner";
$_LANG['orderForm']['generatingSuggestions'] = "Generer forslag til dig";
$_LANG['orderForm']['addHosting'] = "Tilføj Webhosting";
$_LANG['orderForm']['chooseFromRange'] = "Vælg mellem en række af webhosting pakker";
$_LANG['orderForm']['packagesForBudget'] = "Vi har pakker designet til enhver pengepung";
$_LANG['orderForm']['exploreNow'] = "Udforsk pakker nu";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferToUs'] = "Overfør dit domæne til os";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferExtend'] = "Overfør nu for at forlænge dit domæne med 1 år!";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferDomain'] = "Overfør et domæne";
$_LANG['orderForm']['extendExclusions'] = "Udelukker visse TLD'er og for nylig fornyede domæner";
$_LANG['orderForm']['singleTransfer'] = "Enkelt domæne overførsel";
$_LANG['orderForm']['enterDomain'] = "Indtast dit domæne";
$_LANG['orderForm']['authCode'] = "Autoriseringskode";
$_LANG['orderForm']['authCodePlaceholder'] = "Epp Code / Auth Code";
$_LANG['orderForm']['authCodeTooltip'] = "For at starte en overførsel skal du få en Autoriseringskode fra din nuværende registrator. Disse bliver ofte omtalt som enten EPP kode eller autoriseringskode. De fungerer som en adgangskode og er unik for domænenavnet.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['help'] = "Hjælp";
$_LANG['orderForm']['required'] = "Påkrævet";

$_LANG['orderForm']['checkingAvailability'] = "Kontrollere tilgængelighed";
$_LANG['orderForm']['verifyingTransferEligibility'] = "Bekræfter overdragelse berettigelse";
$_LANG['orderForm']['verifyingDomain'] = "Bekræfter dit domæne valg";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferEligible'] = "Dit domæne er berettiget til overdragelse";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferUnlockBeforeContinuing'] = "Kontroller, at du ikke har låst dit domænet på din nuværende registrator, før du fortsætter.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferNotEligible'] = "Ikke berettiget til overdragelse";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferNotRegistered'] = "Domænet du indtastede forekommer ikke at være registreret.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['trasnferRecentlyRegistered'] = "Hvis domænet er registreret for nylig, skal du prøve igen senere.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['transferAlternativelyRegister'] = "Alternativt kan du udføre en søgning for at registrere dette domæne.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainInvalid'] = "Ugyldigt domænenavn";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainInvalidCheckEntry'] = "Kontroller din indtastning, og prøv igen.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainPriceRegisterLabel'] = "Fortsæt med at registrere dette domæne for";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainPriceTransferLabel'] = "Overfør til os og forlæng med 1 år * for";

$_LANG['change'] = "Skift";

$_LANG['filemanagement']['nofileuploaded'] = "No file uploaded.";
$_LANG['filemanagement']['invalidname'] = "Valid filenames contain only alpha-numeric, dot, hyphen and underscore characters.";
$_LANG['filemanagement']['couldNotSaveFile'] = "Could not save uploaded file.";
$_LANG['filemanagement']['checkPermissions'] = "Please check permissions.";
$_LANG['filemanagement']['checkAvailableDiskSpace'] = "Please check available disk space.";
$_LANG['filemanagement']['fileAlreadyExists'] = "File already exists.";
$_LANG['filemanagement']['noUniqueName'] = "Unable to find a unique filename.";

$_LANG['cartSimpleCaptcha'] = "Indtast den kode vist nedenfor";

$_LANG['clientHomePanels']['showingRecent100'] = "Showing the most recent 100 records";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainLetterOrNumber'] = "Domains must begin with a letter or a number";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainLengthRequirements'] = " and be between <span class=\"min-length\"></span> and <span class=\"max-length\"></span> characters in length";

$_LANG['clientareatransferredaway'] = "Transferred Away";
$_LANG['clientareacompleted'] = "Completed";
$_LANG['domainContactUs'] = "Contact Us";

$_LANG['orderForm']['shortPerYear'] = "/:yearsyr";
$_LANG['orderForm']['shortPerYears'] = "/:yearsyrs";

$_LANG['domainCheckerSalesGroup']['sale'] = "Sale";
$_LANG['domainCheckerSalesGroup']['hot'] = "Hot";
$_LANG['domainCheckerSalesGroup']['new'] = "New";

$_LANG['pricing']['browseExtByCategory'] = "Browse extensions by category";
$_LANG['pricing']['register'] = "New Price";
$_LANG['pricing']['transfer'] = "Transfer";
$_LANG['pricing']['renewal'] = "Renewal";
$_LANG['pricing']['selectExtCategory'] = "Please choose a category from above.";
$_LANG['pricing']['noExtensionsDefined'] = "No extensions available";

$_LANG['navStore'] = "Store";
$_LANG['navBrowseProductsServices'] = "Browse All";

$_LANG['navWebsiteSecurity'] = "Website & Security";
$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['symantec'] = "SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['weebly'] = "Website Builder";
$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['spamexperts'] = "E-mail Services";

$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['title'] = "E-mail Services";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['title'] = "SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['dv']['title'] = "Domain Validated SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ov']['title'] = "Organization Validation SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ev']['title'] = "Extended Validation SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['wildcard']['title'] = "Wildcard SSL";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['title'] = "Website Builder";
$_LANG['store']['configure']['configureProduct'] = "Configure Product";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['dv']['tagline'] = "Secure your website in just a few minutes!";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['dv']['descriptionTitle'] = "What is Standard DV SSL?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['dv']['descriptionContent'] = "<p>Domain Validation certificates offer an economical and quick way to implement SSL to your website. Domain Validated certificates verify you own the domain, but do not perform any additional organization level validation.</p><p>Domain Validated certificates are ideal for personal websites, blogs and social media, or any sites that are not transmitting private and confidential information.  A Domain Validated certificate activates the browser padlock and enables the use of https to assure your website visitors and customers that you take their privacy seriously.</p>";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ov']['tagline'] = "High assurance SSL shows website visitors your authenticated identity";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ov']['descriptionTitle'] = "What is Organization Validation SSL?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ov']['descriptionContent'] = "<p>Organization Validated SSL Certificates provide instant identity confirmation and strong SSL protection for your website and business.</p><p>OV SSL is an organization validated certificate that gives your website a step up in credibility over domain validated SSL Certificates. It activates the browser padlock and https, shows your corporate identity, and assures your customers that you take security very seriously. Site visitors can verify that the website is operated by a legitimate company and is not an imposter site.</p>";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ev']['tagline'] = "Activate the green address bar for the highest trust and conversions";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ev']['descriptionTitle'] = "What is Extended Validation SSL?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ev']['descriptionContent'] = "<p>EV SSL is an Extended Validation Certificate, the highest class of SSL available today and gives more credibility and trust to your website compared to using an organization or domain validated SSL Certificate.</p><p>Extended Validation SSL will in most cases display your company or site name in green. This prominent visual verification provides visitors added confidence that steps were taken to confirm the identity of the website and business they're visiting, increasing user trust in your website and its credibility – this is why most large companies and organizations choose EV certificates.</p>";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['wildcard']['tagline'] = "Secure unlimited subdomains on a single certificate.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['wildcard']['descriptionTitle'] = "What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['wildcard']['descriptionContent'] = "<p>Wildcard SSL allows you to secure an unlimited number of subdomains on a single certificate. It’s a great solution for anyone who hosts or manages multiple sites or pages that exist on the same domain. The one-time cost of the certificate covers you for additional subdomains you may add in the future.</p><p>Unlike a standard SSL Certificate that is issued to a single Fully Qualified Domain Name only, e.g., which means it can only be used to secure the exact domain to which it has been issued, a Wildcard SSL Certificate is issued to *, where the asterisk represents all possible subdomains.</p><p>Wildcard SSL is an option available for DV and OV SSL Certificates.</p>";

$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['headline'] = "Building a Website Has Never Been Easier";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['tagline'] = "Create the perfect site with powerful drag and drop tools";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['introduction'] = "Weebly’s drag and drop website builder makes it easy to create a powerful, professional website without any technical skills. Over 40 million entrepreneurs and small businesses have already used Weebly to build their online presence with a website, blog or store.";

$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['headline'] = "Email Security, Built for You";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['tagline'] = "Take back control of your inbox";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['blockSpamHeadline'] = "Block nearly 100% of viruses, malware and spam before they ever reach your inbox";

$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['malwareScanning'] = "Daily Malware Scanning";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['numberOfPages'] = "Number of Pages";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['dailyBlacklistMonitoring'] = "Daily Blacklist Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['sitelockRiskScore'] = "SiteLock Risk Score";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['websiteAppScan'] = "Website Application Scan";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['sqlInjectionScan'] = "SQL Injection Scan";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['xssScan'] = "Cross Site (XSS) Scan";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['trustSeal'] = "Sitelock&trade; Trust Seal";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['dailySmartScans'] = "Daily SMART Scans";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['autoMalwareRemoval'] = "Automatic Malware Removal";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['trueshieldProtection'] = "TrueShield Protection";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['wordPressScan'] = "WordPress Scan";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['spamBlacklistMonitoring'] = "Spam Blacklist Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['waf'] = "Web Application Firewall";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['globalCdn'] = "Global CDN";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['features']['contentAcceleration'] = "Content Acceleration";

$_LANG['pricingCycleShort']['monthly'] = "mo";
$_LANG['pricingCycleShort']['quarterly'] = "3mo";
$_LANG['pricingCycleShort']['semiannually'] = "6mo";
$_LANG['pricingCycleShort']['annually'] = "yr";
$_LANG['pricingCycleShort']['biennially'] = "2yrs";
$_LANG['pricingCycleShort']['triennially'] = "3yrs";
$_LANG['pricingCycleLong']['monthly'] = "1 Month";
$_LANG['pricingCycleLong']['quarterly'] = "3 Months";
$_LANG['pricingCycleLong']['semiannually'] = "6 Months";
$_LANG['pricingCycleLong']['annually'] = "1 Year";
$_LANG['pricingCycleLong']['biennially'] = "2 Years";
$_LANG['pricingCycleLong']['triennially'] = "3 Years";

$_LANG['navManageSsl'] = "Manage SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['almostDone'] = "Almost Done";

$_LANG['invoicesPaymentPending'] = "Payment Pending";

$_LANG['ssl']['changeApproverEmail'] = "Change Approver Email";
$_LANG['ssl']['reissueCertificate'] = "Reissue Certificate";
$_LANG['ssl']['retrieveCertificate'] = "Retrieve Certificate";
$_LANG['ssl']['selectValidation'] = "Select a Validation Method";
$_LANG['ssl']['dnsMethod'] = "DNS";
$_LANG['ssl']['emailMethod'] = "Email";
$_LANG['ssl']['fileMethod'] = "HTTP File";
$_LANG['ssl']['emailMethodDescription'] = "Validation will be performed by the Certificate Authority, sending an email with further instructions to the address chosen below.";
$_LANG['ssl']['dnsMethodDescription'] = "The Certificate Authority will inspect the DNS records of the domain, looking for a specific record with a unique value. Make certain you have access to administer DNS settings for the domain to complete this setup. DNS record information will be provided upon successful configuration.";
$_LANG['ssl']['fileMethodDescription'] = "The Certificate Authority will make an HTTP request to a path hosted within the domain, expecting the response to contain a unique value. The path and value will be provided upon successful configuration.";
$_LANG['ssl']['selectEmail'] = "Select an Email Address";
$_LANG['ssl']['nextSteps'] = "What's Next";
$_LANG['ssl']['emailSteps'] = "The Certificate Authority will send an email to the email address chosen. It will contain further instructions needed to validate domain ownership. Once those steps are complete, the Certificate will be issued.";
$_LANG['ssl']['fileSteps'] = "The Certificate Authority will now begin making requests to the URL below to validate the response is the value provided. Once a response with the specified value is detected, the Certificate will be issued.";
$_LANG['ssl']['dnsSteps'] = "The Certificate Authority will now begin querying the domain's DNS records for a record matching the information below. Access your domain's DNS settings and create the record. Once the record is discovered, the Certificate will be issued.";
$_LANG['ssl']['url'] = "URL";
$_LANG['ssl']['value'] = "Value";
$_LANG['ssl']['type'] = "Type";
$_LANG['ssl']['host'] = "Host";
$_LANG['ssl']['dnsRecordInformation'] = "DNS Record Information";
$_LANG['ssl']['fileInformation'] = "File Information";
$_LANG['ssl']['emailInformation'] = "Email Information";
$_LANG['ssl']['dcv'] = "Domain Control Validation";
$_LANG['ssl']['defaultcontacts'] = "Default Domain Contacts";
$_LANG['ssl']['reissueInfo1'] = "If you have lost your certificate, need to move servers, or had a problem with the installation, you can reissue your certificate to generate a new one.";
$_LANG['ssl']['reissueInfo2'] = "When reissuing a certificate, you cannot change the domain name and it must remain exactly the same.";
$_LANG['ssl']['reissueSuccess'] = "Reissue request submitted successfully!";
$_LANG['ssl']['reissueSuccessInfo'] = "<p>Your request to reissue your certificate has been submitted to the certificate authority.</p><p>You will receive an email shortly to <em>:approverEmail</em> to approve the certificate.</p><p>If you do not receive the email, please check any spam filters and virus protection folders in case the email has been quarantined. If you are still unable to find it, please <a href=\"submitticket.php\">contact support</a>.</p>";
$_LANG['ssl']['approverEmailUpdateSuccess'] = "Approver email updated successfully!";
$_LANG['ssl']['approverEmailUpdateInfo'] = "<p>You will receive an email shortly to <em>:newApproverEmail</em> to approve the certificate.</p><p>If you do not receive the email, please check any spam filters and virus protection folders in case the email has been quarantined. If you are still unable to find it, please <a href=\"submitticket.php\">contact support</a>.</p>";
$_LANG['ssl']['disableWhoisPrivacy'] = "Please disable any WHOIS privacy services before proceeding.";
$_LANG['ssl']['selectDcvEmail'] = "Select an active email address from the list below. You will receive an email to approve the SSL certificate.";
$_LANG['ssl']['approverEmailProcess'] = "<h4>About the Approver Email Process</h4><p>In order to issue an SSL certificate, the Certificate Authority has to validate the certificate order's authenticity to ensure that the request is legitimate and comes from an authorized owner of the domain.</p><p>Email-based domain validation is the most common certificate validation mechanism for certificate orders. The certificate authority compiles a list of approved email addresses using common administrative email addresses (for example, admin or webmaster) in combination with the public WHOIS data for the domain. You can only use one of these email addresses to confirm ownership.</p>";

$_LANG['upgradeCredit'] = "Upgrade Credit";
$_LANG['upgradeCreditDescription'] = "Calculation based on :daysRemaining unused days of :totalDays totals days in the current billing cycle.";

$_LANG['orderForm']['domainExtensionTransferNotSupported'] = "Your domain is not supported for transfer to us at this time. Please try another domain.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['domainExtensionTransferPricingNotConfigured'] = "Your domain is not eligible for transfer to us. Please try another domain.";

$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['success'] = "Success!";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['errorExclamation'] = "Error!";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['error'] = "Error";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['linkInitiated'] = "Link Initiated!";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['areYouSure'] = "Are you sure?";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['yesUnlinkIt'] = "Yes, unlink it!";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['unlinked'] = "Unlinked!";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['unavailable'] = "is unavailable at this time. Please try again later.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['connectError'] = "We were unable to connect your account. Please contact your system administrator.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['completeSignIn'] = "Please complete sign in with your chosen service provider.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['redirecting'] = "Automatic sign-in was successful! Redirecting..";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['accountNowLinked'] = "Your account is now linked with your :displayName account.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['oneTimeAuthRequired'] = "One time sign in required to associate your existing account.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['completeRegistrationForm'] = "Please complete the registration form below.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['completeNewAccountForm'] = "Please complete your new account information.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['linkedToAnotherClient'] = "This account is already connected to an existing account with us. Please choose a different account at the third party authentication provider.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['alreadyLinkedToYou'] = "This account is already connected to your account with us. Please choose a different account at the third party authentication provider.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['saveTimeByLinking'] = "Save time by signing up using an existing account with any of the services below.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['unlinkDesc'] = "This permanently unlinks the authorized account.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['mayHaveMultipleLinks'] = "Connect your account with any of the services below to simplify your sign-in experience. We only use this information to verify your account and will never post on your behalf.";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['titleSignUpVerb'] = "Sign Up";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['titleOr'] = "Or";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['titleLinkedAccounts'] = "Linked Accounts";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['provider'] = "Provider";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['name'] = "Name";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['emailAddress'] = "Email Address";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['actions'] = "Actions";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['noLinkedAccounts'] = "No linked accounts found";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['signInWith'] = "Sign in with :provider";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['connectWith'] = "Connect with :provider";
$_LANG['remoteAuthn']['signUpWith'] = "Sign Up with :provider";

$_LANG['unlink'] = "Unlink";

$_LANG['invoicePaymentSuccessAwaitingNotify'] = "Thank you for completing the payment process. We are awaiting notification to confirm the payment you just made. We will send you an email confirmation as soon as this has been received.";

$_LANG['errorPage']['404']['title'] = "Oops!";
$_LANG['errorPage']['404']['subtitle'] = "We couldn't find that page";
$_LANG['errorPage']['404']['description'] = "Please try navigating using the options below.";
$_LANG['errorPage']['404']['home'] = "Homepage";
$_LANG['errorPage']['404']['submitTicket'] = "Contact Support";

$_LANG['creditCard']['removeDescription'] = "Are you sure you wish to remove your credit card details?";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['ftpHost'] = "FTP Host";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['ftpUsername'] = "FTP Username";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['ftpPassword'] = "FTP Password";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['ftpPath'] = "FTP Path";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['updateFtp'] = "Update FTP Credentials";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['manage'] = "Login to Weebly";

$_LANG['domainChecker']['contactSupport'] = "Contact Support to Purchase";

$_LANG['cart']['availableCreditBalance'] = "Your available credit balance is :amount.";
$_LANG['cart']['applyCreditAmount'] = "Apply <span>:amount</span> from my credit balance to this order and I will pay the remaining amount via the payment method selected below.";
$_LANG['cart']['applyCreditAmountNoFurtherPayment'] = "Apply <span>:amount</span> from my credit balance to this order. No further payment will be due.";
$_LANG['cart']['applyCreditSkip'] = "Do not apply any credit from my credit balance to this order. I will pay for it using the payment method selected below.";

$_LANG['dateTime']['monday'] = "Monday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['tuesday'] = "Tuesday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['wednesday'] = "Wednesday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['thursday'] = "Thursday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['friday'] = "Friday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['saturday'] = "Saturday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['sunday'] = "Sunday";
$_LANG['dateTime']['mon'] = "Mon";
$_LANG['dateTime']['tue'] = "Tue";
$_LANG['dateTime']['wed'] = "Wed";
$_LANG['dateTime']['thu'] = "Thu";
$_LANG['dateTime']['fri'] = "Fri";
$_LANG['dateTime']['sat'] = "Sat";
$_LANG['dateTime']['sun'] = "Sun";
$_LANG['dateTime']['th'] = "th";
$_LANG['dateTime']['nd'] = "nd";
$_LANG['dateTime']['rd'] = "rd";
$_LANG['dateTime']['st'] = "st";
$_LANG['dateTime']['january'] = "January";
$_LANG['dateTime']['february'] = "February";
$_LANG['dateTime']['march'] = "March";
$_LANG['dateTime']['april'] = "April";
$_LANG['dateTime']['may'] = "May";
$_LANG['dateTime']['june'] = "June";
$_LANG['dateTime']['july'] = "July";
$_LANG['dateTime']['august'] = "August";
$_LANG['dateTime']['september'] = "September";
$_LANG['dateTime']['october'] = "October";
$_LANG['dateTime']['november'] = "November";
$_LANG['dateTime']['december'] = "December";
$_LANG['dateTime']['jan'] = "Jan";
$_LANG['dateTime']['feb'] = "Feb";
$_LANG['dateTime']['mar'] = "Mar";
$_LANG['dateTime']['apr'] = "Apr";
$_LANG['dateTime']['jun'] = "Jun";
$_LANG['dateTime']['jul'] = "Jul";
$_LANG['dateTime']['aug'] = "Aug";
$_LANG['dateTime']['sep'] = "Sept";
$_LANG['dateTime']['oct'] = "Oct";
$_LANG['dateTime']['nov'] = "Nov";
$_LANG['dateTime']['dec'] = "Dec";
$_LANG['dateTime']['AM'] = "AM";
$_LANG['dateTime']['PM'] = "PM";
$_LANG['dateTime']['am'] = "am";
$_LANG['dateTime']['pm'] = "pm";
$_LANG['dateTime']['day'] = "Day";
$_LANG['dateTime']['days'] = "Days";
$_LANG['dateTime']['hour'] = "Hour";
$_LANG['dateTime']['hours'] = "Hours";
$_LANG['dateTime']['minute'] = "Minute";
$_LANG['dateTime']['minutes'] = "Minutes";
$_LANG['dateTime']['abbr']['minute'] = "min";
$_LANG['dateTime']['abbr']['second'] = "sec";
$_LANG['dateTime']['title']['days'] = "Days";
$_LANG['dateTime']['title']['hours'] = "Hours";
$_LANG['dateTime']['symbol']['second'] = "s";

$_LANG['emailMarketing']['joinOurMailingList'] = "Join our mailing list";

$_LANG['edit'] = "Edit";
$_LANG['thankYou'] = "Thank You";
$_LANG['na'] = "N/A";

$_LANG['domainGracePeriodFeeInvoiceItem'] = "Domain Renewal Fee in Grace Period for :domainName";
$_LANG['domainRedemptionPeriodFeeInvoiceItem'] = "Domain Renewal Fee in Redemption Grace Period for :domainName";
$_LANG['gracePeriod'] = "Grace Period";
$_LANG['redemptionPeriod'] = "Redemption Period";
$_LANG['domainsExpiringSoon'] = "Expiring Soon";
$_LANG['expiresToday'] = "Expires Today";
$_LANG['clientareagrace'] = "Grace Period (Expired)";
$_LANG['clientarearedemption'] = "Redemption Period (Expired)";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['availablePeriods'] = "Available Renewal Periods";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['unavailable'] = "Domain Renewal Unavailable";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['renewingDomains'] = "Renew Your Domains";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['graceFee'] = "Grace Period Fee";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['redemptionFee'] = "Redemption Period Fee";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['graceRenewalPeriodDescription'] = "Domains enter the Grace Period upon expiry. Once in this status, the domain may only be renewed for a maximum of the minimum registration period term.";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['hasExpired'] = "This domain has expired.";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['expiringIn'] = "Expiring in :days days";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['expiredDaysAgo'] = "Expired :days days ago";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['noDomains'] = "You do not currently have any domains that are eligible for renewal";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['showingDomains'] = "Showing :showing of :totalCount domains";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['showAll'] = "Show All";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['maximumAdvanceRenewal'] = "Maximum Advance Renewal is :days Day(s)";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['sitelock'] = "Website Security";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['title'] = "SiteLock Website Security";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['tagline'] = "Automatically scan your website for malware and protect online reputation";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['manageService'] = "Manage your SiteLock Service";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['cartShortDescription'] = "SiteLock provides a range of features designed to protect both your website and your business’ reputation.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['plansAndPricing'] = "Plans & Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresLink'] = "Features";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['websiteHacked'] = "Website Hacked?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faq'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['contentHeadline'] = "Website security & malware protection for your website";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['contentBodyParagraph1'] = "SiteLock&trade;, the global leader in website security, protects your website to give you peace of mind.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['contentBodyParagraph2'] = "SiteLock's Daily Malware Scanning identifies vulnerabilities and known malicious code and automatically removes it from your website to protect your website and visitors against threats.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['contentBodyParagraph3'] = "Plus you get the SiteLock Trust Seal which builds customer confidence and is proven to increase sales and conversion rates.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['comparePlans'] = "Compare SiteLock Plans";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['comparePlansSubtitle'] = "Professional security features for your website";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresTitle'] = "SiteLock Features";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresHeadline'] = "Provides a range of features designed to protect both your website and your business’ reputation:";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresMalwareTitle'] = "Malware Scan";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresMalwareContent'] = "Proactively monitors for and alerts you about any malware that is detected on your website.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresMalwareRemovalTitle'] = "Automatic malware removal";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresMalwareRemovalContent'] = "If a scan finds anything, SiteLock will safely remove any known malware automatically.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresVulnerabilityTitle'] = "Vulnerability Scan";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresVulnerabilityContent'] = "Automatically checks your applications to ensure they're up-to-date and secured against known vulnerabilities.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresOWASPTitle'] = "OWASP Protection";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresOWASPContent'] = "Get protection against the top 10 web app security flaws as recognised by OWASP, the Open Web Application Security Project.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresTrustSealTitle'] = "SiteLock&trade; Trust Seal";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresTrustSealContent'] = "Give your visitors added confidence by showing your website is protected by SiteLock.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresFirewallTitle'] = "Firewall";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresFirewallContent'] = "The TrueShield&trade; Web Application Firewall protects your website against hackers and attacks.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresReputationTitle'] = "Protect your reputation";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresReputationContent'] = "Daily scans help detect malware early before search engines have a chance to find it and blacklist your site.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresSetupTitle'] = "Fast automated setup";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresSetupContent'] = "Instant and fully automated setup gives you protection immediately without anything to install.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresCDNTitle'] = "Content Delivery Network (CDN)";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['featuresCDNContent'] = "Speed up your website by distributing it globally and serving it to your visitors from the closest location for faster page load speeds wherever they are.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanTitle'] = "Website Hacked?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanHeadline'] = "Fix it now with SiteLock Emergency Response";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanBody'] = "If your website has been attacked and compromised get immediate emergency assistance to quickly recover your site. Here's how SiteLock Emergency Response helps:";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanResponseTitle'] = "Immediate response";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanResponseContent'] = "Get our fastest response time with analysis and work to recover your site started within 30 minutes.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanMalwareTitle'] = "Complete malware removal";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanMalwareContent'] = "If our automatic technology is unable to remove the malicious content we'll perform manual cleaning.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanPriorityTitle'] = "Priority treatment";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanPriorityContent'] = "With the emergency package you get fast tracked straight to the top of the queue.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanAftercareTitle'] = "7 day aftercare";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanAftercareContent'] = "Track progress with our real-time updates throughout the process of cleaning and recovering your site.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanUpdatesTitle'] = "Real-time updates";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanUpdatesContent'] = "Track progress with our real-time updates throughout the process of cleaning and recovering your site.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanPaymentTitle'] = "One-off payment";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanPaymentContent'] = "The emergency service is available for a single one-off fee, there's no recurring fees or subscription.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['emergencyPlanOnlyCost'] = "Only :price for 7 days of protection";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['buyNow'] = "Buy Now";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqTitle'] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqOneTitle'] = "What is SiteLock?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqOneBody'] = "SiteLock provides simple, fast and affordable website security to websites of all sizes. Founded in 2008, the company protects over 12 million websites worldwide. The SiteLock cloud-based suite of products offers automated website vulnerability detection and malware removal, DDoS protection, website acceleration, website risk assessments, and PCI compliance.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqOneBodyLearnMore'] = "To learn more about SiteLock, :learnMoreLink";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqOneBodyLearnLinkText'] = "watch the 'How SiteLock Works' video by clicking here";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqTwoTitle'] = "What does SiteLock do?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqTwoBody'] = "SiteLock provides comprehensive website security. It performs website daily scans to identify vulnerabilities or malware. When vulnerabilities or malware are found, you will be alerted immediately. Based on your SiteLock scanner, it will automatically remove any malware on your website.  For content management system (CMS) websites, SiteLock can automatically patch found vulnerabilities.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeTitle'] = "What types of issues does SiteLock scan for?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBody'] = "SiteLock has the technology to perform a comprehensive website scan that encompasses:";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBodyList1Title'] = "File-based Malware Scanning and Removal";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBodyList1'] = "SiteLock performs daily scans of a website's files for malware. If malware is found, the website owner is alerted immediately. SiteLock also offers comprehensive scans to automatically remove the malware.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBodyList2Title'] = "Vulnerability Scanning";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBodyList2'] = "SiteLock performs scans of website applications for common vulnerabilities that could lead to a compromise.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBodyList3Title'] = "Application Security and Vulnerability Patching";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqThreeBodyList3'] = "SiteLock has the technology to automatically patch vulnerabilities in content management systems (CMS).";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqFourTitle'] = "What are vulnerabilities and malware?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqFourBodyParagraph1'] = "A :vulnerabilityStrong is a weakness or misconfiguration in a website or web application code that allows an attacker to gain some level of control of the site, and possibly the hosting server. Most vulnerabilities are exploited through automated means, such as vulnerability scanners and botnets.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['websiteVulnerability'] = "website vulnerability";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqFourBodyParagraph2'] = ":malwareStrong. short for malicious software, is used to gather sensitive data, gain unauthorized access to websites and even hijack computers.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['malware'] = "Malware";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqFiveTitle'] = "Will SiteLock impact website performance?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqFiveBody'] = "No. During a website scan, SiteLock downloads the relevant files to a secure server and performs scans there. There is no impact to the website content, code, bandwidth or server resources on the website.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqSixTitle'] = "What is the SiteLock Trust Seal?";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['faqSixBody'] = "The SiteLock Trust Seal is a widely-recognized security badge you can display on your website. It is a clear indication that your website is secure and malware-free. To add the seal to your website, simply include the code snippet that SiteLock provides in the footer area of your website.";

$_LANG['learnmore'] = "Learn more";
$_LANG['category'] = "Category";
$_LANG['changeCurrency'] = "Change Currency";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrade'] = "Competitive Upgrade";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgradeBannerMsg'] = "Your domain <em>:domain</em> has been successfully validated. Please choose a certificate type to continue and complete the checkout process.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgradeQualified'] = "Qualified for Competitive Upgrade";

$_LANG['dismiss'] = "Dismiss";

$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['manageService'] = "Login to SpamExperts Control Panel";

$_LANG['noDomain'] = "No Domain";

$_LANG['upgradeService']['serviceBeingUpgraded'] = "Service being upgraded";
$_LANG['upgradeService']['chooseNew'] = "Choose New Product/Plan";
$_LANG['upgradeService']['currentProduct'] = "Your Current Product";
$_LANG['upgradeService']['recommended'] = "Recommended";
$_LANG['upgradeService']['select'] = "Select";

$_LANG['servicesRenew'] = "Renew";
$_LANG['renewService']['titlePlural'] = "Renew Services";
$_LANG['renewService']['titleSingular'] = "Renew Service";
$_LANG['renewService']['titleAltPlural'] = "Service Renewals";
$_LANG['renewService']['titleAltSingular'] = "Service Renewal";
$_LANG['renewService']['noServices'] = "You do not currently have any services that are eligible for renewal.";
$_LANG['renewService']['showingServices'] = "Showing :showing of :totalCount services.";
$_LANG['renewService']['renewingIn'] = "Renewing in :days days";
$_LANG['renewService']['renewalUnavailable'] = "Renewal Unavailable";
$_LANG['renewService']['serviceNextDueDateBasic'] = "Next Due Date: :nextDueDate";
$_LANG['renewService']['serviceNextDueDateExtended'] = "Next Due Date: :nextDueDate (:nextDueDateFormatted)";
$_LANG['renewService']['renewalPeriodLabel'] = "Renewal Period";
$_LANG['renewService']['renewalPeriod'] = "(:nextDueDate - :nextPayUntilDate) @ :renewalPrice";
$_LANG['renewService']['searchPlaceholder'] = "Search by Name, Domain, or ID";

$_LANG['renewService']['statusInfo']['notSupported'] = "On-Demand Renewal Not Supported by Service";
$_LANG['renewService']['statusInfo']['nonRecurring'] = "Service is Non-Recurring";
$_LANG['renewService']['statusInfo']['outsideRenewal'] = "Service is Outside of Renewal Period";
$_LANG['renewService']['statusInfo']['serviceStatus'] = "Service Status is :serviceStatus";
$_LANG['renewService']['statusInfo']['unpaidInvoices'] = "Service Has :unpaidInvoiceCount Unpaid Invoice(s)";

$_LANG['renewServiceAddon']['titleAltSingular'] = "Addon Renewal";

$_LANG['feeds']['itemsInBasket'] = "You have <b>:count</b> items in your basket";

$_LANG['validation']['accepted'] = "The :attribute must be accepted.";
$_LANG['validation']['active_url'] = "The :attribute is not a valid URL.";
$_LANG['validation']['after'] = "The :attribute must be a date after :date.";
$_LANG['validation']['alpha'] = "The :attribute may only contain letters.";
$_LANG['validation']['alpha_dash'] = "The :attribute may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes.";
$_LANG['validation']['alpha_num'] = "The :attribute may only contain letters and numbers.";
$_LANG['validation']['array'] = "The :attribute must be an array.";
$_LANG['validation']['before'] = "The :attribute must be a date before :date.";
$_LANG['validation']['between']['numeric'] = "The :attribute must be between :min and :max.";
$_LANG['validation']['between']['file'] = "The :attribute must be between :min and :max kilobytes.";
$_LANG['validation']['between']['string'] = "The :attribute must be between :min and :max characters.";
$_LANG['validation']['between']['array'] = "The :attribute must have between :min and :max items.";
$_LANG['validation']['boolean'] = "The :attribute field must be true or false.";
$_LANG['validation']['confirmed'] = "The :attribute confirmation does not match.";
$_LANG['validation']['date'] = "The :attribute is not a valid date.";
$_LANG['validation']['date_format'] = "The :attribute does not match the format :format.";
$_LANG['validation']['different'] = "The :attribute and :other must be different.";
$_LANG['validation']['digits'] = "The :attribute must be :digits digits.";
$_LANG['validation']['digits_between'] = "The :attribute must be between :min and :max digits.";
$_LANG['validation']['email'] = "The :attribute must be a valid email address.";
$_LANG['validation']['exists'] = "The selected :attribute is invalid.";
$_LANG['validation']['filled'] = "The :attribute field is required.";
$_LANG['validation']['image'] = "The :attribute must be an image.";
$_LANG['validation']['in'] = "The selected :attribute is invalid.";
$_LANG['validation']['integer'] = "The :attribute must be an integer.";
$_LANG['validation']['ip'] = "The :attribute must be a valid IP address.";
$_LANG['validation']['json'] = "The :attribute must be a valid JSON string.";
$_LANG['validation']['max']['numeric'] = "The :attribute may not be greater than :max.";
$_LANG['validation']['max']['file'] = "The :attribute may not be greater than :max kilobytes.";
$_LANG['validation']['max']['string'] = "The :attribute may not be greater than :max characters.";
$_LANG['validation']['max']['array'] = "The :attribute may not have more than :max items.";
$_LANG['validation']['mimes'] = "The :attribute must be a file of type: :values.";
$_LANG['validation']['min']['numeric'] = "The :attribute must be at least :min.";
$_LANG['validation']['min']['file'] = "The :attribute must be at least :min kilobytes.";
$_LANG['validation']['min']['string'] = "The :attribute must be at least :min characters.";
$_LANG['validation']['min']['array'] = "The :attribute must have at least :min items.";
$_LANG['validation']['not_in'] = "The selected :attribute is invalid.";
$_LANG['validation']['numeric'] = "The :attribute must be a number.";
$_LANG['validation']['present'] = "The :attribute field must be present.";
$_LANG['validation']['regex'] = "The :attribute format is invalid.";
$_LANG['validation']['required'] = "The :attribute field is required.";
$_LANG['validation']['required_if'] = "The :attribute field is required when :other is :value.";
$_LANG['validation']['required_unless'] = "The :attribute field is required unless :other is in :values.";
$_LANG['validation']['required_with'] = "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.";
$_LANG['validation']['required_with_all'] = "The :attribute field is required when :values is present.";
$_LANG['validation']['required_without'] = "The :attribute field is required when :values is not present.";
$_LANG['validation']['required_without_all'] = "The :attribute field is required when none of :values are present.";
$_LANG['validation']['same'] = "The :attribute and :other must match.";
$_LANG['validation']['size']['numeric'] = "The :attribute must be :size.";
$_LANG['validation']['size']['file'] = "The :attribute must be :size kilobytes.";
$_LANG['validation']['size']['string'] = "The :attribute must be :size characters.";
$_LANG['validation']['size']['array'] = "The :attribute must contain :size items.";
$_LANG['validation']['string'] = "The :attribute must be a string.";
$_LANG['validation']['timezone'] = "The :attribute must be a valid zone.";
$_LANG['validation']['unique'] = "The :attribute has already been taken.";
$_LANG['validation']['url'] = "The :attribute format is invalid.";

$_LANG['orderErrorServerHostnameInvalid'] = "The hostname for your server is invalid.";
$_LANG['orderErrorServerNameserversInvalid'] = "The nameserver prefix is invalid.";

$_LANG['toggleNav'] = "Toggle navigation";
$_LANG['checkAll'] = "Check All";
$_LANG['uncheckAll'] = "Uncheck All";

$_LANG['maxmind']['manualReview'] = "Your order has been held for manual review.<br /><br />If you feel you have received this message in error, then please accept our apologies and <a href=\"submitticket.php\">submit a support ticket</a> to our Customer Service Team.  Thank you.";

$_LANG['nodomain'] = "No domain specified";

$_LANG['store']['symantec']['cartTitle'] = "Protect your site with SSL";
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['cartShortDescription'] = "Add SSL to your web hosting to give visitors confidence that your website is safe and secure and help build trust.";

$_LANG['store']['weebly']['cartTitle'] = "Powerful Website Builder";
$_LANG['store']['weebly']['cartShortDescription'] = "Add Weebly's drag and drop website builder to your hosting to allow you to create an awesome looking website, store or blog.";

$_LANG['store']['spamexperts']['cartTitle'] = "SpamExperts Email Security";
$_LANG['store']['spamexperts']['cartShortDescription'] = "Add professional email security and archiving to your domain to protect and secure your email against attacks and malware.";

$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['cartTitle'] = "SiteLock Website Security";

$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Add SSL to your website";
$_LANG['store']['symantec']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Activate the padlock icon and protect user privacy";

$_LANG['store']['weebly']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Powerful Site Builder";
$_LANG['store']['weebly']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Create a stunning website faster than ever with Weebly";

$_LANG['store']['spamexperts']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Get Spam Protection";
$_LANG['store']['spamexperts']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Stop spam in its tracks with professional spam filtering";

$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Malware Protection";
$_LANG['store']['sitelock']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Automatically find malware and protect your online reputation";

$_LANG['store']['recommendedForYou'] = "Recommended for you";
$_LANG['store']['lastChance'] = "Last Chance";

$_LANG['domains']['importantReminder'] = "Important Reminder";
$_LANG['domains']['irtpNotice'] = "The changes you have made will enable the IRTP Transfer Lock for this domain.";
$_LANG['domains']['optOut'] = "Opt-out of Transfer Lock (if available)";
$_LANG['domains']['optOutReason'] = "Reason for Opt-Out (Optional)";
$_LANG['domains']['contactChangePending'] = "Contact Change Pending";
$_LANG['domains']['verificationRequired'] = "Verification Required";
$_LANG['domains']['contactsChanged'] = "A request to change WHOIS information has triggered the contact verification process. An email has been sent to the registered domain owner to approve the changes.";
$_LANG['domains']['contactsChangedDate'] = "A request to change WHOIS information has triggered the contact verification process. An email has been sent to the registered domain owner to approve the changes. This action must be completed by :date.";
$_LANG['domains']['newRegistration'] = "An email has been sent to the registered domain owner. The verification must be completed to avoid suspension.";
$_LANG['domains']['newRegistrationDate'] = "An email has been sent to the registered domain owner. The verification must be completed by :date to avoid suspension.";
$_LANG['domains']['irtpLockEnabled'] = "IRTP Transfer Lock Enabled";
$_LANG['domains']['irtpLockDescription'] = "This domain is currently locked for transfer due to a contact change or new registration.";
$_LANG['domains']['irtpLockDescriptionDate'] = "This domain is currently locked for transfer due to a contact change or new registration. This will expire on :date.";
$_LANG['domains']['resendNotification'] = "Resend Verification Email";
$_LANG['domains']['resendNotificationQuestion'] = "Are you sure you wish to resend the email?";
$_LANG['domains']['resendNotificationSuccess'] = "The verification email has been resent.";
$_LANG['domains']['modifyPending'] = "Verification Required";
$_LANG['domains']['changePending'] = "Your requested change has triggered the contact verification process. An ownership verification email has been sent to :email. Click on the link in the email to apply the changes.";
$_LANG['domains']['changePendingDate'] = "Your requested change has triggered the contact verification process. An ownership verification email has been sent to :email. Click on the link in the email within :days days to apply the changes.";
$_LANG['domains']['changePendingFormRequired'] = "Your change of Registrant contact information was submitted successfully. In order to complete the process, you are required to complete a <strong>Change of Registrant</strong> form. Please visit :form, complete the form following the instructions and return it to us to finalize the process.";

$_LANG['getStartedNow'] = "Get Started Now";
$_LANG['notificationsnew'] = "NEW";

$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['tab']['overview'] = "Overview";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['tab']['features'] = "Features";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['tab']['pricing'] = "Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['tab']['faq'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['ddEditor'] = "Drag & Drop Builder";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['ddEditorDescription'] = "The easy drag & drop builder allows you to create a professional website with no technical skills required. Choose different elements to add photos, maps or videos by just dragging and dropping them into place, right from your web browser.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['builder'] = "Builder";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['builderDescription'] = "Create the perfect website with powerful drag and drop tools";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['ecommerce'] = "E-Commerce";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['ecommerceDescription'] = "Complete e-commerce solution to grow your business online";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['forms'] = "Forms";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['formsDescription'] = "Create custom contact forms, RSVP lists and surveys";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['templates'] = "Templates";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['templatesDescription'] = "Professionally designed website templates with full customisation";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['gallery'] = "Photos";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['galleryDescription'] = "Create galleries, slideshows and custom backgrounds";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['blogging'] = "Blogging";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['bloggingDescription'] = "Make an amazing blog in minutes";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['video'] = "Video";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['videoDescription'] = "Embed video from popular services or host your own";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['seo'] = "SEO";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['features']['seoDescription'] = "Powerful SEO tools to help search engines find you";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['free']['headline'] = "Try Weebly";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['free']['tagline'] = "Everything you need to create a website";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['idealFor'] = "Ideal for :for";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['siteFeatures'] = "Site Features";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['eCommerceFeatures'] = "eCommerce Features";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['ddBuilder'] = "Drag & Drop Builder";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['pages'] = "Unlimited Pages";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['noAds'] = "No Weebly Ads";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['search'] = "Site Search";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['passwords'] = "Password Protection";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['backgrounds'] = "Video Backgrounds";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['hdVideo'] = "HD Video & Audio";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['memberCount'] = "Up to 100 Members";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['registration'] = "Membership Registration";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['emailCampaigns'] = "Email Campaigns";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['3pcFee'] = "3% Weebly Transaction Fees";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['tenProducts'] = "Up to 10 Products";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['checkoutOnWeebly'] = "Checkout on";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['twentyFiveProducts'] = "Up to 25 Products";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['0pcFee'] = "0% Weebly Transaction Fees";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['unlimitedProducts'] = "Unlimited Products";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['checkoutDomain'] = "Checkout on your domain";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['inventory'] = "Inventory Management";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['coupons'] = "Coupons";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['tax'] = "Tax Calculator";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['shipping'] = "Real Time Shipping Rates";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['abandonedCart'] = "Abandoned Cart Emails";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['pricing']['features']['giftCards'] = "Gift Cards";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['adminPreview'] = "Weebly plans you activate will be displayed here";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['title'] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q1'] = "Can I create a blog?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q2'] = "Will my site be mobile friendly?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q3'] = "Can I add photos to my website?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q4'] = "Can I sell products through my site?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q5'] = "Can I add forms to my site?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q6'] = "How do I get my site into search engines?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q7'] = "Are there multiple styles to choose from?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['q8'] = "Can I upgrade?";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a1'] = "Yes the website builder allows you to include blog functionality.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a2'] = "Yes all websites created with the Weebly site builder are optimised for mobile.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a3'] = "Yes, you can add photos to your site, but HD Video and Audio are only available on Pro & Business plans.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a4'] = "Yes eCommerce functionality is included with all plans but the number of products you can offer varies.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a5'] = "Yes the Weebly site builder makes it easy to create contact forms, RSVP lists, surveys and more.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a6'] = "All Weebly powered websites include powerful SEO tools to help maximise your search engine ranking.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a7'] = "Yes there are multiple pre-made templates for you to choose from.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['faq']['a8'] = "Yes you can upgrade at any time. Simply login to your account and choose the upgrade option.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['trust'] = "Trusted by over 40,000,000 people worldwide";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['title'] = "Weebly Upgrade";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['required'] = "Upgrade Required";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['requiredDescription'] = "To access the functionality you requested, you need to upgrade your Weebly Site Builder plan.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['recommended'] = "The recommended plan is displayed.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['login'] = "To view the available options, please login.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['no'] = "No upgrade available";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['noUpgrade'] = "There is no upgrade available at this time.";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['submitTicket'] = "Contact support";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['to'] = "Upgrade to :product for :amount";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['noPlans'] = "No active Weebly plans found";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['loggedInAs'] = "You are currently logged in as :email";
$_LANG['store']['websiteBuilder']['upgrade']['switchUser'] = "Logout/switch user";

$_LANG['tax']['taxLabel'] = "Tax ID";
$_LANG['tax']['vatLabel'] = "VAT Number";
$_LANG['tax']['errorInvalid'] = "The supplied :taxLabel is not valid";
$_LANG['tax']['errorService'] = "The :taxLabel verification service is not available. Try again later.";

$_LANG['fraud']['checkConfiguration'] = "An error occurred with the Fraud Check. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['fraud']['title'] = "Fraud Check";
$_LANG['fraud']['error'] = "Error";
$_LANG['fraud']['manualReview'] = "Your order has been held for manual review.<br /><br />If you feel you have received this message in error, then please accept our apologies and <a href=\"submitticket.php\">submit a support ticket</a> to our Customer Service Team.  Thank you.";
$_LANG['fraud']['highFraudRiskScore'] = "Your order has been flagged as potentially high risk and therefore it has been held for manual review.<br /><br />If you feel you have received this message in error, then please accept our apologies and <a href=\"submitticket.php\">submit a support ticket</a> to our Customer Service Team.  Thank you.";
$_LANG['fraud']['countryMismatch'] = "The country of your IP address did not match the billing address country you entered so we cannot accept your order";
$_LANG['fraud']['highRiskCountry'] = "Unfortunately, we are unable to accept your order as there has been a lot of fraudulent activity from your country. If you want to arrange an alternative means of payment, please contact us.";
$_LANG['fraud']['anonymousProxy'] = "We do not allow orders to be placed using an Anonymous Proxy";

$_LANG['fraud']['userVerification'] = "User Verification";
$_LANG['fraud']['furtherVal'] = "Further verification is required to process your order. Click the button and follow the steps for the secure submission process. You'll be done in less than a minute.";
$_LANG['fraud']['furtherValShort'] = "Further verification is required. Click the button and follow the steps provided.";
$_LANG['fraud']['submitDocs'] = "Submit Documents";
$_LANG['fraud']['submitSuccessMsg'] = "Thank you! Documentation has been provided, and will be manually reviewed by our team.";
$_LANG['fraud']['status']['notRequested'] = "Not Requested";
$_LANG['fraud']['status']['notReviewed'] = "Requested";
$_LANG['fraud']['status']['reviewRequested'] = "Submitted";
$_LANG['fraud']['status']['failed'] = "Failed";
$_LANG['fraud']['status']['validated'] = "Verified";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['codeguard'] = "Website Backup";
$_LANG['store']['codeguard']['cartTitle'] = "CodeGuard Backup";
$_LANG['store']['codeguard']['cartShortDescription'] = "The fastest, most reliable website backup service, which tracks all of your changes daily.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['title'] = "CodeGuard Backup";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['headline'] = "Protect <span>your website</span> with daily automated backups";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['tagline'] = "Get protection against viruses, hackers and even your own code accidentally breaking your site with CodeGuard Website Backup.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['tab']['overview'] = "Overview";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['tab']['pricing'] = "Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['tab']['features'] = "Features";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['tab']['faq'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['leadTitle'] = "<strong><em>Every 0.65 seconds</em></strong>, a new web page is infected with malware.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['leadText1'] = "Protect your site from <strong>data loss and corruption</strong>, as well as against threats from <strong>viruses, hackers and malware</strong> with Daily Automated Website Backups from CodeGuard.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['leadText2'] = "With CodeGuard Website Backup, your website is backed up daily and if disaster strikes, you can restore your site to a previous point in time at the click of a button.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['dailyBackup'] = "Automatic Daily Backups";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['malwareProtection'] = "Malware Detection and Restore";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['timeMachine'] = "Website Time Machine";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['wpPlugin'] = "WordPress Plugin Updates";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['changeAlerts'] = "File Change Alert Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['dailyBackup'] = "Daily Automatic Website Backups";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['dailyBackupDescription'] = "Secure your website with automated daily backups stored offsite with built-in redundancy.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['unlimitedFiles'] = "Unlimited Files & Databases";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['unlimitedFilesDescription'] = "Backup an unlimited number of files and databases - you are restricted only by the storage space you use.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['oneClickRestore'] = "One-Click Restores";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['oneClickRestoreDescription'] = "A simple restore process makes it easy to rollback a single file or your entire website to a previous version.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['malwareMonitoring'] = "Malware Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['malwareMonitoringDescription'] = "Rest easy knowing CodeGuard is diligently checking your site for changes every day.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['wp'] = "Automatic WordPress Updates";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['wpDescription'] = "Automatically update WordPress and its plugins to keep it secure with auto recovery in case of problems.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['fileMonitoring'] = "File Change Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['fileMonitoringDescription'] = "Get notified by email anytime something changes within the source code of your site.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['servers'] = "Staging of Restores";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['serversDescription'] = "Quickly test any backed up site with simple and automated staging prior to restore.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['email'] = "Email Backup";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['emailDescription'] = "Get protection for your emails too as they are backed up as part of your websites files.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['api'] = "Full Automation";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['features']['apiDescription'] = "Completely hands free setup and ongoing backups with automated notifications if things go wrong.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['chooseBackupPlan'] = "Choose Backup Storage";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['title'] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q1'] = "What is CodeGuard?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a1'] = "CodeGuard is a fully automated website backup service that gives you complete protection against data loss and malware.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q2'] = "Why do I need CodeGuard?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a2'] = "CodeGuard provides an independent offsite backup solution for your website along with daily monitoring to ensure your website is online and malware free.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q3'] = "How does it work?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a3'] = "CodeGuard takes daily automated snapshots of your website. Using these snapshots, you can restore your entire site or a specific file to an earlier version at any time.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q4'] = "What if I run out of storage?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a4'] = "Switching plans is easy! You can upgrade and increase your disk storage allowance in just a few simple clicks via our client area.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q5'] = "Where are backups stored?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a5'] = "Backups are stored on Amazon Web Services Simple Storage System which provides market leading resiliance and redundancy for your backups.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q6'] = "Are the backups encrypted?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a6'] = "Yes, backups are stored encrypted using the AES-256 Encryption Standard.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q7'] = "Do you backup databases?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a7'] = "Yes, databases can be backed up also. Database backups are supported for MySQL and MSSQL databases.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q8'] = "What is File Change Alert Monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a8'] = "CodeGuard can monitor and notify you by email when your website changes to alert you to new threats and malware.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['q9'] = "What happens if my site gets infected?";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['faq']['a9'] = "With CodeGuard's daily snapshots, if your website gets attacked, you can restore to a previous uninfected version at any time.";
$_LANG['store']['codeGuard']['adminPreview'] = "CodeGuard plans you activate will be displayed here";

$_LANG['store']['codeguard']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Add Website Backup";
$_LANG['store']['codeguard']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Protect your website with daily automated backups";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['codeGuard']['manage'] = "Log in to CodeGuard Control Panel";

$_LANG['sslState']['sslInactive'] = "No SSL Detected. Click here to browse SSL options";
$_LANG['sslState']['sslActive'] = "Valid SSL Detected. Expires :expiry";
$_LANG['sslState']['sslUnknown'] = "Unable to validate SSL status";
$_LANG['sslState']['validSsl'] = "Valid SSL Detected";
$_LANG['sslState']['noSsl'] = "No SSL Detected";
$_LANG['sslState']['sslInactiveService'] = "Service inactive";
$_LANG['sslState']['sslInactiveDomain'] = "Domain inactive";
$_LANG['sslState']['startDate'] = "SSL Start Date";
$_LANG['sslState']['expiryDate'] = "SSL Expiry Date";
$_LANG['sslState']['issuerName'] = "SSL Issuer Name";
$_LANG['sslState']['sslStatus'] = "SSL Status";

$_LANG['generatePassword']['btnLabel'] = "Generate Password";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['btnShort'] = "Generate";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['title'] = "Generate Password";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['lengthValidationError'] = "Please enter a number between 8 and 64 for the password length";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['pwLength'] = "Password Length";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['generatedPw'] = "Generated Password";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['generateNew'] = "Generate new password";
$_LANG['generatePassword']['copyAndInsert'] = "Copy to clipboard and Insert";

$_LANG['setupMandate'] = "Setup Mandate for Payment";

$_LANG['invoicePaymentPendingCleared'] = "Your payment is being processed and will apply automatically when cleared.";
$_LANG['invoicePaymentAutoWhenDue'] = "Your payment will be requested automatically when due.";

$_LANG['support']['attachmentsRemoved'] = "Removed due to ticket inactivity";
$_LANG['unpaidInvoiceAlert'] = "You have an unpaid invoice. Pay it now to avoid interruption in service.";
$_LANG['overdueInvoiceAlert'] = "You have an overdue invoice.";
$_LANG['payInvoice'] = "Pay Invoice";

$_LANG['close'] = "Close";
$_LANG['submit'] = "Submit";
$_LANG['finish'] = "Finish";

$_LANG['twofanowenabled'] = "Two-Factor Authentication is now enabled";
$_LANG['twofacurrently'] = "Two-factor authentication is currently";
$_LANG['enabled'] = "Enabled";
$_LANG['disabled'] = "Disabled";

$_LANG['copyrightFooterNotice'] = "Copyright &copy; :year :company. All Rights Reserved.";

$_LANG['paymentMethods']['title'] = "Payment Methods";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['intro'] = "An overview of your payment methods and settings.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['description'] = "Description";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['cardDescription'] = "Card Description";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['descriptionInput'] = "Enter a name for this card";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['fieldRequired'] = "This field is required.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['close'] = "Close";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['saveChanges'] = "Save Changes";

$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addedSuccess'] = "Payment method added successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addFailed'] = "Payment method failed to create successfully. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['updateSuccess'] = "Payment method updated successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['saveFailed'] = "Payment method failed to save changes. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['defaultUpdateSuccess'] = "Default payment method updated successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['defaultUpdateFailed'] = "Unable to update the default payment method. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['deleteSuccess'] = "The payment method was deleted successfully";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['deleteFailed'] = "Failed to delete the selected payment method. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addNewCC'] = "Add New Credit Card";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['addNewBank'] = "Add New Bank Account";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['name'] = "Name";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['status'] = "Status";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['actions'] = "Actions";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['default'] = "Default";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['setAsDefault'] = "Set as default";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['edit'] = "Edit";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['delete'] = "Delete";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['noPaymentMethodsCreated'] = "No payment methods have been created yet";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['areYouSure'] = "Are you sure?";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['deletePaymentMethodConfirm'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this payment method? This action cannot be undone.";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['type'] = "Type";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['requestCancelled'] = "Payment method request cancelled";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['retry'] = "Retry";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['creditCardChangesWontBeReflected'] = "Changes you make here will be saved but not all changes will be reflected when viewing the payment method within our client area.";

$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['editPaymentMethod'] = "Edit Payment Method";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['addPaymentMethod'] = "Add New Payment Method";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['invalidCardDetails'] = "The card number you entered appears to be invalid. Please try again.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['creditCard'] = "Credit Card";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['bankAccount'] = "Bank Account";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['optional'] = "(Optional)";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['cardNumberNotValid'] = "The card number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['expiryDateNotValid'] = "The expiry date you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['cvcNumberNotValid'] = "The CVC number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountType'] = "Account Type";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['checking'] = "Checking";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['savings'] = "Savings";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountHolderName'] = "Account Holder Name";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['bankName'] = "Bank Name";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['sortCodeRoutingNumber'] = "Sort Code/Routing Number";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['routingNumberNotValid'] = "The routing number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountNumber'] = "Account Number";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['accountNumberNotValid'] = "The bank account number you entered does not appear to be valid.";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['addNewAddress'] = "Add a new address";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['addNewBillingAddress'] = "Add new billing address";
$_LANG['paymentMethodsManage']['unsupportedCardType'] = "We are unable to accept the card type you entered. Please use a different card.";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['pricing'] = "Certificate Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['encryption256'] = "256-Bit Encryption";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['issuanceTime'] = "Issuance Time";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['greatFor'] = "Great For";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['warrantyValue'] = "Warranty Value";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['freeReissues'] = "Free Reissues";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['browserSupport'] = "Browser Support";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['price'] = "Price";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['noProducts'] = "SSL Certificate products you activate will be displayed here";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['helpMeChoose'] = "Not sure which to choose? Let us help you decide";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ev']['visualVerification'] = "Prominent Visual Identity";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ev']['visualVerificationDescription'] = "Increase trust and confidence in your website with full identity verification and prominent visual features.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ev']['warranty'] = "$1.5m Warranty";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ev']['warrantyDescription'] = "EV Certificates come with a $1.5m warranty that covers data breaches caused due to a certificate flaw.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ev']['issuance'] = "Issued in 2-3 Days";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ov']['ov'] = "Organization Validated";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ov']['ovDescription'] = "With an OV SSL Certificate, the identity of the company or organization that holds the certificate is validated, providing more trust for end users.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ov']['warranty'] = "$1.25m Warranty";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ov']['warrantyDescription'] = "OV Certificates come with a $1.25m warranty that covers data breaches caused due to a certificate flaw.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ov']['issuance'] = "Issued in 1-2 Days";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['delivery'] = "Delivered in Minutes for Instant Protection";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['deliveryDescription'] = "The fastest and most affordable way to activate SSL protection for your website, issuance is quick and often fully automated.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['siteSeal'] = "Trust Site Seal";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['siteSealDescription'] = "Our SSL Certificates come with a trust seal that has been proven to increase visitor confidence and customer conversions.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['googleRanking'] = "Boost your Google Ranking";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['googleRankingDescription'] = "Google uses SSL/HTTPS as a factor in determining search engine ranking. Add SSL today to help boost your Google ranking!";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['features'] = "Certificate Features";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['encryptData'] = "Encrypt sensitive data";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['secureTransactions'] = "Secure online transactions";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['legitimacy'] = "Prove legitimacy";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['fastestSsl'] = "Strongest & Fastest SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['browserCompatability'] = "99.9% Browser Compatibility";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['seoRank'] = "Increase SEO rank";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['issuance'] = "Instant Issuance";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['trusted'] = "Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['dvSsl'] = "Standard SSL (DV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['ovSsl'] = "Organisation Validation (OV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['evSsl'] = "Extended Validation (EV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['wildcardSsl'] = "Wildcard";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['switch'] = "Switch to Us";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['switch'] = "Switch to DigiCert SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['replace'] = "Replace your current SSL Certificate without losing any time or money";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['buyWithTime'] = "Buy a new SSL Certificate from us and we'll add any remaining time you have on your current SSL Certificate up to a maximum of an additional 12 months";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['foc'] = "free of charge";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['exampleScenario'] = "Example Scenario";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['example']['line1'] = "Your current 2 year certificate has 11 months left to run.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['example']['line2'] = "You make the switch and your new certificate will be valid for <strong>1 year AND 11 months</strong>.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['example']['line3'] = "The fee for the new certificate will <strong>ONLY</strong> be for 1 year.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['eligibilityCheck'] = "This special upgrade offer is available for SSL Certificates issued by one of the supported competitor SSL providers*. Enter your domain name below to validate your eligibility and see how much you could save.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['checkFailed'] = "Unable to connect to the validation API. Please try again later or contact support.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['eligible'] = "Congratulations! Your domain is eligible for the DigiCert Competitive Upgrade Offer.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['expirationDate'] = "Current Expiration Date";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['monthsRemaining'] = "Months Remaining";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['months'] = ":months Months";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['maxMonths'] = "Maximum of 12 months offered";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['freeExtension'] = "Free Extension Eligibility";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['saving'] = "Potential Saving";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['savingInfomation'] = "Save up to <strong>:saveAmount</strong> on a new certificate!";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['continue'] = "Continue to Choose SSL Certificate";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['ineligible'] = "Unfortunately the domain you entered is not eligible for the DigiCert Competitive Upgrade Offer. Please verify the domain is entered correctly and has an active and current SSL Certificate from one of the supported vendors";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['validate'] = "Validate";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['competitors'] = "Offer valid for Comodo, GlobalSign, Entrust, and GoDaddy SSL Certificates.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['competitiveUpgrades']['enterDomain'] = "Enter your domain here";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['title'] = "Recommended Use Cases";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['blogs'] = "Blogs";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['infoPages'] = "Informational<br>Pages";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['serverComms'] = "Server-to-server<br>Communications";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['criticalDomains'] = "Business-critical<br>domains";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['ecommerce'] = "eCommerce";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['signupPages'] = "New account<br>signup pages";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['loginPages'] = "Login Pages";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['intranetSites'] = "Intranet Sites";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['useCases']['webmail'] = "Webmail";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ov']['orgInfo'] = "Contains your Authenticated Organization Details";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ov']['orgInfoDescription'] = "Certificate details indicate your website is using an Organization Validated SSL Certificate and include the issuing CA, validity status and expiration date.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ev']['orgInfo'] = "Contains Your EV Authenticated Organization Details";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['ev']['orgInfoDescription'] = "Certificate details indicate your website is using an Extended Validation SSL Certificate and include the issuing CA, validity status, and expiration date.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['title'] = "SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['tagline1'] = "Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['tagline2'] = "With a range of brands, we have the right certificate for all your site security needs";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['chooseLevel'] = "Choose your level of validation";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['dv'] = "Domain Validation (DV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['dvSubtitle'] = "Basic Security";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['dvInformation'] = "Domain validation only. Issued in minutes. Ideal for blogs, social media & personal websites.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['ov'] = "Organization Validation (OV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['ovSubtitle'] = "Strong business level SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['ovInformation'] = "Basic identity verification. Ideal for small business websites and pages accepting sensitive information.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['ev'] = "Extended Validation (EV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['evSubtitle'] = "Maximum Protection & Trust";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['evInformation'] = "Full identity verification. Ideal for Business & Ecommerce sites looking to provide maximum visitor confidence.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['buy'] = "Buy";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['what'] = "What is SSL?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['whatInfo'] = "SSL Certificates are fundamental to internet security. They are used to establish an encrypted connection and allow data to be transmitted securely between a browser or user's computer and a server or website.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['secureConnection'] = "Establishes a secure connection between a browser and a server";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['encrypts'] = "Encrypts communication to protect sensitive information your customers provide to you";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['padlock'] = "Places a padlock next to your web address in the browser";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['authenticates'] = "Authenticates an organization's identity";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['certTypeInfo'] = "<a href=\":dvLink\">Standard SSL (Domain Validated)</a> Certificates are the easiest and most common type of SSL certificate. <a href=\":ovLink\">OV</a> and <a href=\":evLink\">EV Certificates</a> also authenticate the identity of the company or organization that holds the certificate providing more trust to end users. <br><br>With our SSL certificate services*, you won't need to take manual steps to configure and deploy new certificates every year. We generate a renewal order automatically when your certificate nears the end of its validity. After payment, we will automatically configure, validate, and provision your new certificate for you.<br><br><small>* Your domain must be hosted through the same hosting provider who sold the SSL certificate, and the server must use cPanel, Plesk, or DirectAdmin.</small>";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['title'] = "Improve Your Search Engine Ranking";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['subtitle'] = "Establish trust and online security for your website visitors and business.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['higherResults'] = "Google wants to make the web safer and a big part of that involves making sure that the sites people access via Google are secure. That's why websites using SSL have been shown to benefit from higher ranking in search results.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['reasons'] = "There's also a lot more reasons why you should consider adding SSL to your website";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['encrypt'] = "Encrypt sensitive data";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['privacy'] = "Protect user privacy";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['secure'] = "Secure online transactions";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['https'] = "Activate HTTPS and the lock icon";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['legitimacy'] = "Prove legitimacy";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['benefits']['seo'] = "Increase SEO rank";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['browser']['title'] = "Browsers have changed, don't get left behind";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['browser']['insecureNotice'] = "Web pages not served via HTTPS are now being displayed as ‘not secure’ in <strong>Google Chrome</strong> and <strong>Mozilla Firefox</strong>. Don't let your website be one of them. Add SSL today.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['competitiveUpgrade'] = "Upgrade with us and get up to an additional 12 months free.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['browser']['competitiveUpgrade'] = "Upgrade with us and get up to an additional 12 months free.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['evs']['upgradeTitle'] = "Upgrade to Extended Validation SSL";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['evs']['description'] = "While all SSL certificates use similar methods to protect and validate your data, the level of trust and assertion they provide varies.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['evs']['whatIs'] = "<strong>Extended Validation Certificates</strong> offer the highest level of validation and trust. They validate and display the name and location of companies and organisations to give customers added confidence when dealing with businesses online.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['evs']['learn'] = "Learn more about Extended Validation SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['title'] = "Help Me Choose The Right Type of Certificate";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['guide'] = "While the need for online security is universal, not all SSL Certificates are created equal. The guide below is designed to help you decide which type of certificate is right for you.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['title'] = "Domain Validation (DV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['verify'] = "Verifies ownership and control of the domain name only";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['issued'] = "Issued in minutes";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['compliance'] = "Maintains browser compliance";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['for'] = "Ideal for non-critical web pages";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['type'] = "Think of DV like getting a library card—no confirmation of who you really are, very minimal requirements to obtain and issued very quickly.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['dv']['browse'] = "Browse Domain Validation Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['title'] = "Organization Validation (OV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['verify'] = "Enhanced validation including authenticating the identity of the applicant";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['issued'] = "Issued within one day";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['compliance'] = "Maintains browser compliance";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['for'] = "Ideal for more sensitive webpages such as login pages";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['type'] = "Think of OV like getting a driver’s license—more hoops to jump through than a library card but more trusted as a form of identification.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ov']['browse'] = "Browse Organization Validation Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['title'] = "Extended Validation (EV)";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['verify'] = "Standards-based approach to authentication, representing the highest level of authentication for SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['issued'] = "Typically issued within 1-3 days";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['compliance'] = "Maintains browser and other industry compliance";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['for'] = "Ideal for sensitive webpages including ecommerce, online banking, account signups";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['type'] = "Think of EV like getting a passport—much more stringent processes, longer lead times and more verification of who you are than with a library card or driver’s license. Recognized internationally as the most trusted way to verify your identity.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['help']['ev']['browse'] = "Browse Extended Validation Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['viewAll'] = "View All SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['buyNow'] = "Buy Now";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['title'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['q1'] = "What is an SSL Certificate?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['a1'] = "SSL Certificates enable data encryption on the internet and allow data to be transmitted securely from a web server to a browser. With SSL, your website can use the https protocol and will display a padlock in end users web browsers to indicate the connection is secure.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['q2'] = "Why do I need an SSL Certificate?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['a2'] = "SSL Certificates are an essential part of the internet. They not only encrypt communication between your computer and the server where a website is located, but they also provide verification that a site is what it claims to be.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['q3'] = "What are the different types of SSL?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['a3'] = "There are 3 different levels of vetting that SSL Certificates are based upon. Domain Validated (DV) , Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV). The major difference between the types of certificate relates to the information the Certificate Authority, RapidSSL, GeoTrust and DigiCert, requires and validates in order to issue a certificate. The higher levels of certificate require more information, and often is displayed in the browser bar. EV SSL for example turns the browser bar green and displays the organization name to visitors to generate more trust.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['q4'] = "What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['a4'] = "A Wildcard SSL certificate provides the same encryption and authentication features as other SSL certificates but can also be applied to an unlimited number of subdomains of a website. A Wildcard SSL certificate supports the root domain ( as well as its subdomains.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['q5'] = "What are the advantages of an EV SSL Certificate?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['a5'] = "EV or Extended Validation certificates are the highest class of SSL available and give the most credibility and trust to your website. EV assures consumers that their personal and financial information is protected at the highest levels of authentication. Additional verifications are performed, such as corporate agency record checks, applicant contact info, and whether the business has existed for a minimum of 3 years. EV certificates are best suited for business-critical webpages.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['q6'] = "What if I already have an SSL Certificate?";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['faq']['a6'] = "You can switch to us at any time.  We offer highly competitive pricing and if you already have an existing certificate, we'll add any remaining validity that you have on your existing competitor SSL Certificate up to a maximum of an additional 12 months.";

$_LANG['creditCardStore'] = "Save card for faster checkout in future";

$_LANG['support']['ccRecipients'] = "CC Recipients";
$_LANG['support']['addCcRecipients'] = "Enter Email Address";
$_LANG['support']['removeRecipient'] = "Remove Recipient";
$_LANG['support']['successDelete'] = "The cc recipient :email has been removed";
$_LANG['support']['deleteEmailNotExisting'] = "The email :email is not a cc recipient";
$_LANG['support']['addEmailExists'] = "The email :email is already a cc recipient";
$_LANG['support']['successAdd'] = "The cc recipient :email has been added";
$_LANG['support']['clientEmail'] = "Client email address cannot be added as a cc recipient";
$_LANG['support']['emailNotPossible'] = "It is not possible to add :email as a cc recipient";
$_LANG['support']['invalidEmail'] = "Invalid email address entered.";
$_LANG['support']['ipAddress'] = "IP Address";
$_LANG['support']['ticketError'] = "We cannot process your ticket request at this time. Please try again later.";

$_LANG['confirmAndPay'] = "Confirm & Pay";
$_LANG['paymentPreApproved'] = "Payment pre-approved with :gateway";
$_LANG['expressCheckoutInfo'] = "Your payment is pending confirmation. It usually only takes a couple of minutes for payments to complete. If you do not receive an email receipt within a few minutes, please contact support.";
$_LANG['expressCheckoutError'] = "Something went wrong processing your payment. Please contact support.";

$_LANG['subscription']['active'] = "You have an active subscription";
$_LANG['subscription']['manual'] = "You may still make a manual payment but this may result in an overpayment.";
$_LANG['subscription']['moreDetails'] = "More Details";
$_LANG['subscription']['makePayment'] = "Make a Payment";
$_LANG['subscription']['paypalDetails'] = "PayPal Subscription Details";
$_LANG['subscription']['subscriptionWarning'] = "Any active subscriptions below will be applied to this invoice automatically. If a subscription payment results in an overpayment, you will receive a credit that will be automatically applied to your next invoice.";
$_LANG['subscription']['subscriptionid'] = "Subscription ID";
$_LANG['subscription']['status'] = "Subscription Status";
$_LANG['subscription']['lastpayment'] = "Last Payment";
$_LANG['subscription']['nextpaymentdate'] = "Next Payment Date";
$_LANG['subscription']['subscriptionstartdate'] = "Subscription Start Date";
$_LANG['subscription']['failedpaymentscount'] = "Failed Payments Count";
$_LANG['subscription']['errorFetchingDetails'] = "An error occurred while attempting to get the subscription information. Please contact support.";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['sitelockvpn'] = "VPN";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['tagline'] = "Get unlimited access to an Internet free of privacy concerns, content restrictions or data caps.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['manageService'] = "Manage your SiteLock VPN Service";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['cartShortDescription'] = "SiteLock VPN allows anonymous, encrypted browsing sessions over any network connection.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['cartTitle'] = "SiteLock VPN";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Virtual Private Network";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Anonymize your browsing";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['adminPreview'] = "SiteLock VPN plans you activate will be displayed here";

$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['title'] = "SiteLock VPN";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['getStarted'] = "Get Started";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['subtitle1'] = "Secure & Protect";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['subtitle2'] = "Your Web Browsing";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['tagline1'] = "High speed, secure, and easy";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['tagline2'] = "to use with instant setup.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['title'] = "Get secure and private access to the internet.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['subtitle'] = "<strong>Shield your personal data</strong> and get peace of mind each time you use public Wi-Fi, access personal and work accounts on the road, or just want to keep your browsing history to yourself.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['highlights']['one'] = "Hide your IP address";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['highlights']['two'] = "Protect your online identity";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['highlights']['three'] = "No activity logs to track browsing";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['highlights']['four'] = "Secure your bank transactions";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['highlights']['five'] = "Use military-grade encryption";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature1']['highlights']['six'] = "Be safe on public Wi-Fi networks";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['title'] = "Stream and browse without limitations.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['subtitle'] = "From video streaming to social networks, <strong>our VPN works anywhere</strong> and allows you to access the sites and apps you love. Plus fast speeds for easy browsing and no more buffering or long waits.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['highlights']['one'] = "Access blocked websites";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['highlights']['two'] = "Watch streaming services anywhere";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['highlights']['three'] = "Bypass local internet censorship";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['highlights']['four'] = "Play region-locked games";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['highlights']['five'] = "Get better deals online";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature2']['highlights']['six'] = "Stay private and anonymous";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature3']['title'] = "Protect all your devices.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature3']['subtitle'] = "<strong>1-click-setup VPN</strong> for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature3']['subtitle2'] = "Access the internet from anywhere, whether you're on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Auto-configuration is supported for all major platforms<sup>*</sup> allowing you to surf unrestricted with no coding or complex setup required. <strong>Simply download and connect.</strong>";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['feature3']['subtitle3'] = "* Other platforms can be configured manually.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['pricing']['oneSubscription'] = "Just one subscription covers and protects";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['pricing']['fiveDevices'] = "up to 5 devices simultaneously.";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['pricing']['features']['noRestrictions'] = "No Restrictions";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['pricing']['features']['highSpeed'] = "High Speed Network";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['pricing']['features']['unlimited'] = "Unlimited bandwidth";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['pricing']['features']['encryption'] = "256-bit AES Encryption";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['allInclude'] = "All Subscription Plans include";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['noRestrictions'] = "No Restrictions";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['highSpeed'] = "High Speed Network";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['unlimited'] = "Unlimited bandwidth";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['encryption'] = "256-bit AES Encryption";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['protocol'] = "OpenVPN, L2TP-IPsec<br>and PPTP protocols";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['simultaneous'] = "Simultaneous connections on<br>up to 5 devices";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['apps'] = "Apps for Windows, Mac, iOS,<br>Android, and Linux";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['switching'] = "Unlimited Server Switching";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['countries'] = "40+ Countries";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['servers'] = "1000+ Servers";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['plans']['features']['support'] = "24/7 US Based Support";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['world']['features']['title'] = "Blazing fast speeds, unlimited bandwidth";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['world']['features']['servers'] = "servers";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['world']['features']['countries'] = "countries";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['world']['features']['unlimited'] = "Unlimited";
$_LANG['store']['sitelockvpn']['world']['features']['bandwidth'] = "bandwidth";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['nordvpn'] = "VPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['tagline'] = "Get unlimited access to an Internet free of privacy concerns, content restrictions or data caps.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['manageService'] = "Manage your NordVPN Service";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['cartShortDescription'] = "NordVPN allows anonymous, encrypted browsing sessions over any network connection.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['cartTitle'] = "NordVPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "NordVPN Security";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Cybersecurity built for every day.";

$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['title'] = "NordVPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['shared']['get'] = "Get NordVPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['hero']['title'] = "Cybersecurity.:tagBreak:tagOpenBuilt for everyday:tagClose";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['hero']['tagline'] = "Secure your connection and hide your IP.:tagBreakBlock malware, trackers, and ads.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['hero']['available'] = "Available on";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['hero']['guarantee'] = "15-day money-back guarantee";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['title1'] = "With a VPN, you can:";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['video'] = "Browse, stream, and download content with a secure and private connection";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['global'] = "Watch home shows and sports from abroad";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['hacker'] = "Shield against hackers on unsecured networks (like public Wi-Fi®)";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['property'] = "Reduce online tracking by hiding your IP address";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['title2'] = "Keep your data safe";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['check1'] = "Secure, high-speed VPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['check2'] = "Encrypt your internet connect, reclaim digital privacy, and access your favorite content with the fastest VPN on the market. Choose from VPN servers in 59 countries, and protect up to 6 devices at once.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['bug1'] = "Malware protection";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['bug2'] = "Get warnings about unsafe sites and automatically scan all downloaded files and attachments for malware. If they're not safe to open, they're automatically deleted to prevent any damage to your device.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['shield1'] = "Tracker and ad blocker";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['icon']['shield2'] = "Block annoying ads, pop-ups, and banners, and stop third-party websites from tracking your online activity. Enjoy a safer, smoother, and faster browsing experience on all sites, and on every device.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['title'] = "Why choose NordVPN?";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['speed1'] = "Connection Speed*";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['speed2'] = "6730+ Mbps";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['speed3'] = "2200+ Mbps";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['speed4'] = "3320+ Mbps";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['speed5'] = "1600+ Mbps";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['speed6'] = "2320+ Mbps";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['wireguard'] = "WireGuard&reg; for top speeds";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['vpn1'] = "VPN Servers";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['vpn2'] = "5500+";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['vpn3'] = "3000+";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['vpn4'] = "200+";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['vpn5'] = "1600+";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['vpn6'] = "6500+";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['log'] = "Verified no-logs policy";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['chat'] = "Live chat customer support";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['comparison']['asterisk'] = "*Overall network performance according to research by AV-Test. You can :tagOpenread the full report:tagClose. Date of comparison: February 17, 2021.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['threat']['title'] = "More than just a VPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['threat']['tagline'] = "NordVPN's :tagOpenThreat Protection:tagClose feature is a game changer that offers even more security benefits and better protection with a single extra click.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['threat']['protection'] = ":tagOpenThreat Protection:tagClose blocks intrusive ads and web trackers, and automatically scans URLs and blocks malicious ones.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['threat']['malware'] = "Whenever you download a file, :tagOpenThreat Protection:tagClose inspects it for malware.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['threat']['safe'] = ":tagOpenThreat Protection:tagClose protects not only your devices but also you. The ability to block trackers helps you avoid online spies and stalkers.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['device']['title1'] = "No bandwidth limits";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['device']['tagline1'] = "There are no speed limits at our end. Enjor your full-speed VPN connection without any throttling.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['device']['title2'] = "Works on all devices";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['device']['tagline2'] = "NordVPN is compatible with all popular platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Besides, you can secure up to 6 devices with a single account, including your router.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['title'] = "A truly global VPN server network";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['tagline'] = "Choose among thousands of ultra-fast VPN servers worldwide.:tagBreakEnjoy a stable connection wherever you are.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['bullet1'] = "VPN servers";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['count1'] = "5500+";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['bullet2'] = "Countries";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['count2'] = "59";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['bullet3'] = "Blazing speeds";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['bullet4'] = "Unlimited bandwidth";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['world']['getDeal'] = "Grab the Deal";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['title1'] = "Increase your online security with a VPN";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['tagline1'] = "If you want protection from hackers and online monitoring, you can make your connection more secure with a virtual private network (VPN) from NordVPN.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['tagline2'] = ":tagOpenUse NordVPN to encrypt your online activity:tagClose for an extra layer of protection whenever and wherever you're connected.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['title2'] = "Ultimate security";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['tagline3'] = "NordVPN safeguards your connection with next-generation encryption, so you can log into your accounts, make bank transfers, and shop online without worries. Even on unprotected Wi-Fi.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['title3'] = "No-logs policy";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['tagline4'] = "It's nobody's business what you do online. That's why we don't track, collect, or share your private data. We couldn't provide any details about you to third parties, even if they ask.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['title4'] = "Extra features for extra security";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['security']['tagline5'] = "NordVPN boasts a wide range of features to protect you from cyber threats. In addition to :tagOpenThreat Protection:tagClose, there is an automatic :tagOpenKill Switch:tagClose that blocks your internet connection if your VPN connection drops, ensuring that your data stays safe. :tagOpenDouble VPN:tagClose will help when a high level of online security is required due to government censorship and strict internet regulations. You'll be protected from :tagOpenDNS leaks:tagClose, too.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title1'] = "Use Cases";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline1'] = "Even if you have nothing to hide, you probably don't like the idea of being watched and tracked. The main reason why internet users choose VPN services is online privacy and general security.:tagBreak:tagOpenHere are specific reasons WHY?:tagClose";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title2'] = "Wi-Fi in Public Places";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline2'] = "Public Wi-Fi networks in Hotels, Airports, & Coffee Shops are the perfect targets for hackers due to often low security measures.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title3'] = "Shield browsing from third parties";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline3'] = "Prevent third parties such as Internet Service Providers from seeing and tracking your day-to-day online activity.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title4'] = "Access social media platforms anywhere";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline4'] = "Avoid regional and political restrictions on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and more.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title5'] = "Enjoy online entertainment and live sports";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline5'] = "Even though online platforms can be accessed from anywhere in the world, certain broadcasts, shows or sporting events are often restricted.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title6'] = "Protect your device from malicious ads";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline6'] = "Online ads usually make your browsing experience way worse. They clutter large parts of websites, slow downloading speeds, and might be sources of malware.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['title7'] = "Secure your smart home gadgets";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['use']['tagline7'] = "Smart home technologies and in particular unsecure IoT devices can create vulnerabilities for home networks.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['pricing']['title'] = "Choose how you pay:";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['pricing']['get'] = "Get Started";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['pricing']['save'] = "Save :amount%!";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['title'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['question1'] = "What is a VPN?";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['answer1'] = "A :tagOpenvirtual private network:tagClose routes your internet traffic through a secure tunnel, changing your virtual location in the process. But NordVPN is more than just a VPN &mdash; we also offer powerful anti-malware tools.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['question2'] = "What is Auto-Kill Switch?";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['answer2'] = "VPN Fail-Safe switch. If VPN connection drops, Kill Switch will block your device from sending unsecured data.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['question3'] = "What is NordVPN's Threat Protection?";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['answer3'] = "NordVPN’s Threat Protection feature makes you much safer from online threats. Turn it on, and Threat Protection will block intrusive ads and trackers, scan URLs to protect you from dangerous websites, and inspect downloaded files for malware.  Experience the internet without intrusive tracking or censorship. Stay secure on Wi-Fi networks and stop your mobile apps from leaking unencrypted data. Get it all with just the click of a button.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['question4'] = "What is DNS Leak Protection?";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['answer4'] = "Protects your online activity in case DNS servers send unencrypted queries outside a secure VPN tunnel.";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['question5'] = "What is Double VPN?";
$_LANG['store']['nordvpn']['features']['faq']['answer5'] = "Double Encryption. When a high level of security and privacy is needed.";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['threesixtymonitoring'] = "Site & Server Monitoring";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['threesixtymonitoring']['manage'] = "Log in to Dashboard";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['title'] = "360 Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['cartTitle'] = "360 Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['cartShortDescription'] = "A reliable and comprehensive solution for multi-server and multi-site monitoring.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "360 Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "A reliable and comprehensive, multi-server and multi-site monitoring.";

$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteHeading']['title'] = "Find your website's problems before your visitors do!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteHeading']['tagline'] = "Enter your URL for a fast and free assessment of your website:";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverHeading']['title'] = "Because uptime is money!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverHeading']['tagline'] = "Safeguard your server and website health today.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['title'] = "Test results for:";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['subtitle'] = "Tester Results";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['currentStatus'] = "Current Status";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['resolvingTime'] = "DNS Resolving Time";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['connectionTime'] = "Connection Time";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['totalTime'] = "Total Time Needed";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['positive'] = "Positive";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['concern'] = "Concern";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['modal']['negative'] = "Negative";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['button']['getStarted'] = "Get Started";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['button']['startMonitoringShort'] = "Start Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['button']['startMonitoringLong'] = "Start Monitoring Your Website";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['navTab']['website'] = "Site Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['navTab']['server'] = "Server Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['navTab']['full'] = "Full Site Check";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteDiscover']['title'] = "What is 360 Site Monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteDiscover']['tagline'] = "360 Site Monitoring makes unnoticed downtime a thing of the past!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteDiscover']['i1'] = "Monitor load times and responsiveness with :tagOpenregular scans:tagClose and metrics you can use.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteDiscover']['i2'] = "Maximize uptime by resolving website problems before they happen with :tagOpeninstant alerting.:tagClose";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteDiscover']['i3'] = "Prevent downtime and boost visibility and customer experiences with :tagOpen360 Monitoring!:tagClose";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverDiscover']['title'] = "What is 360 Site Monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverDiscover']['tagline'] = "Our all-in-one, panel-agnostic solution for multi-server and multi-site management is the key to providing your customers with peace of mind and reliable resource monitoring.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverDiscover']['i1'] = "360 Monitoring is <strong>open-source and customizable</strong>, ensuring that all essential metrics and resources are properly monitored to suit your needs.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverDiscover']['i2'] = "With 360 Monitoring, you can ensure <strong>optimal performance</strong> for your visitors, avoid downtime, and proactively address any potential issues.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['title'] = "How Does 360 Monitoring Help my Website?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i1a'] = "Downtime Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i1b'] = "Get instant alerts when your website is offline!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i1c'] = "Identify and respond to issues before your customers are negatively impacted and before you lose revenue!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i2a'] = "Performance Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i2b'] = "Make sure your website performs faster and ranks higher in search engine results!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i2c'] = "Check Time to First Byte (TTFB), DNS time, connection time, and total duration.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i3a'] = "Geo Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i3b'] = "Learn about location-specific problems in your websites.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i3c'] = "Ensure accessibility and performance from up to 26 different locations.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i4a'] = "Keyword Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i4b'] = "Monitor website sources for specific words and phrases (for example, “error” or “stock out”) and set up alerts for their presence or absence.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i5a'] = "Port Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i5b'] = "Check responsiveness of HTTP/S for web traffic, TCP for network connectivity issues or firewall blockages, and ICMP (ping) for availability.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i6a'] = "SSL Monitoring";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i6b'] = "Get alerted about SSL/TLS certificate expirations and make sure that your visitors can always access your website securely.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i7a'] = "Identify Broken Links";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i7b'] = "Find and fix broken links before they affect your search engine rankings and cause a poor customer experience.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i8a'] = "Detect Missing Assets";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i8b'] = "Get alerts about missing files, missing resources, and JavaScript errors that can slow down page load times, cause visual inconsistencies, and degrade the user experience.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i9a'] = "Performance-Impacting Assets";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i9b'] = "Identify large files and libraries that impact your website's bounce rate, engagement, and conversions.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i10a'] = "Scan Your Google® Fonts for Compliance";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteFeatures']['i10b'] = "Comply with privacy laws by scanning for Google Fonts and avoiding collection of personal data from website visitors, potentially violating data protection regulations.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverFeatures']['title'] = "Server Monitoring Features";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['title'] = "Get Alerts via Your Favorite App";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['tagline'] = "Be the first to know when your site is down or performing poorly!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['email'] = "Email";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['sms'] = "SMS";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['pushbullet'] = "Pushbullet™";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['googlechat'] = "Google Chat™";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['pushover'] = "Pushover";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['discord'] = "Discord";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['slack'] = "Slack®";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['webhook'] = "Webhook";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['stride'] = "Stride";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['pagerduty'] = "PagerDuty";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['telegram'] = "Telegram";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['flock'] = "Flock";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['microsoft365'] = "Microsoft 365®";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['notifications']['opsgenie'] = "OpsGenie";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteMonitor']['title'] = "Monitor and Communicate the Status of Your Website";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websiteMonitor']['tagline'] = "Reduce frustration and grow user trust by quickly alerting users to issues and providing updates on the status of ongoing incidents.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverMonitor']['title'] = "Why Choose 360 Monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverMonitor']['tagline'] = "Because no one can afford downtime!";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverMonitor']['lostRevenue'] = "Lost revenue per year due to downtime:";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverMonitor']['uptime'] = "Uptime";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverMonitor']['perYear'] = "/year";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverMonitor']['asterisk'] = "* Calculation is based on a website generating $500K in revenue per year, excluding peak campaign seasons.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websitePricing']['title'] = "Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['websitePricing']['cta'] = ":tagOpenLooking for Server Monitoring?:tagClose Metrics like CPU, network, memory, and disk usage.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['serverPricing']['cta'] = ":tagOpenLooking for Website Monitoring?:tagClose Metrics like uptime, performance, and health.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['servers'] = "Servers";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['monitors'] = "Websites";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['timeIntervals'] = "Time Intervals";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['alerting'] = "Alerting";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['dataRetention'] = "Data Retention";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['fullSiteCheck'] = "Full Site Check";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['concurrentCrawls'] = "Concurrent Crawls";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['highPriorityCrawls'] = "High-Priority Crawls";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['recurringScheduledCrawls'] = "Recurring Scheduled Crawls";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['crawlDepth'] = "Crawl Depth (URLs)";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['startingFrom'] = "Starting From";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagLine'] = "";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagLite'] = "Free 1 Site";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagPersonal'] = "Ideal for 1 Site ";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagPlus'] = "Ideal for 3 Sites";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagAdvanced'] = "Ideal for 10 Sites";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagPro'] = "Growing Projects";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagBusiness'] = "Big Workloads";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['tagEnterprise'] = "Monitoring at Scale";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['emailOnly'] = "email only";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['multiChannel'] = ":tagOpenmulti-channel:tagClose";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['comparison']['manual'] = "manual";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['title'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q1'] = "What is Website Monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a1'] = "Website Monitoring tests websites for uptime, performance, and overall function. It verifies that your site is up, running, and accessible for visitors. Website Monitoring results will let you resolve any issues with your site before they impact your business.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q2'] = "How does Website Monitoring work?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a2'] = "Website Monitoring performs tests on your website at regular intervals (every 1, 5, or 10 minutes, depending on your plan). These tests detect problems with your website. When an issue is detected, 360 Monitoring sends an alert and records the issue for later analysis.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q3'] = "How does Performance Monitoring work?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a3'] = "Performance Monitoring tools and processes check how well the system is running by monitoring system resources like CPU use, memory consumption, disk usage, input/output (I/O) performance, and network uptime. 360 Monitoring tracks all of these metrics to ensure that everything is running smoothly.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q4'] = "Why is Performance Monitoring important?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a4'] = "Performance Monitoring is crucial in identifying performance issues before they hurt your business. Its system resource findings also let you proactively plan for your future needs.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q5'] = "How does SSL Monitoring work?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a5'] = "With SSL Monitoring, you can track your SSL certificates and plan ahead for expirations, ensuring seamless certificate management.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q6'] = "What locations are supported for monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a6'] = "You can perform monitoring from anywhere in the world, with monitoring locations in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q7'] = "What languages are supported?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a7'] = "360 Monitoring supports English, German, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, French, and Russian.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q8'] = "Can I upgrade my plan?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a8'] = "Yes, you can upgrade your plan at any time.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q9'] = "Are there any extra fees for notifications?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a9'] = "All paid plans allow unlimited multi-channel alerts. Some carriers may charge additional fees for data use or SMS messages.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q10'] = "What is Server Monitoring?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a10'] = "Server Monitoring runs regular scans and tracks the health of your server, including CPU, load times, network statistics, memory, disk usage, and more to help you find and resolve issues fast.";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['q11'] = "What is Full Site Check?";
$_LANG['store']['threesixtymonitoring']['faq']['a11'] = "Full Site Check protects your online presence against errors. It crawls your entire website or online store and identifies dead links, broken images, JavaScript errors, and many more anomalies, helping avoid website issues.";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['threesixtymonitoring']['clientPanel']['title'] = "360 Monitoring";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['threesixtymonitoring']['clientPanel']['servers'] = "Servers";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['threesixtymonitoring']['clientPanel']['monitors'] = "Websites";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['threesixtymonitoring']['clientPanel']['alerts'] = "Alerts";

$_LANG['store']['noDomain'] = "No Domain Required";
$_LANG['store']['noDomainRequired'] = "No domain is required for this product";
$_LANG['back'] = "Back";

$_LANG['errors']['badRequest'] = "Bad Request";
$_LANG['errors']['badRequestTryAgain'] = "An Error Occurred. Please try again.";
$_LANG['errors']['tryAgainOrSupport'] = "Please try again later or <a href=\"submitticket.php\">contact support</a>.";

$_LANG['paymentMethods']['iban'] = "IBAN";
$_LANG['paymentMethods']['mandateAcceptance'] = "By providing your IBAN and confirming this payment, you are authorizing :companyName and Stripe, our payment service provider, to send instructions to your bank to debit your account and your bank to debit your account in accordance with those instructions. You are entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A refund must be claimed within 8 weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.";

$_LANG['metrics']['title'] = "Metrics";
$_LANG['metrics']['explanation'] = "This product has usage-based billing charges in addition to the base price. Usage metrics and their pricing information are displayed below.";
$_LANG['metrics']['from'] = "From";
$_LANG['metrics']['to'] = "To";
$_LANG['metrics']['startingQuantity'] = "Starting Quantity";
$_LANG['metrics']['unit'] = "Unit";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricePerUnit'] = "Price Per Unit";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricePer'] = "Price Per";
$_LANG['metrics']['viewPricing'] = "View Pricing";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricing'] = "Pricing";
$_LANG['metrics']['startingFrom'] = "Starting from";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricingschema']['simple']['info'] = "This item has a singular pricing structure";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricingschema']['simple']['detail'] = "The per unit price is consistent regardless of volume.";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricingschema']['grad']['info'] = "This item has a graduated pricing structure.";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricingschema']['grad']['detail'] = "The per unit price is per consumption range. The total charge is the sum of the range calculations.";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricingschema']['flat']['info'] = "This item has a flat volume pricing structure.";
$_LANG['metrics']['pricingschema']['flat']['detail'] = "The per unit price is determined by the total volume consumed.";
$_LANG['metrics']['previousUsage'] = "Previous Usage";
$_LANG['metrics']['currentUsage'] = "Current Usage";
$_LANG['metrics']['lastUpdated'] = "Last Update";
$_LANG['metrics']['metric'] = "Metric";
$_LANG['metrics']['billing'] = "Billing";
$_LANG['metrics']['includedNotCounted'] = "Included";
$_LANG['metrics']['includedInBase'] = "included in the base price";

$_LANG['metrics']['invoiceitem']['perunit'] = ":consumed :metricname @ :price Per :perUnitName";
$_LANG['metrics']['invoiceitem']['included'] = ":included :metricname Included";

$_LANG['bankPaymentDeclined'] = "The bank account details you entered were declined. Please try a different account or contact support.";
$_LANG['invoicePaymentInitiated'] = "Thank You! Your payment has been initiated successfully. You will receive a confirmation email once the payment has been completed.";
$_LANG['genericPaymentDeclined'] = "Your payment was declined. Please try again or contact support.";

$_LANG['sitelockvpn']['loginPanelText'] = "Login to setup and manage your VPN user credentials and download the VPN clients.";
$_LANG['store']['save'] = "Save :saving%";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['codeGuard']['manageBackup'] = "Manage Backups";
$_LANG['store']['chooseExistingDomain'] = "Choose Existing Domain";
$_LANG['store']['choosePaymentTerm'] = "Choose Payment Term";
$_LANG['store']['chooseDomain'] = "Choose Domain";
$_LANG['store']['subOfExisting'] = "Subdomain of an Existing Domain";
$_LANG['store']['domainAlreadyOwned'] = "A domain I already own";
$_LANG['store']['eligible'] = "Eligible";
$_LANG['store']['login'] = "Login";
$_LANG['store']['addToExistingPackage'] = "to add this to an existing hosting package.";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['manageSecurity'] = "Manage Your Security";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['ftpHost'] = "FTP Host";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['ftpUsername'] = "FTP Username";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['ftpPassword'] = "FTP Password";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['ftpPath'] = "FTP Path";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['updateFtp'] = "Update FTP Credentials";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelock']['manage'] = "Log in to SiteLock";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelockvpn']['manageVPN'] = "Manage Your VPN";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['emailServices']['manageEmail'] = "Manage Your Email";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['emailServices']['manage'] = "Log in to SpamExperts";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['sitelockvpn']['manage'] = "Log in to SiteLock VPN";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['websiteBuilder']['buildWebsite'] = "Build Your Website";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['nordvpn']['clientOutput']['1'] = "Thank you for purchasing NordVPN to secure your personal and business data. You will receive an email from NordVPN that contains your activation link soon. If you don’t see it in your inbox, check your spam folder.";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['nordvpn']['clientOutput']['2'] = "If you have questions about NordVPN or need technical support, contact :anchorOpenNordVPN support:anchorClose.";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['nordvpn']['clientOutput']['3'] = "If you have order or billing questions, contact our support team via :anchorOpenSubmit a Ticket:anchorClose.";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['nordvpn']['clientOutput']['4'] = "If you already have an account and want to manage your Nord account settings, :anchorOpenlog in here:anchorClose.";

$_LANG['creditCardHolderName'] = "Card Holder Name";

$_LANG['redirectingToCompleteCheckout'] = "Redirecting you to complete checkout. Please wait...";
$_LANG['paypalEmailAddress'] = "PayPal Email Address";

$_LANG['fromJust'] = "from just";
$_LANG['forJust'] = "for just";
$_LANG['remoteTransError'] = "Remote Transaction Failure. Please Contact Support.";

$_LANG['imageUnavailable'] = "Image Unavailable";

$_LANG['emailPreferences']['affiliate'] = "Affiliate Emails - Receive Affiliate Notifications";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['domain'] = "Domain Emails - Registration/Transfer Confirmation &amp; Renewal Notices";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['general'] = "General Emails - All account related emails";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['invoice'] = "Invoice Emails - New Invoices, Reminders, &amp; Overdue Notices";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['product'] = "Product Emails - Welcome Emails, Suspensions & Other Lifecycle Notifications";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['support'] = "Support Emails - Receive a CC of all Support Ticket Communications";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['marketgoo'] = "SEO Tools";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['title'] = "Marketgoo SEO Tools";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['headline'] = "Improve your Site's traffic";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['tagline'] = "and <em>Grow your Business</em> with marketgoo";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['tab']['how'] = "How does it work?";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['tab']['features'] = "Features & Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['tab']['testimonials'] = "What other users say";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['tab']['faqs'] = "FAQs and Support";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['features']['1'] = "Sign Up and get instant SEO Report";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['features']['2'] = "Get your easy SEO plan";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['features']['3'] = "Follow the simple step-by-step instructions";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['features']['4'] = "Start Improving";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featuresdetail']['4'] = "Put your SEO plan into action (with no experts needed) and get a monthly progress report";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['features']['5'] = "Track & Monitor";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featuresdetail']['5'] = "See how your competitors rank for the keywords you're focusing on, and track their site's popularity";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['1'] = "Search engine submission";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['2'] = "Connect Google Analytics";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['3'] = "Download SEO report as PDF";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['4'] = "Pages scanned";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['5'] = "Competitor tracking";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['6'] = "Keyword tracking & optimization";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['7'] = "Updated report & plan";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['8'] = "Custom SEO Plan";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['featurematrix']['9'] = "Monthly progress report";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['completeStepByStep'] = "<span>Complete</span> with step-by-step guide";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['signup'] = "Signup Now";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['testimonials']['casestudy'] = "Read the case study";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['title'] = "FAQs and Support";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['q1'] = "Should I choose Lite or Pro?";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['a1'] = "See a Video comparison of the Plans";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['q2'] = "Does marketgoo make the recommended changes or do I?";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['a2'] = "marketgoo is a Do-it-Yourself tool, so while we help you with analysing your site and giving recommendations, along with tasks and instructions for your to optimize your site, we don't make these changes for you.";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['q3'] = "Why do I need SEO?";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['faqs']['a3'] = "You work on your SEO in order to improve your site's rankings in search results. This leads to attracting more traffic - and ideally, to convert that traffic into customers and leads.";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['adminPreview'] = "Marketgoo plans you activate will be displayed here";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['labelBestValue'] = "Best value!";

$_LANG['upTo'] = "Up to :num";
$_LANG['weekly'] = "Weekly";
$_LANG['daily'] = "Daily";
$_LANG['limited'] = "Limited";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['marketgoo']['manageSEO'] = "Marketgoo SEO";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['marketgoo']['manage'] = "Log in to Dashboard";

$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['cartTitle'] = "Marketgoo SEO Tools";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['cartShortDescription'] = "Improve your site's traffic and grow your business with do-it-yourself SEO Tools from marketgoo.";

$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Marketgoo SEO Tools";
$_LANG['store']['marketgoo']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Improve your site's traffic and grow your business";

$_LANG['emailPreferences']['oneRequired'] = "You must have at least one email address enabled to receive domain related notifications as required by ICANN.";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['domainContactRequired'] = "To disable domain notifications, please enable domain notifications for the primary account holder or another contact.";
$_LANG['emailPreferences']['domainClientRequired'] = "To disable domain notifications, please create an alternative contact that is set to receive them.";

$_LANG['twoFactor']['duosecurity']['friendlyName'] = "Duo Security";
$_LANG['twoFactor']['duosecurity']['description'] = "Get codes via Duo Push, SMS or Phone Callback.";
$_LANG['twoFactor']['totp']['friendlyName'] = "Time Based Tokens";
$_LANG['twoFactor']['totp']['description'] = "Get codes from an app like Google Authenticator or Duo.";
$_LANG['twoFactor']['yubico']['friendlyName'] = "Yubico";
$_LANG['twoFactor']['yubico']['description'] = "Generate codes using a YubiKey hardware device.";

$_LANG['orderForm']['selectCategory'] = "Please choose a category from the sidebar menu";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['ox']['manage'] = "Log in to OX App Suite";

$_LANG['store']['sampleProduct'] = "This is a sample product";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['tab']['overview'] = "Overview";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['tab']['howitworks'] = "How It Works";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['tab']['pricing'] = "Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['tab']['faq'] = "FAQ";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['incoming']['title'] = "Incoming Email Filtering";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['outgoing']['title'] = "Outgoing Email Filtering";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['archiving']['title'] = "Email Archiving";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['learn'] = "Learn More";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['buy'] = "Buy";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['incoming']['tagline'] = "Protect your network";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['incoming']['headline'] = "Eliminate Spam and Viruses from email before they ever reach your network";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['outgoing']['tagline'] = "Safeguard your reputation";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['outgoing']['headline'] = "Prevent Spam and Viruses from ever unknowingly leaving your network";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['archiving']['tagline'] = "Backup and Compliance";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['overview']['archiving']['headline'] = "Never lose an email again and ensure email data integrity for legal compliance";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['title'] = "Incoming email filtering gives you all these benefits...";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['1'] = "Full Inbox protection at competitive prices";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['2'] = "Extremely accurate filtering";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['3'] = "Easy configuration";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['4'] = "Increase inbound email continuity and redundancy";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['5'] = "Various reporting options";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['6'] = "Friendly interface to keep you in full control over your email";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['7'] = "Increase employee productivity";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['8'] = "Compatible with any mail server";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['q1'] = "Why Choose SpamExperts Incoming Filter?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['a1'] = "Incoming Email Filtering filters all inbound email and eliminates spam and viruses before these threats reach your network at a nearly 100% accuracy rate. The extensive control-panel allows you to remain in full control. Moreover, in case your email server is down, your email will be queued. Queued email can be accessed, read, and replied to via the web-interface adding to your inbound email continuity!";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['q2'] = "Why do you need a professional Incoming Filter?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['a2'] = "Stop running the risk of IT network threats. If your Inbox is crowded with unsolicited bulk mail every day, then that's a sign you need a professional Incoming Filter solution. Get full protection for your Inbox and say goodbye to spam, virus and malware threats!";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['q3'] = "How it works";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['incoming']['a3'] = "Once your domain is (automatically) deployed to the Incoming Filter, and filtering is activated, email will pass through the SpamExperts filtering cloud. Incoming emails are securely analyzed and scanned in real time. No training or configurations are required and everything works out of the box. Any message detected as spam is moved to the quarantine, while non-spam is sent to your email server. The quarantine can be monitored in the user-friendly SpamPanel, through email-reports, or even directly in your email client! No more wasted time in dealing with spam, simply focus your energy on business tasks, while you remain in full control.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['title'] = "Outgoing email filtering gives you all these benefits...";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['1'] = "No more blacklisting";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['2'] = "Protect the reputation of your brand and IT-systems";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['3'] = "Avoid de-listing related costs";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['4'] = "Increase outbound email continuity and delivery";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['5'] = "Enhance employee productivity";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['6'] = "Improve abuse manageability";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['q1'] = "What is outgoing filtering?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['a1'] = "Outgoing Email Filtering is vital to safeguard your IT infrastructure reputation and ensure all your outgoing email arrives safely where it should. This professional solution will block spam and viruses from leaving your network and prevent your IP(s) from being blacklisted ever again. Moreover, the SpamExperts Outgoing Filter gives you the reporting and tools to detect compromised accounts and lock-down spamming users.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['q2'] = "Why you need it?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['outgoing']['a2'] = "Has your network ever sent out spam email without your knowledge? Due to network weaknesses almost any device can be compromised to transmit outbound SMTP, allowing spam or malware to be sent out from your network without you even knowing it! Therefore, it's critical you invest in a professional Outgoing Filter solution. Maintain your company’s good reputation, stop spam from leaving your network and prevent being blacklisted so that your email always arrives where it is meant to go.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['title'] = "Email archiving gives you all these benefits...";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['1'] = "Includes Incoming and Outcoming Email Filtering!";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['2'] = "Never lose an email again!";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['3'] = "Achieve legal compliance";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['4'] = "Improve IT system performance";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['5'] = "User friendly data-protection management";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['6'] = "Added email continuity, journaling support, and easy re-delivery";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['7'] = "Compressed, encrypted and secure archive";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['q1'] = "Email Archiving";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['a1'] = "Email Archiving preserves and protects all inbound and outbound email messages for later access. It is a great way to recover lost or accidentally deleted emails, accelerate audit response, secure intellectual property emails and attachments, as well as for “eDiscovery” purposes in case of litigation.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['q2'] = "Why you need it";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['a2a'] = "Are you desperately looking for an important email from last year, but can’t seem to find it and you’re risking a fine or losing an important business deal as the result of this? Prevent this with a professional Email Archiving solution. Email Archiving is a critical tool to preserve a secure backup of all email and be legally compliant.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['benefits']['archiving']['a2b'] = "At the same time, as email exchanges have judicial power and are legally binding, email compliance has become an extremely important concern for organizations. Therefore it is mandatory in certain industries to preserve a secure backup of all email messages and be legally compliant.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['signup']['title'] = "Sign Up and Get Started";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['signup']['choose'] = "Choose Product";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['signup']['additional'] = "Additional Options";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['signup']['order'] = "Order Now";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['signup']['none'] = "None available";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['incomingFilter'] = "Incoming Filtering";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['outgoingFilter'] = "Outgoing Filtering";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['incomingArchive'] = "Incoming Archiving";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['outgoingArchive'] = "Outgoing Archiving";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['incomingFilterArchive'] = "Incoming Filtering and Archiving";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['outgoingFilterArchive'] = "Outgoing Filtering and Archiving";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['options']['addFor'] = "Add :description for <span>just :pricing more</span>";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['title'] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['q1'] = "How does it work?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['a1'] = "Email is routed through SpamExperts intelligent self-learning servers that will detect and block spam before it ever reaches you.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['q2'] = "How accurate is the filtering?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['a2'] = "Thanks to processing millions of emails every day, our email filters have an industry leading rate with close to 100% accuracy.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['q3'] = "Can I recover messages that get blocked?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['a3'] = "Yes, a comprehensive control panel with log-search, quarantine, and many other tools allows you to check the status of any email which passed through the system.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['q4'] = "How long does it take to setup?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['a4'] = "Setup is fast, automated and it will be up and running protecting your email in minutes.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['q5'] = "What is Email Archiving?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['a5'] = "Email is so important nowadays, with archiving email is securely stored, giving you extra confidence and peace of mind.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['q6'] = "How much email can I store?";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['faqs']['a6'] = "Email Archiving includes 10GB of compressed email storage by default. If you need more storage, additional 10GB licenses can be added.";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['preview'] = "Email service products you activate will display here";
$_LANG['store']['emailServices']['domain'] = "domain";
$_LANG['domainDns']['a'] = "A (Address)";
$_LANG['domainDns']['aaaa'] = "AAAA (Address)";
$_LANG['domainDns']['mxe'] = "MXE (Mail Easy)";
$_LANG['domainDns']['mx'] = "MX (Mail)";
$_LANG['domainDns']['cname'] = "CNAME (Alias)";
$_LANG['domainDns']['txt'] = "SPF (txt)";
$_LANG['domainDns']['url'] = "URL Redirect";
$_LANG['domainDns']['frame'] = "URL Frame";

$_LANG['navContacts'] = "Contacts";
$_LANG['navUserManagement'] = "User Management";
$_LANG['navSwitchAccount'] = "Switch Account";
$_LANG['navAccountSecurity'] = "Account Security";

$_LANG['never'] = "Never";

$_LANG['yourProfile'] = "Your Profile";
$_LANG['verifyEmailAddress'] = "Tjek din e-mail og følg linket for at bekræfte din e-mailadresse.";

$_LANG['emailVerification']['title'] = "Email Verification";
$_LANG['emailVerification']['success'] = "Your email address has been verified";
$_LANG['emailVerification']['expired'] = "Your email verification link has expired";
$_LANG['emailVerification']['notFound'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find a pending verification matching your request.";
$_LANG['emailVerification']['loginToRequest'] = "Please log in to request a new email verification link.";

$_LANG['switchAccount']['title'] = "Choose Account";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['choose'] = "Choose account to login and manage";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['noneFound'] = "No accounts found.";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['createInstructions'] = "To create a new account, you will need to place a new order.";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['noLongerActive'] = "This account is no longer active";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['invalidChooseAnother'] = "Invalid account requested. Please choose another.";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['cancelAndReturn'] = "Cancel and return to homepage";
$_LANG['switchAccount']['forcedSwitchRequest'] = "The URL you have attempted to access requires you to be logged in as a different client.";

$_LANG['shopNow'] = "Shop Now";
$_LANG['clientOwner'] = "Owner";

$_LANG['userManagement']['title'] = "User Management";
$_LANG['userManagement']['managePermissions'] = "Manage Permissions";
$_LANG['userManagement']['permissions'] = "Permissions";
$_LANG['userManagement']['usersFound'] = ":count Users Found";
$_LANG['userManagement']['userDescriptor'] = "Email Address / Last Login";
$_LANG['userManagement']['lastLogin'] = "Last Login";
$_LANG['userManagement']['actions'] = "Actions";
$_LANG['userManagement']['emailAddress'] = "Email Address";
$_LANG['userManagement']['removeAccess'] = "Remove Access";
$_LANG['userManagement']['pendingInvites'] = "Pending Invites";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteSent'] = "Invite Sent";
$_LANG['userManagement']['resendInvite'] = "Resend Invite";
$_LANG['userManagement']['cancelInvite'] = "Cancel Invite";
$_LANG['userManagement']['accountOwnerPermissionsInfo'] = "Account owners always have full permissions over a client account.";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteNewUser'] = "Invite New User";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteEmail'] = "Invite Email";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteNewUserDescription'] = "Inviting a new user allows you to invite a new user to your account. If the invitee already has an existing user account, they will be able to access your account using their existing login credentials. If the user does not yet have a user account, they will be able to create one.";
$_LANG['userManagement']['allPermissions'] = "All Permissions";
$_LANG['userManagement']['choosePermissions'] = "Choose Permissions";
$_LANG['userManagement']['noPermissionsSelected'] = "Choose at least 1 permission.";
$_LANG['userManagement']['sendInvite'] = "Send Invite";
$_LANG['userManagement']['removeAccessSure'] = "Are you sure you wish to remove this users access?";
$_LANG['userManagement']['removeAccessInfo'] = "They will no longer be able to access or administer this account.";
$_LANG['userManagement']['cancelInviteSure'] = "Are you sure you wish to cancel this invite?";
$_LANG['userManagement']['cancelInviteInfo'] = "The user will not be notified of this cancellation.";
$_LANG['userManagement']['permissionsUpdateSuccess'] = "Permissions updated successfully!";
$_LANG['userManagement']['userRemoveSuccess'] = "User removed successfully!";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteSentSuccess'] = "Invite sent successfully!";
$_LANG['userManagement']['alreadyLinked'] = "The email address entered is already a user of this account";
$_LANG['userManagement']['alreadyInvited'] = "The email address you entered already has an active invitation.";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteResendSuccess'] = "Invite resent successfully!";
$_LANG['userManagement']['inviteCancelled'] = "Invite cancelled successfully!";
$_LANG['userManagement']['settings'] = "The following security settings apply to your user account.";

$_LANG['userProfile']['profile'] = "Profile";
$_LANG['userProfile']['changeEmail'] = "Change Email Address";
$_LANG['userProfile']['notVerified'] = "Email Not Verified";
$_LANG['userProfile']['verified'] = "Email Verified";

$_LANG['accountInvite']['title'] = "Accept Invite";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['youHaveBeenInvited'] = "You have been invited to :clientName";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['givenAccess'] = ":ot:senderName:ct has given you access to the :ot:clientName:ct account.";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['inviteAcceptLoggedIn'] = "To accept the invite, simply click the button below.";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['inviteAcceptLoggedOut'] = "To accept the invite, please login or register below.";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['accept'] = "Accept Invite";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['userAlreadyAssociated'] = "Your user account is already associated with the target invite account";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['acceptSuccess'] = "Account invite accepted!";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['emailAlreadyExists'] = "A user already exists with that email address. Please login or use a different email.";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['notFound'] = "Sorry, we couldn't find a pending invite matching your request.";
$_LANG['accountInvite']['contactAdministrator'] = "Please contact the account administrator to request a new invite.";

$_LANG['clientareanavcontacts'] = "Kontakter/Underkonto";

$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['profile'] = "Access and modify the client profile information";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['contacts'] = "Access and manage contacts";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['products'] = "View access to products, services and addons";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['manageproducts'] = "Allow password resets and other actions";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['productsso'] = "Allow single sign-on into services";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['domains'] = "View access to domain registrations";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['managedomains'] = "Allow domain management eg. nameservers/whois/transfers";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['invoices'] = "View and payment access to invoices";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['quotes'] = "View and acceptance permissions for quotes";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['tickets'] = "Access to open, respond and manage support tickets";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['affiliates'] = "Access to view and request withdrawals";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['emails'] = "Access to view account email history";
$_LANG['permissions']['descriptions']['orders'] = "Allow placing of new orders";

$_LANG['closed'] = "Closed";
$_LANG['noPermission'] = "No Permission";

$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['getNs'] = "An issue was encountered while retrieving the domain nameservers. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['saveNs'] = "An issue was encountered while updating the domain nameservers. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['getContact'] = "An issue was encountered while retrieving the domain contact details. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['saveContact'] = "An issue was encountered while updating the domain contact details. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['getDns'] = "An issue was encountered while retrieving the DNS records. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['saveDns'] = "An issue was encountered while updating the DNS records. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['getEmailFwd'] = "An issue was encountered while retrieving the email forwarders. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['saveEmailFwd'] = "An issue was encountered while updating the email forwarders. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['deleteNs'] = "An issue was encountered while deleting the private nameserver. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['modifyNs'] = "An issue was encountered while modifying the private nameserver. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['registerNs'] = "An issue was encountered while registering the private nameserver. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['saveRegLock'] = "An issue was encountered while updating the domain lock status. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['releaseDomain'] = "An issue was encountered while releasing the domain. Please contact support.";
$_LANG['domainDetails']['error']['resendNotification'] = "An issue was encountered while resending the notification email. Please contact support.";

$_LANG['idnLanguage']['afr'] = "Afrikaans";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['alb'] = "Albanian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ara'] = "Arabic";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['arg'] = "Aragonese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['arm'] = "Armenian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['asm'] = "Assamese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ast'] = "Asturian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ave'] = "Avestan";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['awa'] = "Awadhi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['aze'] = "Azerbaijani";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ban'] = "Balinese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bal'] = "Baluchi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bas'] = "Basa";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bak'] = "Bashkir";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['baq'] = "Basque";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bel'] = "Belarusian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ben'] = "Bengali";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bho'] = "Bhojpuri";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bos'] = "Bosnian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bul'] = "Bulgarian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['bur'] = "Burmese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['car'] = "Carib";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['cat'] = "Catalan";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['che'] = "Chechen";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['chi'] = "Chinese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['chv'] = "Chuvash";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['cop'] = "Coptic";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['cos'] = "Corsican";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['scr'] = "Croatian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['cze'] = "Czech";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['dan'] = "Danish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['div'] = "Divehi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['doi'] = "Dogri";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['dut'] = "Dutch";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['eng'] = "English";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['est'] = "Estonian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['fao'] = "Faroese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['fij'] = "Fijian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['fin'] = "Finnish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['fre'] = "French";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['fry'] = "Frisian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['gla'] = "Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['geo'] = "Georgian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ger'] = "German";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['gon'] = "Gondi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['gre'] = "Greek";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['guj'] = "Gujarati";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['heb'] = "Hebrew";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['hin'] = "Hindi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['hun'] = "Hungarian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ice'] = "Icelandic";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['inc'] = "Indic";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ind'] = "Indonesian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['inh'] = "Ingush";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['gle'] = "Irish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ita'] = "Italian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['jpn'] = "Japanese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['jav'] = "Javanese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['kas'] = "Kashmiri";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['kaz'] = "Kazakh";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['khm'] = "Khmer";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['kir'] = "Kirghiz";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['kor'] = "Korean";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['kur'] = "Kurdish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['lao'] = "Lao";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['lat'] = "Latin";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['lav'] = "Latvian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['lit'] = "Lithuanian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ltz'] = "Luxembourgish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['mac'] = "Macedonian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['may'] = "Malay";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['mal'] = "Malayalam";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['mlt'] = "Maltese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['mao'] = "Maori";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['mol'] = "Moldavian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['mon'] = "Mongolian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['nep'] = "Nepali";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['nor'] = "Norwegian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ori'] = "Oriya";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['oss'] = "Ossetian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['per'] = "Persian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['pol'] = "Polish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['por'] = "Portuguese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['pan'] = "Punjabi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['pus'] = "Pushto";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['raj'] = "Rajasthani";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['rum'] = "Romanian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['rus'] = "Russian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['smo'] = "Samoan";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['san'] = "Sanskrit";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['srd'] = "Sardinian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['scc'] = "Serbian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['snd'] = "Sindhi";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['sin'] = "Sinhalese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['slo'] = "Slovak";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['slv'] = "Slovenian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['som'] = "Somali";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['spa'] = "Spanish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['swa'] = "Swahili";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['swe'] = "Swedish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['syr'] = "Syriac";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['tgk'] = "Tajik";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['tam'] = "Tamil";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['tel'] = "Telugu";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['tha'] = "Thai";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['tib'] = "Tibetan";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['tur'] = "Turkish";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['ukr'] = "Ukrainian";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['urd'] = "Urdu";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['uzb'] = "Uzbek";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['vie'] = "Vietnamese";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['wel'] = "Welsh";
$_LANG['idnLanguage']['yid'] = "Yiddish";
$_LANG['cart']['idnLanguageDescription'] = "We detected the domain you entered is an international domain name. In order to continue, please select your desired domain language.";
$_LANG['cart']['idnLanguage'] = "Choose IDN Language";
$_LANG['cart']['selectIdnLanguageForRegister'] = "Please select the language of the domain you wish to register.";

$_LANG['support']['requestor']['operator'] = "Operator";
$_LANG['support']['requestor']['owner'] = "Owner";
$_LANG['support']['requestor']['authorizeduser'] = "Authorized User";
$_LANG['support']['requestor']['registereduser'] = "Registered User";
$_LANG['support']['requestor']['subaccount'] = "Sub-account";
$_LANG['support']['requestor']['guest'] = "Guest";

$_LANG['twoFactor']['enabled'] = "Two-Factor Authentication Enabled";
$_LANG['twoFactor']['disabled'] = "Two-Factor Authentication Disabled";

$_LANG['store']['poweredBy'] = "Powered by: :service";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['ox'] = "Professional Email";

$_LANG['store']['ox']['title'] = "Professional Email";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['manage'] = "Manage Accounts";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['appSuite'] = "OX App Suite";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['promoHeading'] = "OX App Suite is powerful Email and Productivity Apps built for any-size business (and budget).";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['viewPricing'] = "Views Plans & Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature1']['title'] = "Expect More from Email";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature2']['title'] = "Say Goodbye to Spam";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature3']['title'] = "Work Anywhere";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature1']['bullet1'] = "Professional";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature1']['bullet2'] = "Secure and reliable; with 99.9% Uptime";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature1']['bullet3'] = "Use Webmail, Mobile or Desktop Apps";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature1']['bullet4'] = "Huge 10GB & 50GB mailboxes";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature2']['detail'] = "Using AI and predictive email defense software, OX App Suite fights to keep your inbox safe from spam, viruses, malware and phishing attacks.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['standout']['feature3']['detail'] = "OX App Suite syncs across all your devices. And Mobile and Desktop access are no problem as OX App Suite works seamlessly across all native clients.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['featuresHeadline'] = "Features";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature1']['title'] = "Cloud File Storage";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature1']['detail'] = "Store and share your important documents safely in the cloud. And with (up to) 50 GBs, you'll have plenty of room for years to come.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature2']['title'] = "Calendaring & Contacts";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature2']['detail'] = "Communicate like an enterprise with shared calendaring, scheduling wizard, iCal support and Global Address List!";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature3']['title'] = "Lots of Email Features";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature3']['detail'] = "Your favorite email features are all here including Forwarders, Aliases, Auto-Responders, Filters, Signatures, Notifications and more!";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature4']['title'] = "Add Productivity Apps!";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature4']['detail'] = "Create, edit and share Microsoft Office docs like Word, Excel and PowerPoint with App Suite's powerful online Apps.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature5']['title'] = "Bring your Apps";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature5']['detail'] = "Easily add your favorite email services and/or apps into App Suite; like Gmail, Dropbox, Zoom (coming soon) and more!";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature6']['title'] = "Privacy Matters";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['feature6']['detail'] = "App Suite, nor ourselves, will ever read, scan or share any of your personal or email information with any 3rd parties. Ever.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricingHeadline'] = "Pricing & Plans";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq1']['question'] = "What apps are included in OX App Suite?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq1']['answer'] = "All OX App Suite plans include access to Webmail, Calendar, Tasks and Address Book. The Productivity package adds OX Drive and OX Documents (Text, Spreadsheets and Presentations).";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq2']['question'] = "Can I add outside email accounts to OX App Suite?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq2']['answer'] = "Yes, OX App Suite supports connecting all external IMAP email accounts including popular providers such as Gmail, Yahoo and Simply add your email address and password into App Suite and any email sent to those accounts will appear in your App Suite Interface.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq3']['question'] = "Can I sync calendar and contacts between OX App Suite and my mobile device?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq3']['answer'] = "Yes, OX App Suite fully supports CalDAV and CardDAV. And for Android users, syncing is easy via our dedicated Android Sync App.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq4']['question'] = "Will OX App Suite work on my device?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq4']['answer'] = "App Suite works seamlessly with most native desktop and mobile email clients.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq4']['devices'] = "Mobile Devices: iPhone on iOS 11/iOS 12, Smartphone on Android 4.1 or later<br>Supported Browsers: Safari, Chrome (latest & previous version), Mozilla Firefox (latest & previous version), Microsoft Internet Explorer 11/Edge";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq5']['question'] = "Does OX App Suite protect against Spam and Viruses?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq5']['answer'] = "Yes! OX App Suite uses proprietary technology as well as partnerships with well-established vendors in the Anti-Spam industry to keep your inbox as clean and safe as possible.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq6']['question'] = "What is OX Drive (Productivity)?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq6']['answer'] = "OX Drive is an online storage solution to store your documents, photos and media in the cloud. This means, you only need access to OX App Suite and OX Drive and you will have access to all your files, too. OX Drive lets you synchronize your files with all your devices using the browser or native apps.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq7']['question'] = "What is OX Documents (Productivity)?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq7']['answer'] = "OX Text, OX Spreadsheet and OX Presentation are the 3 applications within the broader term OX Documents. These applications can be used to create and edit text documents, spreadsheets and presentations online. Create and edit your documents from anywhere using the familiar features and functions from your Office software solution and on all your devices.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq8']['question'] = "What Languages does OX App Suite support?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq8']['answer'] = "OX App Suite supports the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, 中文 简体, 中文 繁體, 日本語 日本";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq9']['question'] = "Can I migrate my existing email account from another provider?";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['faq9']['answer'] = "Yes, we offer a self-service migration tool that is intuitive and easy to use. Migrate from all popular email services including Apple iCloud, Gmail, Live/Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, GMX, or T-Online, or manually enter your provider's information using IMAP/POP3 or other available preferred protocols.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['sla'] = "99.9% Uptime SLA";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['antivirus'] = "Premium Anti-Virus & Anti-Spam";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['email'] = "";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['size'] = "Mailboxes Size";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['webmail'] = "Full-Featured Webmail";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['imap'] = "Mobile & Desktop Access (IMAP)";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['calendars'] = "Shared Calendars, Contacts, Tasks";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['caldav'] = "CardDAV & CalDAV";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['portal'] = "Integrated Portal Page";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['migration'] = "Self-Service Migration Tool";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['filestorage'] = "Cloud File Storage";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['collab'] = "File Sharing & Collaboration";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['officeapps'] = "Online Office Suite";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['appsword'] = "Create / Edit Word Docs";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['appsspreadsheets'] = "Create / Edit Spreadsheets";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['pricing']['features']['appsslides'] = "Create / Edit PowerPoint";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['cartTitle'] = "Professional Email";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['cartShortDescription'] = "Get professional business-grade email with fully featured communication and collaboration tools for secure and reliable working.";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Professional Email";
$_LANG['store']['ox']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Reliable, affordable email for your small business";

$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['title'] = "WP Toolkit";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['pleskTitle'] = "Smart Updates for WordPress";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['pleskTagline'] = "Super charge your WordPress experience";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['getItNow'] = "Get It Now";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['redefined1'] = "WordPress Management Redefined with";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['redefined2'] = "WP Toolkit Deluxe for";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['switchCpanel'] = "Looking for WP Toolkit for cPanel?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['switchPlesk'] = "Looking for WP Toolkit for Plesk?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['introTitle'] = "WP Toolkit Deluxe delivers powerful WordPress plugin &amp; theme management, security hardening, automation, cloning, and backup/restores all from a single user-friendly dashboard.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['introBody'] = "Take the guesswork, and the legwork, out of managing WordPress. In addition to everything you’d expect, from easy backup and restores to search engine index management and one-click WordPress login, you also get automatic Smart Updates, staging and cloning to easily duplicate or test existing websites, one-click security hardening, and so much more!";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['pleskIntroTitle'] = "Smart Updates for WP Toolkit identifies and analyzes any potential updates for your WordPress installations, then either performs the update at no risk to your live website or notifies you that a potentially dangerous update is now available.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['pleskIntroBody'] = "Using cutting-edge intelligence and automation, Smart Updates keeps your WordPress websites up-to-date, online, and safe from any potentially damaging updates to your core files, plugins, and theme.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['midTitle1'] = "The Only Toolkit You'll :breaktag Ever Need...";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureTitle1'] = "Create Quickly &amp; Easily";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureBody1'] = "Install and configure plugins and themes to customize the look and feel of any (or all) of your WordPress websites simultaneously with just a few clicks.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureTitle2'] = "Experiment Safely";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureBody2'] = "Clone any existing WordPress site to test designs, plugins, or any aspect of your site. Then sync back to your live site anytime you choose.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureTitle3'] = "Enjoy Security";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureBody3'] = "A single click of a button will scan and harden your WordPress websites against your selected security risks. You can also password protect specific sites or pages.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureTitle4'] = "Automate Updates";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureBody4'] = "Smart Updates automatically identifies and analyzes updates for compatibility and safety, then either installs or notifies you of any issue, ensuring your site’s safety.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureTitle5'] = "Cloning &amp; Mass Hardening";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureBody5'] = "Create a duplicate of your live site to experiment with, all while protecting all of your WordPress sites with a single click.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureTitle6'] = "Maintenance Mode";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['featureBody6'] = "Take your site down while displaying a custom message.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['featureTitle1'] = "How Does It Work?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['featureBody1'] = "Smart Updates clones and updates a copy of the live website, then compares the two versions to determine success.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['featureTitle2'] = "What If An Update Is Safe?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['featureBody2'] = "Safe updates can be automatically installed to the live website, at no risk of breaking or otherwise damaging the website.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['featureTitle3'] = "What If An Update Is Unsafe?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['featureBody3'] = "The site owner will be presented with an interface to review each issue discovered to decide if they wish to proceed.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureTitle1'] = "WordPress Simplified";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureBody1'] = "One-click installer to initialize and configure WordPress from start to finish. One dashboard to mass-manage multiple WordPress instances.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureTitle2'] = "Stage and Test";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureBody2'] = "Test new features and ideas in a sandbox before pushing them to production – No plugins required, no separate server needed.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureTitle3'] = "Secure Against Attacks";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureBody3'] = "Hardens your site by default, further enhanced with WP Toolkit’s security scanner. No security expertise necessary.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureTitle4'] = "Run and Automate";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureBody4'] = "Singularly or mass-execute updates to WordPress or its themes or plugins. Monitor and run all your WordPress sites from one dashboard.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureTitle5'] = "Cut Out Complexity";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureBody5'] = "Stage, Clone, Sync, Update, Migrate and other complex tasks executed with one click. No more stressed-out dev teams, no more high-risk activities.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureTitle6'] = "Simple, but not Amateur";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['plesk']['featureBody6'] = "Get full control with WP-CLI, maintenance mode, debug management, search engine index management and more.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['midTitle2'] = "The Most Complete, Secure, and Versatile Toolkit for WordPress";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['screenshotDesc'] = "WP Toolkit Deluxe provides everything you need to install, configure, update, and secure WordPress websites. Upgrade to WP Toolkit Deluxe today for as low as :price.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['screenshotDescFree'] = "WP Toolkit Deluxe provides everything you need to install, configure, update, and secure WordPress websites. Upgrade to WP Toolkit Deluxe today.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['screenshotDesc'] = "Smart Updates for WP Toolkit provides everything you need to keep your WordPress websites up-to-date and running smoothly. Upgrade to Smart Updates today for as low as :price.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['screenshotDescFree'] = "Smart Updates for WP Toolkit provides everything you need to keep your WordPress websites up-to-date and running smoothly. Upgrade to Smart Updates today.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['getStartedToday'] = "Get started with WP Toolkit Deluxe today!";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['smartUpdates']['getStartedToday'] = "Get started with Smart Updates for WP Toolkit today!";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['chooseDomains'] = "Choose domains to add:";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['addAddonFor'] = "Add :addon for";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['unavailable'] = "Not available";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['for'] = "for";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['totalInCart'] = "Total in cart:";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['proceedToCheckout'] = "Proceed to Checkout";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['loginToSeePricing'] = "Log in to see pricing to add to your existing hosting";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['loginNow'] = "Log In Now";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['browsePackages'] = "Browse Hosting Packages";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ1'] = "What is WP Toolkit?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA1'] = "WP Toolkit is a management interface for WordPress from cPanel and Plesk that allows you to install, configure, and manage WordPress websites.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ2'] = "How is WP Toolkit Deluxe different?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA2'] = "WP Toolkit Deluxe is a paid upgrade with advanced features including plugin and theme management, staging, cloning, Smart Updates and more.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ3'] = "What is Smart Updates?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA3'] = "Smart Updates automatically tests updates for themes, plugins, languages, and WordPress itself in a completely safe environment at no risk to your live website.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ4'] = "How much does WP Toolkit cost?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA4'] = "WP Toolkit Deluxe is available as an add-on for applicable hosting packages. To see pricing, please <a href=\":webRoot/login.php\">login</a> to view pricing for your existing domains, or <a href=\":webRoot/register.php\">sign up</a> as a new customer.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ5'] = "How do I access WP Toolkit?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA5'] = "If you have access, you will find a WP Toolkit icon and link in your cPanel dashboard. For those with WP Toolkit Deluxe, you will also find a login link from the hosting service view within our <a href=\":webRoot/clientarea.php\">client area</a>.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ6'] = "How much does Smart Updates cost?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA6'] = "Smart Updates is available as an add-on for applicable hosting packages. To see pricing, please <a href=\":webRoot/login.php\">login</a> to view pricing for your existing domains, or <a href=\":webRoot/register.php\">sign up</a> as a new customer.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqQ7'] = "How do I access WP Toolkit?";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['wptk']['faqA7'] = "If you have access, you will find a WP Toolkit icon and link in your Plesk dashboard. Smart Updates will be accessible only after purchase.";

$_LANG['store']['addon']['notFound']['productUnavailable'] = "Product unavailable";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['notFound']['productUnavailableText'] = "This product is not currently available.<br>Please contact us if you believe this to be an error.";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['notFound']['contactSupport'] = "Contact Support";
$_LANG['store']['addon']['notFound']['ref'] = "Ref";

$_LANG['ox']['intro'] = "Here, you can create and manage users, mailboxes, and aliases for your OX App Suite subscription.";
$_LANG['ox']['accountCount'] = "You have created <span class=\"number\">:number</span> of <span class=\"limit\">:limit</span> available accounts.";
$_LANG['ox']['refresh'] = "Refresh";
$_LANG['ox']['emailActions'] = "Email Management";
$_LANG['ox']['createUser'] = "Create User";
$_LANG['ox']['emailAccounts'] = "Email Accounts";
$_LANG['ox']['emailAddress'] = "Email Address";
$_LANG['ox']['mailboxSize'] = "Mailbox Size";
$_LANG['ox']['setPassword'] = "Set Password";
$_LANG['ox']['delete'] = "Delete";
$_LANG['ox']['noAccounts'] = "No Existing Accounts";
$_LANG['ox']['accountRequired'] = "Account field is required";
$_LANG['ox']['passwordRequired'] = "Password field is required";
$_LANG['ox']['deleteAccount'] = "Delete account <span class=\"email\"></span>?";
$_LANG['ox']['manageAccount'] = "Manage account <span class=\"email\"></span>";
$_LANG['ox']['setPasswordFor'] = "Set Password for <span class=\"email\"></span>";
$_LANG['ox']['deleteAccountQuestion'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this account?";
$_LANG['ox']['deleteAccountWithAliasesQuestion'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this account and any aliases?";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['retrieval'] = "Retrieval Settings";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['retrievalIntro'] = "To configure your email account within an email application, use the information below.";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['usageInstructions'] = "Usage Instructions";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['username'] = "Username";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['email'] = "Use account email address";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['password'] = "Use the email account's password";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['incoming'] = "Incoming Server (IMAP)";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['pop'] = "Incoming Server (POP3)";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['outgoing'] = "Outgoing Server";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['port'] = "Port: :port";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['davSettings'] = "Calendars and Contacts";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['davSettingsIntro'] = "To access your calendars and contacts on your personal devices, you need to configure your client to connect to CalDAV for calendars and CardDAV for contacts. Use the information below to configure your client.";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['caldavPassword'] = "Enter the same password that you use for your email login.";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['serverUrl'] = "Server URL";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['migrationTitle'] = "Migration Tool";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['migrationIntro'] = "Migrate from all popular email services including Apple iCloud, Gmail, Live/Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, GMX, or T-Online, or manually enter your provider's information using IMAP/POP3 or other available preferred protocols.";
$_LANG['ox']['settings']['migrationLaunch'] = "Launch Migration Tool";
$_LANG['ox']['displayName'] = "Display Name";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['displayName'] = "Display Name is a required field.";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['firstName'] = "First Name is a required field.";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['lastName'] = "Last Name is a required field.";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['email'] = "Email Address is a required field.";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['password'] = "Password is a required field.";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['passwordMatchMissing'] = "Confirmation Password is a required field.";
$_LANG['ox']['required']['passwordMatch'] = "Confirmation Password must match Password.";
$_LANG['ox']['accessSuite'] = "Online Portal";
$_LANG['ox']['accountDeleted'] = "Account deleted successfully.";
$_LANG['ox']['accountCreated'] = "Account created successfully.";
$_LANG['ox']['accountModified'] = "Account modified successfully.";
$_LANG['ox']['passwordChanged'] = "Account password changed successfully.";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['intro'] = "Email aliases act as additional email addresses from which you can send and receive mail.";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['emailAliases'] = "Email Aliases";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['deleteTitle'] = "Delete alias <span class=\"alias\"></span>@:domain?";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['deleteQuestion'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this alias?";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['deleteSuccess'] = "Alias deleted successfully.";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['createButton'] = "Create";
$_LANG['ox']['alias']['createSuccess'] = "Alias created successfully.";

$_LANG['orderForm']['upgradeQuantityCannotBeLowerThanMinimum'] = "The quantity of the service cannot be changed below the minimum (:minimum).";
$_LANG['orderForm']['upgradeQuantityMustChange'] = "You must choose a plan upgrade or change the quantity.";
$_LANG['orderForm']['downgradeNotPossible'] = "It is not possible to downgrade this product. Please place a new order for this service instead.";
$_LANG['unavailable'] = "Unavailable";
$_LANG['orderForm']['idnNotEnabled'] = "We do not support international domain names at this time. Please try a different domain name.";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['secureInMinutes'] = "Secure your site in minutes with our fully automated provisioning and deployment";
$_LANG['store']['fromJust'] = "from just";
$_LANG['store']['forJust'] = "for just";

$_LANG['goCardless']['paymentPending'] = "A payment has been submitted that will clear your bank on :date. <br>A payment confirmation email will be sent when the payment clears.";
$_LANG['goCardless']['automaticPayment'] = "There is an automatic payment setup for this account. No manual payment is required.";

$_LANG['contactDetails'] = "Contact Details";
$_LANG['createNewSupportRequest'] = "Create new Support Request";

$_LANG['nonotifications'] = "No Notifications";
$_LANG['apply'] = "Apply";
$_LANG['admin']['returnToAdmin'] = "Return to admin area";
$_LANG['searchOurKnowledgebase'] = "Search our knowledgebase";
$_LANG['browseProducts'] = "Browse Products";
$_LANG['secureYourDomain'] = "Secure your domain name by registering it today";
$_LANG['secureYourDomainShort'] = "Secure your domain name";
$_LANG['transferYourDomain'] = "Transfer Your Domain";
$_LANG['transferExtend'] = "Transfer now to extend your domain by 1 year";
$_LANG['howCanWeHelp'] = "How can we help today";
$_LANG['homepage']['submitTicket'] = "Submit a Ticket";
$_LANG['homepage']['manageServices'] = "Manage Services";
$_LANG['homepage']['manageDomains'] = "Manage Domains";
$_LANG['homepage']['supportRequests'] = "Support Requests";
$_LANG['homepage']['makeAPayment'] = "Make a Payment";
$_LANG['homepage']['yourAccount'] = "Your Account";

$_LANG['downloads']['numDownload'] = ":num File";
$_LANG['downloads']['numDownloads'] = ":num Files";
$_LANG['knowledgebase']['numArticle'] = ":num Article";
$_LANG['knowledgebase']['numArticles'] = ":num Articles";

$_LANG['userLogin']['createAccount'] = "Create account";
$_LANG['userLogin']['signInToContinue'] = "Sign in to your account to continue.";
$_LANG['userLogin']['notRegistered'] = "Not registered?";

$_LANG['networkIssues']['scheduled'] = "There are :count Scheduled Network Impacting Issues.";
$_LANG['networkIssues']['http'] = "HTTP";
$_LANG['networkIssues']['ftp'] = "FTP";
$_LANG['networkIssues']['pop3'] = "POP3";
$_LANG['networkIssues']['affectingYou'] = "This issue affects a server that may impact your services";

$_LANG['chooseFile'] = "Choose file";
$_LANG['support']['postedBy'] = "Posted by :name on :date :requestorType";

$_LANG['requestor'] = "Requestor";

$_LANG['facebook']['notAuthorized'] = "You did not authorize the use of Facebook for authentication. We can't use it to log you in.";

$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['siteBuilder'] = "Site Builder";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['ftpHost'] = "FTP Host";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['ftpUsername'] = "FTP Username";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['ftpPassword'] = "FTP Password";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['ftpPath'] = "FTP Path";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['updateFtp'] = "Update FTP Credentials";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['manage'] = "Log in to Site Builder";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['title'] = "Site Builder Upgrade";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['required'] = "Upgrade Required";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['requiredDescription'] = "To access the functionality you requested, you need to upgrade your Site Builder plan.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['recommended'] = "The recommended plan is displayed.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['login'] = "To view the available options, please log in.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['no'] = "No upgrade available";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['noUpgrade'] = "There is no upgrade available at this time.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['submitTicket'] = "Contact Support";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['to'] = "Upgrade to :product for :amount";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['noPlans'] = "No active Site Builder plans found.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['loggedInAs'] = "You are currently logged in as :email";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['upgrade']['switchUser'] = "Log Out/Switch User";

$_LANG['domainRenewal']['freeWithService'] = "Free Renewal with Service";
$_LANG['domainRenewal']['freeWithServiceDesc'] = "Renewal is provided automatically at no additional cost while the associated service is active.";

$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['title'] = "Site Builder";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['introHeadline'] = "Your online journey <br class=\"hidden-xs\">starts here.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['intro1'] = "Creating a web presence requires the right platform. Get noticed using our drag and drop DIY Site Builder.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['intro2'] = "Whether you want to promote yourself or your business, our site builder is a template and wizard-based with guided content that is simple enough for beginners and feature rich for professionals. Feels like PowerPoint but with more muscle, elegance, and simplicity. A solution that you will enjoy using.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresTitle'] = "Site Builder Features";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresEssentials'] = "The Essentials";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresSocial'] = "Social Media and Blog";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresStore'] = "Online Store";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['tagline'] = "Our Site Builder includes the full set of features.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['tagline'] = "Sharing your story makes all the difference. Connect with your visitors through social media and your blog.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['tagline'] = "Online sales can fuel your business. Build your website as a shop, boutique, or a store.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['1'] = "Drag & Drop Editor";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['2'] = "Building Features";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['3'] = "Pre-designed Building Blocks";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['4'] = "Built-in Mobile-Friendly";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['5'] = "Stock Photos Integration";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['essentials']['6'] = "Auto Save & Backup";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['essentials']['1'] = "The Drag & Drop Editor lets customers add and arrange website features directly on the page with predictive highlighting of areas for placement.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['essentials']['2'] = "You can use ready-made layout elements like text, buttons, photos, or icons to build any custom professional-looking website layout.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['essentials']['3'] = "You don’t have to waste time manipulating content layouts. A collection of 350+ content blocks helps them build professional websites without any technical skills.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['essentials']['4'] = "Websites will look great on any device. Templates are 100% responsive to all devices, including smartphones, tablets and desktops.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['essentials']['5'] = "Empower your website with a selection of over 200,000 professional premium photos in high-resolution. Our Site Builder also includes Embedded Videos and Image Optimization.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['essentials']['6'] = "You can be sure not to lose any work with real-time saving. The editor automatically saves everything while you work.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['1'] = "Blog Page";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['2'] = "Draft Post";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['3'] = "Post Editor";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['4'] = "Social Sharing";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['5'] = "Facebook Comments and Likes";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['blog']['6'] = "Instagram and Twitter Connect";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['blog']['1'] = "Share your story and connect with your visitors by adding a customizable blog to your website. Configure post appearance on your published website.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['blog']['2'] = "Create your blog post now to save and publish later to coincide with specific news or a special promotion.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['blog']['3'] = "Make changes to a blog post after it has already been published using the built-in post content authoring tool and editor.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['blog']['4'] = "Encourage your visitors to like and share your content by adding icons for social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest to your site.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['blog']['5'] = "Give visitors the option to comment and like your linked Facebook page without leaving your website.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['blog']['6'] = "Automatically showcase your Instagram photos on your website every time you post and keep your site visitors updated by displaying a live feed of your Twitter account.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['1'] = "Flexible Plans";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['2'] = "Secure and Worldwide Payments";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['3'] = "Easy and Quick Checkout";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['5'] = "Product Listing and Management";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['6'] = "Promotions, Discounts and Coupons";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['7'] = "Stock Management";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['8'] = "Worldwide Shipping";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['9'] = "Tax and VAT";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['features']['store']['10'] = "Order Management and Tracking";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['1'] = "Whether you’re a boutique, shop, or full store, plans available for 10, 50, and 500 products.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['2'] = "Connect with Paypal, Square, Stripe and over 50 trusted credit card payment providers to instantly accept credit cards.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['3'] = "Give customers a faster and easier checkout with optional registration during check out. Provide a secure one-page checkout that includes customer order comments.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['5'] = "Choose from multiple product page layouts and customize the descriptions and designs as you wish. Make it easier for customers to find products by organizing them into categories.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['6'] = "Create discount coupons or promotional codes to increase sales. Increase your conversions by showing regular prices alongside discounted prices.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['7'] = "Inventory tracking helps to know if it’s time to replenish a product stock and what product variations are the most popular.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['8'] = "You can give your customers real-time carrier rates at checkout by connecting your online store with a carrier company such as USPS, FedEx, UPS, Australia Post, Canada Post, etc.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['9'] = "Apply tax calculations for any country or define specific zones. Fully control the calculation of taxes; set up taxes per location, add tax per group of products, or setup tax-free products.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresdescriptions']['store']['10'] = "Instantly receive order notifications via email. Manage and view an overview of all orders, search for orders, filter them by categories and update orders, customer information and add tacking number for shipping.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['viewPricing'] = "View pricing and packages";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templatesTitle'] = "Business Accelerating Templates";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templatesOutro'] = "Get Site Builder to view all 150+ templates that give you a quick and easy way to get started.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['tryFree'] = "Try Site Builder for FREE";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['tryFreeIntro'] = "With the Open Trial, you can try Site Builder and fully build your new website for FREE with no upfront costs.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['tryFreeIntro2'] = "Pay nothing until you're ready to publish!";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['tryFreeCta'] = "Try Site Builder today for FREE";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['pricingTitle'] = "Pricing";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabelTitle'] = "Features";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['0'] = "Professional Quality Website Templates";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['1'] = "User-First Design for All Skill Levels";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['2'] = "Easy Drag & Drop Editing";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['3'] = "Responsive to Mobile Devices";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['4'] = "Free Image Gallery";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['5'] = "Component Based Building Blocks";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['6'] = "Blog";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['7'] = "Auto Layouts for Proportional Spacing";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['8'] = "Contact Form Builder";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['9'] = "Restore Websites";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['10'] = "Theme Inheritance";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['11'] = "Social Media Integration";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['12'] = "SEO Friendly";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['13'] = "Built-In Analytics";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['14'] = "Pages";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['featuresLabels']['15'] = "E-Commerce Products";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compareTitle'] = "How does our Site Builder compare<br class=\"hidden-xs\">with competitors?";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare1'] = "User-First Design for all Skill Levels";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare1desc'] = "Designed for simplicity and ease-of-use mean higher CSS (Customer Satisfaction Scores) and a better user experience.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare2'] = "Responsive to Mobile Devices";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare2desc'] = "Saves a lot of time and effort when creating a website for different mobile devices.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare3'] = "Component-Based Building Blocks";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare3desc'] = "The Pre-designed Building Blocks will help you build professional websites without wasting time manipulating content layouts.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare4'] = "No Coding required";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare4desc'] = "SiteBuilder is not targeting professional coders. Our aim is to provide SMEs with a platform that anybody can use to create elegant websites that work on any device, in minutes.";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare5'] = "Pay less for more";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['compare5desc'] = "Half the price of other website builder tools but receive all the benefits and better features.";

$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['singlePage'] = "Single Page Templates";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['multiPage'] = "Multi-Page Templates";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['eCommerce'] = "e-Commerce Templates";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['typeLabels']['single'] = "Single Page";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['typeLabels']['multi'] = "Multi-Page";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['typeLabels']['ecom'] = "e-Commerce";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['barber-shop'] = "Barber Shop";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['bike-event'] = "Bike Event";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['childcare'] = "Childcare";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['conference'] = "Conference";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['creative-portfolio'] = "Creative Portfolio";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['dj'] = "DJ";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['gardener'] = "Gardener";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['makeup-artist'] = "Makeup Artist";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['painters'] = "Painters";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['landscape-photographer'] = "Landscape Photographer";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['rock-band'] = "Rock Band";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['seafood-restaurant'] = "Seafood Restaurant";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['sushi-restaurant'] = "Sushi Restaurant";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['tailor-shop'] = "Tailor Shop";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['training-courses'] = "Training Courses";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['travel-tours'] = "Travel Tours";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['wedding-planner'] = "Wedding Planner";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['writer'] = "Writer";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['architect'] = "Architect";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['beauty-salon'] = "Beauty Salon";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['biography'] = "Biography";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['blog-page'] = "Blog Page";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['burger-cafe'] = "Burger Cafe";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['car-dealer'] = "Car Dealer";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['catering-services'] = "Catering Services";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['city-hotel'] = "City Hotel";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['cleaning-services'] = "Cleaning Services";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['coffee-house'] = "Coffee House";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['crossfit'] = "Crossfit";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['dentist-v2'] = "Dentist";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['event-venue'] = "Event Venue";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['handyman'] = "Handyman";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['life-coach'] = "Life Coach";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['local-cafe'] = "Local Cafe";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['locksmith'] = "Locksmith";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['mobile-app'] = "Mobile App";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['mortgage-brokers'] = "Mortgage Brokers";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['photographer'] = "Photographer";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['real-estate'] = "Real Estate";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['spa'] = "Spa";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['villa-rental'] = "Villa Rental";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['wedding-event'] = "Wedding Event";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['animal-groomers'] = "Animal Groomers";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['bakery'] = "Bakery";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['beauty-store'] = "Beauty Store";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['blinds'] = "Blinds";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['bookstore'] = "Bookstore";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['furniture-collection'] = "Furniture Collection";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['grape-farm'] = "Grape Farm";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['grocery-store'] = "Grocery Store";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['home-decor'] = "Home Decor";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['toy-store'] = "Toy Store";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['templates']['tyre-repairs'] = "Tyre Repairs";

$_LANG['marketConnect']['siteBuilder']['buildWebsite'] = "Build Your Website";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['cartTitle'] = "Responsive site builder";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['cartShortDescription'] = "Add our site builder to your order to create an awesome looking website, store or blog.";

$_LANG['clickHere'] = "Click here";
$_LANG['buy'] = "Buy";
$_LANG['viewMore'] = "View More...";

$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "Add Site Builder";
$_LANG['store']['siteBuilder']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Create your website fast with Site Builder";

$_LANG['cPanel']['wptk'] = "WP Toolkit";

$_LANG['wptk']['goToWebsite'] = "Go to Website";
$_LANG['wptk']['goToAdmin'] = "Admin";
$_LANG['wptk']['createNew'] = "Create New";
$_LANG['wptk']['installationSuccess'] = "<strong>Success!</strong> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"newWordPressLink\">Visit</a> your new WordPress® install, or go to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" id=\"newWordPressAdminLink\">Admin Area</a>.";
$_LANG['wptk']['installWordPress'] = "Install WordPress®";
$_LANG['wptk']['installWordPressShort'] = "Install";

$_LANG['api']['client']['countryError'] = "Valid country required";

$_LANG['plesk']['mail'] = "Mail";
$_LANG['plesk']['applications'] = "Applications";
$_LANG['plesk']['statistics'] = "Statistics";
$_LANG['plesk']['users'] = "Users";
$_LANG['plesk']['manageDomains'] = "Manage Domains";

$_LANG['contactCreated'] = "Contact created successfully!";
$_LANG['contactUpdated'] = "Contact updated successfully!";
$_LANG['contactDeleted'] = "Contact deleted successfully!";
$_LANG['recommended'] = "Recommended";

$_LANG['ssl']['siteSeal'] = "Site Seal";
$_LANG['ssl']['getSiteSeal'] = "Get Site Seal Code";
$_LANG['ssl']['copyTheSiteSeal'] = "Copy your site seal code from the text below:";
$_LANG['ssl']['howToUseSiteSeal'] = "How to Use the Site Seal Code";
$_LANG['ssl']['siteSealError1'] = "You can only retrieve the seal HTML code after the certificate authority issues the certificate.";
$_LANG['ssl']['sealSuccess'] = "Your site seal code has been successfully retrieved.";
$_LANG['ssl']['rapidSslInstructions'] = "Copy the HTML image tag to your HTML document in the location in which you want the RapidSSL seal to display.";
$_LANG['ssl']['siteSealInstructions1'] = "Copy the DigiCert Seal HTML section and paste it into your HTML document in the location in which you want your site seal to display.";
$_LANG['ssl']['siteSealInstructions2'] = "Copy the DigiCert Seal Code section and paste it into the HEAD section of your HTML document.";
$_LANG['ssl']['certError1'] = "You can only retrieve the certificate after the certificate authority issues it.";
$_LANG['ssl']['certError2'] = "If you submitted the configuration information recently, allow time for the certificate authority to complete security checks and issue the certificate. For DV orders, this is typically under 24 hours. OV and EV certificates may require up to 3–5 days.";
$_LANG['ssl']['certError3'] = "If you continue to see this message, <a href=\"submitticket.php\">contact support</a>.";
$_LANG['ssl']['retrieved'] = "The system successfully retrieved your certificate.";
$_LANG['ssl']['copyCert'] = "Copy your certificate from the text below:";
$_LANG['ssl']['installing'] = "Installing Your Certificate";
$_LANG['ssl']['howToInstall'] = "To install your certificate, upload the certificate above to your server or control panel. The method to do this depends on your hosting environment.";
$_LANG['ssl']['installFurtherInfo'] = "For more information, see the :anchorRapidSSL Installation Support:endAnchor page.";

$_LANG['recommendations']['title']['generic'] = "Recommendations";
$_LANG['recommendations']['title']['addedTo'] = "Added to Cart";
$_LANG['recommendations']['title']['yourOrder'] = "Based on Your Order";
$_LANG['recommendations']['title']['yourProducts'] = "Based on Your Products";
$_LANG['recommendations']['explain']['generic'] = "Based on your order, we recommend:";
$_LANG['recommendations']['explain']['product'] = "Based on this product, we recommend:";
$_LANG['recommendations']['explain']['ordered'] = "Because you ordered <strong>:productName</strong>, we recommend:";
$_LANG['recommendations']['learnMore'] = "Click to learn more.";
$_LANG['recommendations']['productAdded'] = "Product Added";
$_LANG['recommendations']['taglinePlaceholder'] = "A description (tagline) is not available for this product.";

$_LANG['copyToClipboard'] = "Copy to Clipboard";

$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['diskSpace'] = "Disk Space";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['bandwidth'] = "Bandwidth";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['emailAccounts'] = "Email Accounts";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['addonDomains'] = "Addon Domains";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['parkedDomains'] = "Parked Domains";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['subDomains'] = "Sub Domains";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['mysqlDatabases'] = "MySQL Databases";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['mysqlDiskUsage'] = "MySQL Disk Usage";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['subAccounts'] = "Sub-Accounts";
$_LANG['usagebilling']['metric']['wpInstances'] = "WordPress Instances";

$_LANG['idna']['emptyLabel'] = "The domain name input is empty.";
$_LANG['idna']['labelTooLong'] = "The domain label has exceeded the maximum length.";
$_LANG['idna']['domainTooLong'] = "The domain has exceeded the maximum length.";
$_LANG['idna']['invalidDomain'] = "The domain is invalid.";
$_LANG['idna']['unknownError'] = "An unknown error occurred.";

$_LANG['domains']['europeanDomainTerms'] = "Important Information Regarding Your Contact Data: We are contractually obligated to share your personal information with the registry for this TLD. We will transfer your personal information to the registry, which may publish it to WHOIS publicly. For details on why we share your personal information, review our privacy policy and the domain registration agreement.";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['oneYearPrice'] = "1 Year";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['twoYearPrice'] = "2 Years";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['shared']['threeYearPrice'] = "3 Years";

$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['title'] = "Multi-Year SSL Certificates";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['p1'] = "Multi-year certificates allow you to pay a single discounted price for two or three years of SSL certificate coverage. When you purchase a multi-year SSL certificate, you lock in a single price for up to 3 years of coverage.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['p2'] = "Initially, you will receive a certificate that is valid for the Certificate Authority Browser Forum's maximum allowed term (1 year and 1 month) with the right to unlimited certificate reissues during the order period.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['p3'] = "Automated reissuance will occur automatically throughout the term to ensure continued protection for your website.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['p4'] = "For example, a 2-year SSL certificate order works as follows:";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['p5'] = "SSL certificates must be revalidated periodically. The maximum certificate lifetime is 13 months, requiring revalidation annually.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['benefits']['title'] = "Benefits";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['benefits']['b1'] = "Enjoy increasing discounts for each year of coverage that you purchase.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['benefits']['b2'] = "Remove the hassle of annual billing.";
$_LANG['store']['ssl']['landingPage']['multiYear']['benefits']['b3'] = "Annual validation. Yearly validation of identity in shorter validity certificates prevents potential fraud and spoofing.";
$_LANG['navMarketConnectService']['xovinow'] = "XOVI NOW";
$_LANG['marketConnect']['xoviNow']['manage'] = "Log in to XOVI NOW";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['title'] = "XOVI NOW";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['tagline'] = "Be Found Online With :lineBreak XOVI NOW";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['getStarted'] = "Get Started";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['productTourTitle'] = "Product Tour";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['measureResultsTitle'] = "Measurable Results at Your Fingertips";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['measureResults1'] = "Let's say you want to grow your business in the next year. You could start by investing some money in an SEO agency, but that seems like an overwhelming task for someone who doesn't have technical skills!";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['measureResults2'] = ":startBold Luckily, there is an easier way :endBold: let us ensure that people are finding out what makes YOUR company great from their searches online using XOVI NOW.";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['title'] = "Keywords";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['title'] = "Advisor";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['title'] = "Rank Tracker";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['title'] = "Site Audit";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['textOptimizer']['title'] = "Text Optimizer";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['title'] = "Benchmarking";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['line1'] = "A 100M+ keyword database for research and inspiration";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['bullet1'] = "Get comprehensive keyword data";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['bullet2'] = "Find out which keywords your website's ranking for";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['bullet3'] = "Identify promising keywords for better traffic";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['bullet4'] = "Analyze your competition's keywords and rankings";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['bullet5'] = "Compare international markets";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['keywords']['bullet6'] = "Profit from a 100M+ keyword database";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['line1'] = "Receive, manage, and solve tasks to improve your website";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['bullet1'] = "Kanban-style Task Manager";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['bullet2'] = "Customized and prioritized tasks";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['bullet3'] = "Detailed instructions and additional information";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['bullet4'] = "No expert knowledge needed";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['advisor']['bullet5'] = "Updated weekly";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['line1'] = "Monitor your rankings and those of your competitors";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['bullet1'] = "Track essential rankings weekly or daily";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['bullet2'] = "Local rankings for brick-and-mortar businesses";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['bullet3'] = "International rankings for global companies";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['bullet4'] = "Keep an eye on your competition";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['rankTracker']['bullet5'] = "Track keyword rankings or dedicated pages";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['line1'] = "Check the technical foundation of your website";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['bullet1'] = "Automated weekly site audits";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['bullet2'] = "Technical website check";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['bullet3'] = "Prioritized results";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['bullet4'] = "Shows improvements";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['siteAudit']['bullet5'] = "Translated results to advisor tasks";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['textOptimizer']['line1'] = "Improve your rankings with data-driven content optimization";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['textOptimizer']['bullet1'] = "Compare your text to Amazon™'s and Google™'s top 10 results";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['textOptimizer']['bullet2'] = "Increase the content quality in a guided manner";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['textOptimizer']['bullet3'] = "Add, increase, or reduce keywords as instructed";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['line1'] = "Analyse competitors, compare performance and improve your SEO";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['bullet1'] = "Discover domains that share rankings for the same keywords";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['bullet2'] = "Identify your niche's leader";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['bullet3'] = "Compare keyword rankings of two or more domains";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['bullet4'] = "Track and compare your competition's rankings for important keywords";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['features']['benchmarking']['bullet5'] = "Track and compare visibility scores";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['audience']['freelancersTitle'] = "Freelancers";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['audience']['freelancersDesc'] = "XOVI NOW was designed to provide immediate value for your personal website or your clients’ sites, from an initial site audit through recommendations to improve your search engine results.";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['audience']['smbizTitle'] = "Small and Medium-sized Businesses";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['audience']['smbizDesc'] = "You don't have to be an SEO expert to improve your business's Google rankings. XOVI NOW will identify the best keywords for your business while also keeping an eye on the performance of your competitors.";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['moneyBackGuarantee'] = "Flexible Pricing Options With :guaranteeStart 30 Day Money Back Guarantee :guaranteeEnd";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['1'] = "Projects";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['2'] = "Full-Access Accounts";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['3'] = "Read-Only Accounts";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['4'] = "Competitor Benchmarking";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['5'] = "Competitors per project";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['6'] = "Keyword Research";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['7'] = "Rank Tracker";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['8'] = "Keyword crawls";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['9'] = "Keyword check";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['10'] = "Site Audit";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['11'] = "Pages to crawl";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['12'] = "SEO Advisor";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['featurematrix']['13'] = "SEO Text Optimizer";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faqTitle'] = "Frequently Asked Questions";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq1'] = "What is SEO?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq1ans'] = "<p>SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. It is an essential online marketing strategy dedicated to driving prospective customers to your website. Its goal is to optimize a website to gain top positions for selected keywords on search engines. This goal is achieved by strategically employing measures to improve the website's technical setup and contents and obtaining backlinks from other domains.</p><p>SEO is divided into three general categories:</p><ol><li>Keywords and rankings</li><li>On-page SEO</li><li>Off-page SEO</li></ol><p>SEO specialists apply measures to meet the search engine's ranking factors for each category. Search engines use ranking factors to determine the position in which it lists a website in search results.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq2'] = "Why Do I Need SEO?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq2ans'] = "<p>Every day, millions of people use search engines to find information or services from all aspects of life: Recipes, guides, products, flights, navigation, tickets, entertainment, and more. Most people navigate the web using search engines to find answers to their questions and solutions to their challenges.</p><p>A study shows that 68% of the web's traffic comes from search engines. 53% of this traffic has its origins in organic search—search results that are not ads (paid search) and can be improved through SEO.</p><img src=\":image1\"><p>In other words, organic search (SEO) and paid search (SEA, ads in search results) make up the lion's share of traffic on the web.</p><p>Even where we go offline is significantly influenced by search engines: We use Google and Apple Maps and local search results to find places and nearby services like hairdressers, supermarkets, restaurants, and doctors. We choose our destination based on online reviews. And we instruct search engine-based services to guide us there, be it by car, public transportation, or on foot.</p><p>Now, imagine if your business, products, and services are not listed in search results. Imagine people can't find you online to buy your products or find their way to your brick-and-mortar business. Instead, they will most likely choose your competition.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq3'] = "What Can SEO Do For Me?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq3ans'] = "<p>With the help of SEO, users can find your business, products, and services online—and buy them. As mentioned, that means that people can find you online and much easier offline, too.</p><p>SEO maximizes your chances to be listed in top positions for keywords crucial to your business. The better your position, the more people will find their way to your website—preferably on the first page (or top ten) of search results.</p><p><strong>Why Page One?</strong></p><p>Good question. Studies have shown that 31.7% of users click on the first organic search result (position one); a whopping 75.1% of all clicks go to the top three search results. After that, the number of clicks shrinks rapidly with every following position.</p><img src=\":image2\"><p>This behavior shows that users rarely look at page two or lower results, let alone click on any of them.</p><img src=\":image3\"><p>That's why businesses need to be present on the first page of search results, at least for relevant keywords.</p><p>In short: It's crucial for freelancers and business owners to</p><ol><li>Own a website or any kind of online presence, even if they offer their products or services offline</li><li>Perform SEO to make sure they rank on page one for relevant keywords</li></ol>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq4'] = "Why Are Keywords Important?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq4ans'] = "<p><em>Keyword</em> is a technical term for search queries (words, phrases, sentences, and questions). With their help, users find content that answers their questions and provides solutions. Put simply, a keyword is the link between users and your website. Search engines compare keywords with websites, looking for content with the highest relevance.</p><p>A big part of SEO lies in identifying keywords that have the potential to drive relevant traffic to your website—in other words, bringing in prospective customers. To do that, you need to identify search terms (or keywords) people use when searching for offers like yours. This process is called keyword research. Ideally, keyword research provides you with a list of keywords covering search queries across the entire customer journey.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq5'] = "What Is Keyword Optimization?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq5ans'] = "<p>So we know that relevance is a crucial factor for a top position in search results. To create relevant content, you want to deal with the topics and questions around a keyword on an individual subpage or URL. Then, make sure your keyword appears in crucial spots on your page.</p><p>Let's say you are in the ice cream business. One of your keywords is <em>s'mores ice cream sandwich</em>. Now you focus on everything that has to do with a <em>s'mores ice cream sandwich</em>.</p><p>What you want to do is create a recipe page for a <em>s'mores ice cream sandwich</em> where users find an easy-to-follow recipe, pictures or videos, and answers to questions they might have. <em>S'mores ice cream sandwich</em> is your focus keyword that should appear in your page's URL, title, headlines, and more.</p><p>Providing a dedicated and keyword-optimized page makes it easy for search engines—and users, too—to determine what your page is all about. That way, they can list it in good positions in related search results.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq6'] = "How to use the Advisor";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq6ans'] = "<p>First, check out the advisor's board by clicking Advisor in the top navigation bar. It is a Kanban board helping you organize your tasks by status. Your tasks are color coded by importance:</p><ul><li><strong>Red:</strong> High. Solve ASAP.</li><li><strong>Yellow:</strong> Medium. Tackle those soon.</li><li><strong>Blue:</strong> Low. Keep them in mind and solve them when you can.</li></ul><img src=\":image1\"><p>You can drag and drop as you complete tasks, assign tasks to other users (depending on your plan), and filter by the assignee.</p><p>As mentioned above, tasks are a mix of standard basic SEO measures and issues found in weekly automated audits of your website.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq7'] = "I want an advisor for other websites. How do I get it?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq7ans'] = "<p>Keep in mind that you do need a <em>Project</em> for the Advisor feature to work. Also, most of the Advisor's tasks are tailored to a Project's website (usually yours or your client's). If you manage more than one website, you'll need to create an extra Project for each of them.</p><p>To add or switch to another project, click the <em>Projects</em> menu in the top navigation bar. Depending on your plan, you might need to upgrade it to add another Project.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq8'] = "How do I assign tasks to other users?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq8ans'] = "<p>To assign a task to other users, you'll need a plan that allows additional users. If your plan includes additional users, you'll find the Assignee menu in your Advisor and tasks. Simply choose a user to assign a task or filter the Advisor by. To add a new user, click on your profile avatar and then click <em>Users</em>. If your plan does not include additional users, you won't see the <em>Assignee</em> menu in your Advisor or tasks. Upgrade your plan to add users.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq9'] = "There are tasks I've already covered. Why do they pop up?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq9ans'] = "<p>There are two reasons why you might see tasks you've already solved or covered. As mentioned above, tasks are a mix of basic SEO measures and issues found in weekly automated audits of your website.</p><p>First, the tasks covering basic SEO measures are the same for everyone and are not tailored to your website or business. For example, we don't know whether you created a Google account for your business and set up Search Console or if you installed SEO plugins. If you already did—great work! Simply flag those tasks as Done.</p><p>The second reason is that the Advisor is automatically updated based on the results of automated weekly Site Audits. In other words, if a Site Audit identifies any issues concerning a task you completed in the past, it will automatically be updated and pop up in the Open section.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq10'] = "What is Project Visibility?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq10ans'] = "<p>Maybe you already stopped to think, “Wait, but I don't care about my visibility for keywords that have nothing to do with my business.” And you are right. While Visibility is a great score to get an idea of your overall performance and compare websites in general, it's not tailored to your specific keyword set.</p><p>That's why we provide <em>Project Visibility</em>. This metric is calculated the same way as Visibility, but instead of using 500,000 cross-industry keywords, Project Visibility is exclusively based on keywords in your Rank Tracker.</p><p>In other words, Project Visibility is a custom visibility score for the unique set of keywords relevant to your business.</p><p>You'll find Project Visibility here: <em>Projects → Rank Tracker → Visibility</em>.</p><p>As you might already know, you can also track your competitors' rankings in your Rank Tracker. That way, you'll get Project Visibility for them, too, allowing for a much more realistic comparison. So, even if they have a slightly different product or service portfolio, Project Visibility accounts exclusively for keywords you actually share.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq11'] = "Why is Visibility score useful?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq11ans'] = "<p>Use your Visibility score as an indicator of your overall SEO performance, problems, and potential for optimization.</p><p><strong>1. Get An Idea of Your Overall SEO Performance</strong></p><p>You can track rankings for single keywords and know which position you rank on. It's an important thing to do. However, rank tracking does not give you a bird's eye view perspective of the overall improvement of your rankings—but Visibility does. When your SEO measures are effective and rankings improve, so does your Visibility score.</p><p><strong>2. Diagnose SEO Problems</strong></p><p>A sudden drop in your Visibility indicates problems in your SEO performance. Use Visibility like an alert. If it drops significantly, start digging for what happened. Here's a list of common reasons:</p><ul><li>You were hit with a <strong>Google Penalty</strong>. Check Search Console for notifications. Make sure to follow <a href=\":googleWebmasterGuidelinesUrl\" target=\"_blank\">Google's Webmaster Guidelines</a>.</li><li>There are ramifications from a recent change in Google's algorithm. Inquire about recent <strong>Google Updates</strong> and what they entail.</li><li>Your competitors optimized their websites and content, and now they out-compete you. Compare their (historical) <strong>Visibility</strong> with yours. Use the <a href=\":waybackMachineUrl\" target=\"_blank\">Wayback Machine</a> to compare how their content changed.</li><li>You relaunched your site without SEO in mind. For example, check <em>robots.txt</em> and <em>.htaccess</em> for accidentally blocked pages, increased 404 status codes, faulty 301-redirects, and internal links.<br><br>You changed your content in a way that didn't help your rankings. Consider reversing the changes.<br><br>Your website has technical issues. Run a <em>Site Audit</em> or check your <strong><em>Advisor</em></strong> for open technical tasks. Check your backend for outdated, recently updated, or incompatible <strong>plugins</strong> that may cause havoc.<br><br>Hosting issues are the cause. Inquire whether your host made recent changes, has been hacked, moved their servers, or experienced technical difficulties. See if your server has issues.</li></ul><p>Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive. One or more of those reasons can apply simultaneously, or there could be other reasons altogether.</p><p><strong>3. Competitor Comparison</strong></p><p>Visibility is a great metric for a quick comparison of two or more websites. Check your Visibility against theirs. Who is out-competing who? Has a competitor outperformed you in the past or vice versa? Who's leading the field, and how big is the gap between you and your fiercest competitor? Answering those questions will help you develop an SEO strategy to come out (and stay) at the top of your niche.</p><p><strong>4. Track Visibility Development Over Time With Historical Data</strong></p><p>Want to know how a website fared over time? We provide historical data going all the way back to 2009, free of seasonal fluctuations. That way, you can track and compare historic Visibility and see their development over long periods of time.</p>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq12'] = "How Can I Improve My Visibility Score?";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['faq12ans'] = "<p>Short answer: Don't make improving Visibility a goal in your SEO strategy.</p><p>Long answer: Visibility <em>reflects</em> the quality of your rankings in a single metric; it won't lead to better rankings. Make it your goal to improve your rankings for relevant keywords that prospective customers actually use to find products and services like yours. Improving your rankings will improve your Visibility, too. But it's your rankings that really matter.</p><p>As a rule of thumb, your Visibility score will be higher if</p><ul><li>Your domain's URLs rank in good positions</li><li>You have a high number of indexed URLs with good rankings</li><li>You rank well for keywords with a high search volume</li></ul>";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['promo']['sidebar']['title'] = "SEO Tools";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['promo']['sidebar']['body'] = "Improve your site performance with accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use site rankings, keywords, and an advisor.";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['cartTitle'] = "SEO Tools";
$_LANG['store']['xoviNow']['cartShortDescription'] = "Improve your site performance with accurate, reliable, and easy-to-use site rankings, keywords, and an advisor.";

$_LANG['ssl']['status']['awaitingConfiguration'] = "Awaiting Configuration";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['awaitingIssuance'] = "Awaiting Issuance";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['cancelled'] = "Cancelled";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['completed'] = "Completed";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['configurationSubmitted'] = "Configuration Submitted";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['expired'] = "Expired";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['reissueFailed'] = "Reissue Failed";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['reissuePending'] = "Reissue Pending";
$_LANG['ssl']['status']['reissued'] = "Reissued";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['organization'] = "Organization";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['organizationUnit'] = "Organization Unit";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['locality'] = "Locality";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['country'] = "Country";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['state'] = "State";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['commonName'] = "Common Name";
$_LANG['ssl']['x500DN']['domainName'] = "Domain Name";

////////// End of danish language file.  Do not place any translation strings below this line!